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Wednesday, May 31, 2006

From Prescription Drug Plans to Long Term Care Policies, Government Forcing Another Tough Choice; Help Offered by Insurance Experts

From Prescription Drug Plans to Long Term Care Policies, Government Forcing Another Tough Choice; Help Offered by Insurance ExpertsPublished: Wed, 31 May 2006, 03:45:00 GMT
Edited by Christopher L. SimmonsStaff Writer,

More InformationAbout This Story: CONTACTLTC Financial PartnersKIRKLAND, WA - May 31 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- As millions of Americans recover from the daunting choice among prescription drug plans (deadline was May 15), the Government is forcing another health care decision. And this one's a doozie, according to LTC Financial Partners LLC. "Which long term care insurance policy should you pick?"

More @

And yet Congress and the other usual suspects want to add millions more to SS roles and add yet another burden on all health care services by allowing millions of illegals in this nation a free pass to all the rides. Yeah it sure does seem like the Fed's are really interested in the citizens who were 'BORN AMERICANS'!

Gore: Bush is 'renegade rightwing extremist'

Gore: Bush is 'renegade rightwing extremist'

Oliver Burkeman and Jonathan Freedland
Wednesday May 31, 2006
The Guardian

Al Gore has made his sharpest attack yet on the George Bush presidency, describing the current US administration as "a renegade band of rightwing extremists".
In an interview with the Guardian today, the former vice-president calls himself a "recovering politician", but launches into the political fray more explicitly than he has previously done during his high-profile campaigning on the threat of global warming.

Denying that his politics have shifted to the left since he lost the court battle for the 2000 election, Mr Gore says: "If you have a renegade band of rightwing extremists who get hold of power, the whole thing goes to the right."

More @ guardian

The 2x4 can't even get politics right! The 2x4 thinks GW Bush is a Right-Wing Extremist! No way is GW Bush any such thing! A pandering RINO is what GW Bush is and his polices make that very clear. The fellow who is typing this and that would be me is a Right-Wing Extremist and I make no apologies for it.

Al Gore has once again proven its far better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a dolt, then to open you mouth and prove you're a fool of the first water.

Congressman Tried to Hide Papers, Justice Dept. Says

Congressman Tried to Hide Papers, Justice Dept. SaysCourt Filing in Response to Jefferson Lawsuit Defends Raid

By Allan Lengel and Charles BabingtonWashington Post Staff WritersWednesday, May 31, 2006; A04

The Justice Department yesterday vigorously defended the recent weekend raid of Rep. William J. Jefferson's Capitol Hill office as part of a bribery investigation, asserting that the Democratic lawmaker attempted to hide documents from FBI agents while they were searching his New Orleans home last August.


"It is my belief that when Congressman Jefferson placed documents into the blue bag, he was attempting to conceal documents that were relevant to the investigation," FBI agent Stacey E. Kent of New Orleans stated in an affidavit that was part of the government's court submission. The document was filed in response to Jefferson's lawsuit demanding that the government return to him documents seized during the raid on his Capitol Hill office 11 days ago.

More @ washingtonpost

You don't try to hide what is not illegal or incriminating! This whole affair is like a pressure cooker with the heat turned up to the max and with no one to lower the heat. If this pressure cooker is left unattended long enough its going to blow and maybe blow up Congress with it. I sense a desperate urge by Congress on both side of the aisle and Bush & Co as well to make this all go away, post haste. So far its not going away and the pressure valve on the cooker is close to blowing.

As Hurricane Season Looms, States Aim to Scare

As Hurricane Season Looms, States Aim to Scare

MIAMI, May 30 — Convinced that tough tactics are needed, officials in hurricane-prone states are trumpeting dire warnings about the storm season that starts on Thursday, preaching self-reliance and prodding the public to prepare early and well.

Cities are circulating storm-preparation checklists, counties are holding hurricane expositions at shopping malls and states are dangling carrots like free home inspections and tax-free storm supplies in hopes of conquering complacency.

But the main strategy, it seems, is to scare the multitudes of people who emergency officials say remain blasé even after last year's record-breaking storm season.

To persuade residents to heed evacuation orders, the Florida Division of Emergency Management is broadcasting public service announcements with recordings of 911 calls placed during Hurricane Ivan in 2004.
"The roof has completely caved in on us," a woman cries as chilling music swells, only to be told that rescuers cannot come out during the storm.

Speaking of the tactics, Craig Fugate, Florida's emergency management director, said last week at a news conference in Tallahassee, "We're going to use a sledgehammer."

This save-yourselves approach comes after government agencies were overwhelmed by pleas for help after last year's storms and strongly criticized as not responding swiftly or thoroughly enough to the public need. Now, officials have said repeatedly, only the elderly, the poor and the disabled should count on the government to help them escape a hurricane or endure its immediate aftermath.

Mississippi, where more than 200 residents died in Hurricane Katrina, unrolled a "Stay Alert. Stay Alive" hurricane awareness campaign in April. State officials told residents what to pack in a "go-kit" for evacuating (flashlight, radio, nonelectric can opener) and, like many others, commanded them to stockpile at least three days' worth of water and food.

More @ NY Times

Sigh! You would not think you would have to warn people to have a non-electric can opener or a flashlight or a supply of food and water. This is like warning people that it gets dark when the sun goes down. I guess that will be the next warning news flash, "WARNING, WARNING WHEN THE SUN GOES DOWN IT WILL BECOME DARK. FILM CLIPS AT 11!"

El futuro de America? Si

El futuro de America? Si
May 29, 2006
by Diana West


But why? Why does the American political establishment -- with few genuinely patriotic exceptions -- want to destabilize the American nation? If this were a Democratic era -- a Kerry presidency, a Reid Senate, a Pelosi House -- I would understand. I wouldn't like it any better, but the eradication of U.S. borders and, ultimately, the nation's core European identity is the sort of policy that follows from the West-corroding multiculturalism once uniquely associated with the Left.

But this is a rock-ribbed Republican moment. Plus, it's a time of war. Sad to say, it's also time for a national shrink, someone to answer the question: Why are we killing ourselves?

The first patient, of course, would be the president himself. The Wall Street Journal's Peggy Noonan has pegged the president's obvious disinterest in securing the border either to a crass effort to placate the Hispanic vote, or to "being lost in some geopolitical-globalist abstract-athon" that disconnects the administration from "the low concerns of normal Americans."

This bubble comes to mind on reading reader e-mail from Arizona, for instance, about home invasions and other illegal alien crime the president seems callous to, even as he seems to view immigration law enforcement as gratuitously brutish -- or, as the Center for Immigration Studies' Mark Krikorian puts it, as "uncompassionate and un-Christian." This is particularly the case, Krikorian writes at National Review Online, when it comes to Mexico, which he believes Bush regards as a "cousin" nation like Britain or Israel.

Familial feelings for seemingly corrupt and non-cooperative Mexico may seem puzzling until one reads Newsweek's contribution to the couch session -- a story highlighting Bush's affection for the Mexican-born women who have always tended him and his family. OK: So Bush regards housekeeper Paula Rendon as his "second mother." That's nice. But does that mean the rest of us have to regard 100 million Mexicans as fellow citizens?

Of course, the end of America as a national idea is being promulgated by forces greater than any one man. From the anti-American Left to bottom-line Big Business, from global elites to media elites, there is less and less any notion of a nation.

Such amnesia may be fine for them. But then there's the rest of us. Is America something we can just forget?

MOre @ Townhall

She hits the nail on the head when she speaks of 'Bottom Line Big Business'. The Business Cartel has no national pride, no national identity, and no national patriotism. Business is driven by profit alone and if you can make 100% profit, why not 200% or even 1000%? There is no end to the profit driven bottom line! Unless the Business Cartel is reigned in they will give away the nation our forefathers sweated, bled, and died for. Tell you Congressmen/Senator that Business is not the end all be all of this nation and that you want a 'real border solution' and not the give-away of this nations ideals and history.

Pedophiles to launch political party Tue May 30, 1:03 PM ET

Pedophiles to launch political party Tue May 30, 1:03 PM ET

AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - Dutch pedophiles are launching a political party to push for a cut in the legal age for sexual relations to 12 from 16 and the legalization of child pornography and sex with animals, sparking widespread outrage.

The Charity, Freedom and Diversity (NVD) party said on its Web site it would be officially registered Wednesday, proclaiming: "We are going to shake The Hague awake!"

The party said it wanted to cut the legal age for sexual relations to 12 and eventually scrap the limit altogether.

"A ban just makes children curious," Ad van den Berg, one of the party's founders, told the Algemeen Dagblad (AD) newspaper.

"We want to make pedophilia the subject of discussion," he said, adding the subject had been a taboo since the 1996 Marc Dutroux child abuse scandal in neighboring Belgium.

"We want to get into parliament so we have a voice. Other politicians only talk about us in a negative sense, as if we were criminals," Van den Berg told Reuters.

The Netherlands, which already has liberal policies on soft drugs, prostitution and gay marriage, was shocked by the plan.

An opinion poll published Tuesday showed that 82 percent wanted the government to do something to stop the new party, while 67 percent said promoting pedophilia should be illegal.

More @ Yahoo News

Something wrong here! Although I'm no math whiz 82% and 62% add up to more than 100%, WTF???

Be prepared for this particular brand of perverted political party to make an appearance in the US, my bet is in CA, NY, or FL. Like faggots child abusers like pedophiles have a worldwide underground network of scumbags who are hell bent on foisting their perverted behavior off on the rest of us.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Absent Comrades

I know that Memorial Is several days away, however I just found this picture and I have to post it now before I get busy and forget it. This is only one cemetery of many that are scattered around the globe where in lie the bones of men and women who gave the last full measure of love, courage and devotion to the Unites States of America. Let us never forget that most of these men and women were in the full flower of their youth and vigor when they gave all that a person may give for their nation. Let us also never forget in these troubled times of what others sacrificed in the past and be ready to make the same sacrifice if we are called upon to do so.

Latrobe Employee's Daughter Petitions to Keep Rolling Rock at Latrobe

Latrobe Employee's Daughter Petitions to Keep Rolling Rock at Latrobe

Beer News posted by Todd / 05-26-2006

We were just sent this by Christina M. Gumola, daughter of a Latrobe employee with 22 years invested, who is urging A-B to keep Rolling Rock at Latrobe.

There's also an on-line petition that you can sign - at the time of posting this there are 6230 Total Signatures, and rising ... quickly.

And the following is the letter she sent to Anheuser-Busch's board members. A very interesting, thoughtful and personal take on A-B's recent purchase of Latrobe, though I'm not sure A-B would entertain such a request or even care at this point as the purchase of the brand, and just the brand, is done.

InBev? Highly doubtful they'd care - closing breweries and axing jobs is their forte.

Here's to trying though!

--- (by Christina M. Gumola)

To Whom It May Concern:

It was on Friday May 19, 2006, when I received a phone call from my father Richard Pavlik, who is a 22 year long employee of Latrobe Brewing Company, when I got the news. "The label was bought by Anheuser-Busch for $82 million." I quickly asked about the future of his job in which he replied, "I have 60 days then I no longer have a job." Immediately I broke down in tears for many reasons, one of which was my concern for the well-being of my parents and the effect this job loss will have on their lives. I have to admit that along with my sadness, I was very angry. "How could someone do this to, not only my father and the other 200+ employees of Latrobe Brewing Company, but to a whole community whose livelihood revolved around their pride and commitment to Latrobe Brewing Company-more specifically Rolling Rock beer."

More @ beeradvocate More related here snopes & here pittsburghlive

R/R was my brand of choice for nearly 30 years. Now Bud has bought it out RIP R/R.

Bold Statement on Immigration Shows Off Lady Liberty's Undies

Bold Statement on Immigration Shows Off Lady Liberty's Undies

May 30, 2006 01:55 PM EDT

Protest Shows Off Lady Liberty's Behind

Homeowner Art Bollinger created the Liberty statue.

The statue expresses Bollinger's distaste for illegal immigrants.

SOUTH TOLEDO -- A south Toledo man is using a replica of the Statue of Liberty to let the world know his thoughts on illegal immigration. Art Bollinger says he got this idea from an e-mail he received, and decided to duplicate the picture.

From the front, you can see the Statue of Liberty. From behind, it shows Lady Liberty's behind, in a thong bikini. The nearby sign says "Kiss my American Ass."

Bollinger tells News 11 he will accept anyone into this country as long as they come here legally, but he has no patience for those who sneak in. "You don't have rights. You are here illegally," said Bollinger of the people who cross the border without permission. "If I break the law, I go to prison. You break the law and the American government says they'll kiss your behind. No. That's ridiculous."

More @

More pictures at the source. I like this guy!!!!!

"Weapon of Mass Destruction" Targets Sex Shop In Waldo

"Weapon of Mass Destruction" Targets Sex Shop In Waldo

5/29/2006 11pm report

By Grayson Kamm
First Coast News

WALDO, FL -- Detectives say it's an act of local terrorism. An adult bookstore is cleaning up after a chemical attack by a homemade device that investigators are calling a "weapon of mass destruction."

In Waldo, people have held prayer vigils and protests aimed at an adult bookstore along US 301, trying to keep the "Cafe Risque" from opening its doors on time.

Those efforts have all failed, so investigators say it looks like someone has turned to what they're calling a clear act of terrorism to keep the store's owner from opening up shop.

The device, discovered Sunday morning, was made of two gallon-size sports drink jugs connected by hoses. Someone set it on top of the store's window air conditioning unit.

Detectives say that person then strung one hose from a water spigot on the outside of the building, and pushed another hose into the building through a gap above the air conditioner.

"That water hose would churn it up, mix it up in the gallon jug, and enter it into the building," said Alachua County Sheriff's Sergeant Keith Faulk. Investigators say one of the jugs had a harmful substance inside that flowed into the store along with the water.

More @ firstcoastnews

I'm going to offend some people with my take on this, but hell I've been offending people for years! Remember I'm not politically correct and I see no sacred cows at any time.

This ignorant move has all the ear marks of the same sort of people who have been disrupting American Military funerals. That's right more of the homegrown American Religious Police who want to regulate what you see, say, do, and even think. I see no difference between the American Religious Police and the wackos from the Muslim Religious Police. They both have the same goals and ideas, they're just getting their orders from a different God.

I have a solution to this whole thing. You follow your religion and your God and leave the rest of us alone!

U.S. Policy Was to Shoot Korean Refugees

U.S. Policy Was to Shoot Korean Refugees

The Associated Press
Monday, May 29, 2006; 2:44 PM

-- More than a half-century after hostilities ended in Korea, a document from the war's chaotic early days has come to light _ a letter from the U.S. ambassador to Seoul, informing the State Department that American soldiers would shoot refugees approaching their lines.

The letter _ dated the day of the Army's mass killing of South Korean refugees at No Gun Ri in 1950 _ is the strongest indication yet that such a policy existed for all U.S. forces in Korea, and the first evidence that that policy was known to upper ranks of the U.S. government.

"If refugees do appear from north of US lines they will receive warning shots, and if they then persist in advancing they will be shot," wrote Ambassador John J. Muccio, in his message to Assistant Secretary of State Dean Rusk.

More @ washingtonpost

OK here is how this all went down. In 1950 US forces and ROK forces were in full retreat from the Commie hordes from the N/Korea. The ever clever Commies had infiltrated armed troops dressed in civilian clothing into the civilian columns heading southward. The Commie plan was to infiltrate as many troop's as they could behind US lines with an eye to creating as much havoc as possible.

The civilians were warned not to approach US forces by leaflet and word of mouth. The Commies in their usual brutal fashion forced the civilians to maintain their pace southward. US forces used air strikes, artillery, and small arms fire to break up the civilian columns.

So who's the bad guy in all this? According to the usual suspects its the US of course! Is hell raised because the entire incident was caused by the callous behavior of the Commies? Well of course not! This is like having someone rob a bank and in their get away they shoot and kill a teller because the cops show up and open fire on the robbers. Then the cops get blamed for doing their job and not the robbers for setting the events in motion to start with.

Did we kill innocent Korean civilians during the Korean War? We most certainly did so and we had no choice. In the chaos of war the niceties of civilized behavior do not apply. Civilians during war are like buildings or trees, they are part of the landscape and nothing more. There is not time to sort the sheep from the goats and even if there was time it poses an unnecessary risk to our combat troops.

Those who believe that warfare has or should have rules have no idea what war is all about. There are two rules in war, win and win with the least cost to your side as possible. Sure that's callous and cold, but then war isn't for the bleeding hearts and the sob sisters. War is not for the faint of heart or those who are squeamish about killing to get the job done.

The United States of the Third World (Greg Crosby)

Basti Note: I snipped out most of this article to get to the meat and potatoes of it all. The author says it very well. By all evidence we are living in the final years of what once was the 'Shining Dream'. Of what once was 'The Light That In That Otherwise Dark & Gloomy World'. The worst part is that we as Americans have allowed this to happen because we did not nip it all in the bud from the onset. 'The Wonderful Shining Republic' is on life-support and the prognosis is for death by 'Political Correctness'.


All the wonderful American culture will soon be gone. The stuff that made America "America" is really on the way out. Thanks to political correctness, multiculturalism, leftist universities with professors that truly hate western values, and our terrible immigration practices, I'm afraid the America that the good old movies portrayed will be gone forever.

My generation was lucky enough to have at least seen the tail end of it. Anyone under the age of about 35 has never experienced what America was. Our wonderful country will soon be just another version of what most of Europe has become. That's the first step. From there it will eventually turn into just another third world culture. Very sad. But it can't be stopped.

All we can do is try to live what time we have left on earth by dressing, acting, and supporting everything that is and was the American culture that we knew. Keep your faith, be a decent person, listen to great music, go to places that play it, go see good movies, wear non-sloppy, clean-looking adult clothes, and live by those traditional American values. Put them to use in everyday life. In short, conduct yourself as if it is still the America of the middle 20th century, and try to ignore the contemporary crap. You may not change the tide, but who knows … maybe you will. At the very least, you'll feel good about yourself and others will take notice.

But don't write for free. That's my job.

More @ jewishworldreview

It's Only a Movie, It's Only a Movie, It's Only a Movie...

Basti Note: The author of this piece nails it to the floor about the DaVinci Code. The book was fiction and so is the movie! Fiction people, fiction! You know what fiction is! Fiction is the promises that politicians make before they're elected and fact is what they do after they get elected. Read the entire article, the author has a droll turn of sarcasm that is a delight to read.

It's Only a Movie, It's Only a Movie, It's Only a Movie...
Written by Doc Farmer
Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Re: DaVinci Code Movie Mania

I keep reading all these stories about people getting angry about this new movie, “The DaVinci Code” starring Tom Hanks. Now, let's face it. You can count the number of bad movies Hanks has ever made with the fingers on one hand (and you'd still have some spares). He's a great all-around actor. He does well in comedy and drama, and from all accounts he's not a Hollyweird kind of guy. Married, kids, well grounded, no fancy airs about him.

Yet people are trashing him for this movie. Well, more accurately, trashing his hair.

As a bald guy (and bald by choice – I can highly recommend the new Gillette Prism, by the bye), I can't figure that one out, quite frankly, but let's move on to the basic point of my thesis.

As I understand it, this movie is all about a story line that claims that Jesus got married to Mary Magdalene, had kids, and the "holy grail" were the children of that marriage. A deep, dark, "secret society" was then formed to protect that bloodline. Leonardo Da Vinci, arguably the greatest mind of the Renaissance, was part of this society and left secret codes in certain of his works, including the Mona Lisa. (By the bye, he's also rumored to have been the creator of the "Shroud of Turin" by creating a photographic process centuries before it was discovered in the modern era; I don't know if that was part of the movie or not, but there are those who believe the image on the shroud is that of Da Vinci, not the Christ). Somebody discovers this “secret code” 487 years after Da Vinci’s death, and gets chased around by some Albino Jedi assassin or other.

Well, the Catholic Church has apparently banned Catholics from seeing the movie. Of course, there was an old tradition when the Archdiocese of Boston would ban a movie: "Banned in Boston" would make a movie an instant success, mainly because people wanted to see what all the fuss was about. Moreover, as we all know, all Catholics follow the teachings of their church to the letter, and only use the rhythm method of birth control, completely eschewing any pills, creams, condoms, or other mechanical devices to prevent conception.

Yeah, right.

Furthermore, it's not just the Catholics who are in an uproar about this. Other Christian groups are putting out books and DVDs to debunk the movie and its plotline.

More @ chronwatch

Bloomberg Emerges From Cocoon of Political Deceit

Bloomberg Emerges From Cocoon of Political Deceit

Alicia Colon

A Republican in name only (RINO) eventually tires of role-playing when the opportunity to display true colors arises. Mayor Bloomberg emerged from his cocoon of political deceit last week in such blooming leftism that I suspect he’s planning to give Hillary Clinton a run for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2008. Anyone surprised at this possibility hasn’t been paying attention to how he’s ruining, I mean, running this city.

At a speech before graduating students at his alma mater, John Hopkins University, Mr. Bloomberg embraced the left-wing agenda with a fervor missing from every phony campaign speech he gave running for re-election as a Republican. Last week in Baltimore, he railed against faith-based science, warned against global warming, and in essence, congratulated himself for making New York the abortion capital of the nation. Oh, and he hates the National Rifle Association.

It appears that the mayor is addressing national issues but his positions are hardly likely to win him support within the GOP. No, Mr. Bloomberg wants to appeal to the Democrats who are having second thoughts about having Senator Clinton represent them in 2008. I grant you that Mr. Bloomberg is a smart man when it comes to business and accumulating billionaire status, but if he really believes in global warming then he’s just as flaky as Al Gore. More likely, he’s just repeating the left-wing mantra that will appeal to celebrities who’ll flock to his side if he decides to switch parties. They just love anyone who mocks those who have strong religious beliefs.

The mayor criticized school districts in Kansas and Mississippi that want to teach “intelligent design,” the theory that human life cannot be explained solely by evolution. I don’t understand why there’s a problem with teaching more than one hypothesis for one of the biggest mysteries of life. I attended Catholic school where we learned about Darwin and were taught that his theory may indeed explain the evolution of man’s body but that man with a soul cannot be scientifically explained. Where’s the conflict?

More @ nysun

There doesn't seem to be many Republicans who aren't RINO's in Congress either and our POTUS has run up his true colors after the 2004 election as well.

Question: What's the difference between a RINO and a Lefty Democratic?

Answer: With Lefty Democrats you know you're gonna get a major screwing, because they lay it all out in detail. With RINO's they flat out lie about their politics and then give you a good 'Stealth Screwing'.

Government Is Our Friend- - - -Not! (My Title)

Cancer survivor sues over firing

May 21, 2006

BY STEVE WARMBIR Staff Reporter Advertisement

Ronald Michalowicz, a fire inspector for the village of Bedford Park, was given a 27 percent chance to live as he battled a rare form of tongue cancer.

The community rallied around him, raising about $25,000 to help.

He fought the cancer into remission.

But the village where he had worked for 28 years fired him for taking the contributions, in alleged violation of the Illinois Gift Ban Act and village code prohibiting employees from soliciting gifts that could affect their decision-making.

On Friday, Michalowicz sued Bedford Park, its mayor and village board in federal court for allegedly violating his rights. "The emotional stress I'm going through is unbelievable," Michalowicz said.

'His crime . . . he recovered'

His attorney, Michael Ettinger, said he doesn't understand why the village fired his client.

"His crime seems to be that he recovered from cancer," said Ettinger, who is representing Michalowicz with attorney Richard S. Zachary.

More @ suntimes

Just when you think you've heard all the horror stories about government nitwittery, government manages to one up themselves. I swear that no government from the Fed's to the locals has clue as to what they're doing or is being done in their name.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Basti Says

Basti Says New poll up in my sidebar. Results of the last poll are below.

Upbeat There Is No Where To Go But Up 13%
2. Somewhat Optimistic 13%
3. Depends On Factors We have No Control Over 0 0%
4. No Change We Just Muddle Along 25%
5. Worse But Not Disastrous 13%
6. Much Worse 13%
7. Complete Disaster All The Way Around 13%
8. We Won't Last Another 20 To 25 years 13%

Pitt-Jolie Baby Lucky To Be Alive

Pitt-Jolie Baby Lucky To Be Alive

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s new baby girl, Shiloh, is lucky to be alive.

The infant mortality rate in Namibia, according to the CIA’s website, is 48.1 deaths per 1000 live births. In 2003, 21 percent of Namibians died of AIDS. Women are only expected to live to age 42 in Namibia. Men aren't expected to live past their 44th birthday.


So I can only imagine what the Namibians who’ve been pressed into service for this birth are thinking (and not saying) to Pitt, Jolie and company. “Stupid Americans" comes to mind. "Patronizing Hollywood stars" is another. But Namibians are too polite to say such things. They have more important issues on their minds.

More @ FOX News

Yes I believe, 'Stupid Americans' about covers it!

Mr. Murtha's Rush to Judgment

Mr. Murtha's Rush to Judgment

Sunday, May 28, 2006; B06

A year ago I was charged with two counts of premeditated murder and with other war crimes related to my service in Iraq. My wife and mother sat in a Camp Lejeune courtroom for five days while prosecutors painted me as a monster; then autopsy evidence blew their case out of the water, and the Marine Corps dropped all charges against me ["Marine Officer Cleared in Killing of Two Iraqis," news story, May 27, 2005].

So I know something about rushing to judgment, which is why I am so disturbed by the remarks of Rep. John P. Murtha (D-Pa.) regarding the Haditha incident ["Death Toll Rises in Haditha Attack, GOP Leader Says," news story, May 20]. Mr. Murtha said, "Our troops overreacted because of the pressure on them, and they killed innocent civilians in cold blood."

In the United States, we have a civil and military court system that relies on an investigatory and judicial process to make determinations based on evidence. The system is not served by such grand pronouncements of horror and guilt without the accuser even having read the investigative report.

More @ Washingtonpost

See related @ Time Mag

Notice how its always the US troops who are at fault and Murtha's seems to always lead the pack. JFC! This war! This is not some video game where you can get a re-start or do over! I'm sooooooooo tired of the MSM, some politicians, and others of the usual suspects vilifying the US Military with little or no evidence to back them up.

As I said before,
"Shoot first and don't ask any questions! As for the media I would have banned them from Iraq from the start and if they didn't like that, so what?"

The Shame Of Kilo Company (Not My Headline!)

The Shame Of Kilo Company
Sparked by a TIME report published in March, a U.S. military investigation is probing the killing of as many as 24 Iraqi civilians by a group of Marines in the town of Haditha last November. Several Marines may face criminal charges, including murder. And new revelations suggest that their superiors may have helped in a cover-up

Posted Sunday, May 28, 2006
The outfit known as Kilo Company, 3rd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, wasn't new to Iraq last year when it moved into Haditha, a Euphrates River farming town about 150 miles northwest of Baghdad. Several members of the unit were on their second tour of Iraq; one was on his third. The men in Kilo Company were veterans of ferocious house-to-house fighting in Fallujah. Their combat experience seemed to prepare them for the ordeal of serving in an insurgent stronghold like Haditha, the kind of place where the enemy attacks U.S. troops from the cover of mosques, schools and homes and uses civilians as shields, complicating Marine engagement rules to shoot only when threatened. In Haditha, says a Marine who has been there twice, "you can't tell a bad guy until he shoots you."

But one morning last November, some members of Kilo Company apparently didn't attempt to distinguish between enemies and innocents. Instead, they seem to have gone on the worst rampage by U.S. service members in the Iraq war, killing as many as 24 civilians in cold blood. The details of what happened in Haditha were first disclosed in March by TIME's Tim McGirk and Aparisim Ghosh, and their reporting prompted the military to launch an inquiry into the civilian deaths. The darkest suspicions about the killings were confirmed last week, when members of Congress who were briefed on the two ongoing military investigations disclosed that at least some members of a Marine unit may soon be charged in connection with the deaths of the Iraqis--and that the charges may include murder, which carries the death penalty. "This was a small number of Marines who fired directly on civilians and killed them," said Representative John Kline, a Minnesota Republican and former Marine who was briefed two weeks ago by Marine Corps officials. "This is going to be an ugly story."

More @ Time Mag

OK been there, done that, and heard this tale of woe many times before.

Here is the deal: "This is war! This is a war without front lines! This is a war were the other guys don't wear uniforms and fight you straight up. This is a war where you shoot first and don't ask any questions, if you want to be alive a few minutes hence that's what you do. I dare any of the people who are up in arms about this to change places with one of these Marines and see how they react in the same situations. Tis very easy to Monday Morning Quarterback from the safety of the Pentagon or behind your desk in a news office. Try getting 'your ass in the grass with the troops' before you begin saying what should or should not have been done. Personally I'd kill any number of other people, civilians or otherwise out of hand before I would unnecessarily risk the life of one trooper under my command."

Bush's September 10 Approval Ratings

Bush's September 10 Approval Ratings
By Robert Tracinski

The conventional wisdom on President Bush's low job approval ratings is that they are his punishment for lack of progress in Iraq.

I don't agree. The actual evidence indicates that Bush is not losing popularity because we're losing the war. He's losing popularity because we're not losing the war. He is unpopular precisely because Americans no longer fear that we are going to be forced into retreat from Iraq, or that terrorists are going to start blowing themselves up on the streets of our cities. Americans now feel complacent enough to focus on other issues--the issues they thought were most important on September 10, 2001.

More @ realclearpolitics

The author of this piece has got it all wrong. The fall in Bush's popularity has little or nothing to do with Iraq or the WOT and much to do with the border issue, spying on Americans, and a stubborn refusal to see he is alienating the very people he and his Political Party need to stay in power.

The author of the piece warns of complacency in regards to the Iraq War and domestic security, while the POTUS refuses to lock the border down and deport 11 to 30 million illegal invaders. In my view we can bring the troops home right now and put them on the the Mexican border, that's where the real war to save this nation is being fought. Iraq was never a threat to the US and while Saddam needed taken down, that's been accomplished. We have other fish to fry on the Mexican border and Mexico should be the next fish on the grill.

Gingrich: Gov. Bush could be president

Gingrich: Gov. Bush could be president
By Times Staff
Published May 28, 2006

His brother's approval ratings are in the cellar, and that whole dynasty thing doesn't help. But don't underestimate Jeb Bush's prospects as a future presidential contender, says former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich.

Probably '08 is a little bit tricky, but " '12 or '16 isn't. And he's a young enough guy (53) that he has a great future," Gingrich said on the Political Connections television show airing today on Bay News 9. "I just think his natural, personal ability is so great that people are going to realize he is not his father and he's not his brother. He's a very unique, charismatic leader with extraordinary capabilities. ... Jeb Bush may well be the most innovative (governor) in the entire country."

More @ sptimes

Gingrich: Gov. Bush could be president

If he's depending on my vote he won't be president! Two Bushies as POTUS are enough for me.

Deadly Attack On CBS News Crew

Deadly Attack On CBS News Crew
Two Team Members Killed, Correspondent Seriously Injured By Roadside Bomb In Baghdad

BAGHDAD, May 29, 2006

(CBS/AP) Two members of a CBS News team, veteran cameraman Paul Douglas, 48, and soundman James Brolan, 42, were killed and correspondent Kimberly Dozier, 39, was seriously injured Monday when the Baghdad military unit in which they were embedded was attacked.

They were reporting on patrol with the 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, when their convoy was struck by a roadside bomb.

The attack was among a slew of car and roadside bombs left about three dozen people dead before noon Monday, including one explosion that killed 10 people on a bus. Nearly all the attacks occurred in Baghdad.

CBS News Correspondent Kimberly Dozier, 39, sustained serious injuries in the attack and underwent surgery at a U.S. military hospital in Baghdad. She is in critical condition, but doctors are cautiously optimistic about her prognosis."

More @ cbsnews

Yeah this is 'BIG NEWS' be prepared to hear about this over and over again. MSM is all over this as per usual, because its some of their own and not just 'troops'. Let me say this, "The troops have to be there and need to be there. The same can not be said for the media."

Sunday, May 28, 2006

My Black Lab With Cat Ears

No reason to post this except I wanted to do it and he's my buddy!

Hagel: Immigration bill not amnesty

Hagel: Immigration bill not amnesty

Two prominent Capitol Hill Republicans disagreed Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press" about whether the Senate's immigration bill constitutes amnesty.

Sen. Chuck Hagel, R-Neb., defended the legislation -- approved Thursday -- that provides a means for 11 million to 12 million illegal immigrants in the United States to become citizens. He pointed out that the first half of the 730-page bill deals solely with border enforcement.

More @ bravenet

Chuck Hagel's words are another fine example of someone pissing down the back of your neck and telling you its raining. The comment from the Congressional Budget Office about creating more revenue than it expends is also a red herring. When was the last time the Fed's actions produced more of anything except for more red-tape and yet another debacle?

Sensenbrenner: No Compromise on 'Amnesty'

Sensenbrenner: No Compromise on 'Amnesty'

The Senate plan to provide illegal immigrants with a shot at citizenship probably is a deal-breaker that will prevent passage of a compromise on immigration overhaul, the House's lead negotiator said Sunday.

''The words 'path to citizenship' is a buzzword for amnesty. We ought to be honest, it is amnesty,'' said Rep. James Sensenbrenner, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee.

The Senate bill passed last week would tighten, offer a guest worker programs to bring in new foreign workers and provide a chance at citizenship for millions of illegal immigrants already in the country.

The House bill generally is limited to border enforcement and cracking down on employers who hire illegal immigrants.

Negotiators from both chambers will try to reconcile the differences and agree on a compromise.

Sensenbrenner, R-Wis., answered a flat ''no'' when asked Sunday on NBC's ''Meet the Press'' whether he would accept any legislation that would put illegal immigrants on a path to citizenship.

More @ NewsMax

More power to Sensenbrenner! The highlights in the excerpt are mine.

Student Suspended for Sharing Caffeine Gum

Student Suspended for Sharing Caffeine Gum

LOWER BURRELL, Pa. (AP) -- A middle school student was suspended for three days for sharing chewing gum because it contained caffeine, school officials said.

The girl, whose name and age were not released, gave another Huston Middle School student Jolt gum. The gum is "a stimulant that has no other redeeming quality," said Amy Palermo, schools superintendent.

More @

Have we lost our damn minds in this country? Yes I believe you can make a strong case that would hold up in court that we have lost our damn minds. It seems to me the loss of our minds accelerated after Columbine and the debacle that turned into.

Caffeine gum can you believe it? What next, "Student shares bag of chips and is suspended after, 'Salt Police' make an on the spot arrest."

The Senate Sings Us A Sad Song

The Senate Sings Us A Sad Song
Written by Thomas Segel
Sunday, May 28, 2006

When it comes to pontificating about the righteousness of their actions, there is nobody who can hold a candle to members of the United States Congress. Things that are clear as crystal to everyone else in the country are in the view of our legislators really cloudy and misunderstood. At this moment these mournful souls are singing us a very sad song about how 280 million people fail to see the actions our Senate has taken on immigration are really in our best interests.

It will be a tough sell, because most of the country sees the immigration legislation for what it really represents.... prostituting our security for political advantage. In the case of the Senate bill, many see it as a complete sellout. Republicans bowed their heads and submitted as Democrats pandered to the extreme left of their party and the Hispanic hoards screaming in the streets.

The Republicans did some pandering of their own. They sold their souls to those business interests that fear fines and legal action should they be charged with hiring those who illegally enter our country, forge documents and claim benefits that are not rightfully theirs. The GOP senators also pandered to those crowds in the streets waving Mexican flags.

All of this is taking place at a time when American citizens are demanding national security and an end to the stampede we are witnessing from south of our border. Congress has once again ignored what is happening and continues to sing us another sad song about the impossibility of rounding up those millions of illegals and returning them to their own countries.

Those overpaid pompous prevaricators who haunt the halls of Capitol Hillhave no thought in their heads about protecting the American people. They have sold themselves for campaign funds, support from their political party and votes so often and to so many special interests that they have lost touch with reality.

More @ chronwatch

The pol's don't care what you and I think and now they have made that very clear. They have taken a polarizing issue and run it though the 'Baffle Them With Bull-Shit Machine' and crafted the largest sell-out of this nation since the War Between The States.

Some have said that Congress is 'out of touch with the citizens' of this nation', nothing could be further from the truth. Congress knows what the citizens want and what we feel, as we've 'made our demands very clear'. However in a display of arrogance the likes of which is seldom seen in a 'Free Republic' the Senate has seen fit to ignore its citizen constituents and pander to the 'Business Cartel' and the 'Invader Lobby'.

Sixty-two (62) members of that exclusive club in D.C. know as the US Senate voted to sell you, I, and as yet unborn generations of US citizens out for profit and what they think are more votes. Remember in November and do not vote for any of these 62 sell-out traitors.

All Four Stanzas

All Four Stanzas

Basti Note: I never fail to get a catch in my throat and feel a shiver go up my spine when I hear the Star Spangled Banner and see Old Glory unfurl in the breeze!

By Isaac Asimov

Introductory Note. Unless you're already well acquainted
with our "national anthem," this interesting piece by the late Isaac Asimov will be an eye-opener. It was for me. It's especially appropriate at a time when there is much talk of tossing out this difficult-to-sing and difficult-to-comprehend old song in favor of something that better suits Ray Charles' voice. You'll understand the song much better after you read Mr. Asimov's explanation.--Hardly Waite, Gazette Senior Editor.

I have a weakness--I am crazy, absolutely nuts, about
our national anthem.

The words are difficult and the tune is almost impossible, but frequently when I'm taking a shower I sing it with as much power and emotion as I can. It shakes me up every time.

I was once asked to speak at a luncheon. Taking my life in my hands, I announced I was going to sing our national anthem--all four stanzas.

This was greeted with loud groans. One man closed the door to the kitchen, where the noise of dishes and cutlery was loud and distracting. "Thanks, Herb," I said. "That's all right," he said. "It was at the request of the kitchen staff."

I explained the background of the anthem and then sang all four stanzas.

Let me tell you, those people had never heard it before--or had never really listened. I got a standing ovation. But it was not me; it was the anthem.

More recently, while conducting a seminar, I told my students the story of the anthem and sang all four stanzas. Again there was a wild ovation and prolonged applause. And again, it was the anthem and not me.

So now let me tell you how it came to be written.

In 1812, the United States went to war with Great Britain, primarily over freedom of the seas. We were in the right. For two years, we held off the British, even though we were still a
rather weak country. Great Britain was in a life and death struggle with Napoleon. In fact, just as the United States declared war, Napoleon marched off to invade Russia. If he won, as everyone expected, he would control Europe, and
Great Britain would be isolated. It was no time for her to be involved in an American war.

At first, our seamen proved better than the British. After
we won a battle on Lake Erie in 1813, the American commander, Oliver Hazard Perry, sent the message "We have met the enemy and they are ours." However, the weight of the British navy beat down our ships eventually. New England, hard-hit by a tightening blockade, threatened secession.

Meanwhile, Napoleon was beaten in Russia and in 1814 was forced to abdicate. Great Britain now turned its attention to the United States, launching a three-pronged attack. The northern prong was to come down Lake Champlain toward New York and seize parts of New England. The southern prong was to go up the Mississippi, take New Orleans and paralyze the west. The central prong was to head for the mid-Atlantic states and then attack Baltimore, the greatest port south of New York. If Baltimore was taken, the nation, which still hugged the Atlantic coast, could be split in two. The fate of the United States, then, rested to a large extent on the success or failure of the central prong.

The British reached the American coast, and on August 24, 1814, took Washington, D. C. Then they moved up the Chesapeake Bay toward Baltimore. On September 12, they arrived and found 1000 men in Fort McHenry, whose guns controlled the harbor. If the British wished to take Baltimore, they would have to take the fort.

On one of the British ships was an aged physician, William Beanes, who had been arrested in Maryland and brought along as a prisoner. Francis Scott Key, a lawyer and friend of the physician, had come to the ship to negotiate his release. The British captain was willing, but the two Americans would have to wait. It was now the night of September 13, and the bombardment of Fort McHenry was about to start.

As twilight deepened, Key and Beanes saw the American flag flying over Fort McHenry. Through the night, they heard bombs
bursting and saw the red glare of rockets. They knew the fort was resisting and the American flag was still flying. But toward morning the bombardment ceased, and a dread silence fell. Either Fort McHenry had surrendered and the British flag flew above it, or the bombardment had failed and the American flag still flew.

As dawn began to brighten the eastern sky, Key and Beanes stared out at the fort, tyring to see which flag flew over it. He and the physician must have asked each other over and over, "Can you see the flag?"

After it was all finished, Key wrote a four stanza poem telling the events of the night. Called "The Defence of Fort M'Henry," it was published in newspapers and swept the nation. Someone noted that the words fit an old English tune called "To Anacreon in Heaven" --a difficult melody with an uncomfortably large vocal
range. For obvious reasons, Key's work became known as "The Star Spangled Banner," and in 1931 Congress declared it the official anthem of the United States.

Now that you know the story, here are the words. Presumably, the old doctor is speaking. This is what he asks Key

Oh! say, can you see, by the dawn's early light, What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight, O'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming?

And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof thro' the night that our flag was still there. Oh! say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave, O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

"Ramparts," in case you don't know, are the protective walls or other elevations that surround a fort. The first stanza asks a question. The second gives an answer

On the shore, dimly seen thro' the mist of the deep, Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes, What is that
which the breeze, o'er the towering steep. As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?

Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam, In full glory reflected, now shines on the stream 'Tis the star-spangled banner. Oh! long may it wave O'er the land of the free and the
home of the brave!

"The towering steep" is again, the ramparts. The bombardment has failed, and the British can do nothing more but sail away,
their mission a failure.

In the third stanza, I feel Key allows himself to gloat over the American triumph. In the aftermath of the bombardment, Key
probably was in no mood to act otherwise.

During World War II, when the British were our staunchest allies, this third stanza was not sung. However, I know it, so here it is

And where is that band who so vauntingly swore That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion A home and a country should leave us no more? Their blood has washed out their foul footstep's pollution.

No refuge could save the hireling and slave From the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave, And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

The fourth stanza, a pious hope for the future, should be sung
more slowly than the other three and with even deeper feeling.

Oh! thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand Between their loved homes and the war's desolation, Blest with vict'ry and peace, may the Heav'n - rescued land Praise the Pow'r that hath made and preserved us a nation.

Then conquer we must, for our cause is just, And this be our motto--"In God is our trust." And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

I hope you will look at the national anthem with new eyes. Listen to it, the next time you have a chance, with new ears.

And don't let them ever take it away.

Asimov, March 1991

Congressman Suspected In 8 Bribe Cases

Basti note: Folks this is like disturbing an old rotten log. When you first disturb the log a few creepy crawlies wiggle out. When you put the boots to the log it explodes in flurry of creepy crawlies fleeing hither and yon. If the FBI is allowed to put the boots to his rotten log many creepy crawlies are going to see the light of day for the first time in decades.

Congressman Suspected In 8 Bribe Cases
Skip directly to the full story.
By ALLAN LENGEL The Washington Post

Published: May 28, 2006

WASHINGTON - The FBI is focusing on at least eight different suspected bribery schemes as part of its corruption investigation of embattled Rep. William Jefferson, D-La., according to a federal affidavit and sources familiar with the inquiry.

A key part of the FBI inquiry has centered on Jefferson's dealings with a Louisville high-tech company, iGate Inc., that was marketing broadband technology for the Internet and cable television in Africa.

An affidavit used in last weekend's controversial search of Jefferson's Capitol Hill office, however, stated authorities are looking at "at least seven other" bribery schemes in which Jefferson "sought things of value in return for his performance of official acts."

More @

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Rayburn Reopens After Gunfire Report

Rayburn Reopens After Gunfire Report
Police Say Construction Probably Caused the Noise of Shots

By Bill Brubaker and Charles Babington
Washington Post Staff Writers
Friday, May 26, 2006; 6:12 PM

The Rayburn House Office Building was locked down for more than four hours today after a New Jersey congressman reported hearing the sound of gunfire in the building's garage.

The noise apparently came from construction work being done in the building, Capitol Police spokeswoman Sgt. Kimberly Schneider said.

"There were some workers . . . in the area of the Rayburn garage, in the elevator area, and in doing their routine duties they made some sort of a noise that sounded like shots fired," Schneider said.

She said that while the police investigation is continuing, the construction work is a "plausible explanation" for the noise that also briefly closed the Capitol building and locked down D.C. public schools.

More @ washingtonpost

This is what we are reduced too in this nation, construction noises and some 'Nervous Nellie' thinks he hears gunshots. And they locked down the D.C. schools as well! What did the schools have to do with this? And all of this coming on the heels of shutting down the Capitol Building not long ago because they lost power. (Apparently the back up generator like everything else in Foggy Bottom didn't work)

I can say as a former steelworker with over 30 years in the business and over 25 of them in the 'hot end' of production we never shut down even when the Oxygen Plant nearly blew up on several occasions. Of course we were 'just steelworkers' and not important Fed's who march to a different drummer.

Contrast the behavior of the Fed's in D.C. with what many regular people have to put up with on their jobs and what our troops in the field have to put up with. Each time I see the Fed's scrambling for cover in D.C. or elsewhere like elderly old-maids the first word that comes to my mind is 'cowardice' and its also the last word that comes to my mind. So now you know that all terrorists have to do is make some noises that sound like gunfire and shut the government down. Pitiful, simply pitiful !

Basti Says

Basti Says I have a question for y'all. "Does everything and everyone who becomes associated with President Bush turn into a runny cow flop or am I just imagining things?" Take the latest episode with Tony Snow (See here examiner) where he equates illegal invaders with speeders! And this is just the latest in a long line of people who have said the most outrageous things and never even blinked an eye at how ridiculous they sound. Then there was Meier's, the port deal, Iraq, the WOT, and on and on.

Are these people/events reflections of Bush's thoughts and policy? Yes I fully believe they are reflections of Bush's thoughts and policy. It really fries me to the max that I could have been so wrong about a man and the screwballs on sites like DU & the Daily Klos could have been so right.


By Michelle Malkin · May 27, 2006 01:35 PM

The Minutemen began a fence-building project in Arizona today--and they didn't ask Mexico's permission. Chris Simcox issued a statement announcing the construction project now underway:

More @ michellemalkin

When the Minutemen fired the shot heard around the world on Lexington Green they did not ask for permission to do so. They did so to defend their kith and kin and fight for freedom. The men who starved and froze to death at Valley Forge did no need permission to die for their nation, they did so willingly in a fight for freedom.

This nation does not need the permission of any nation to do anything, least of all a cesspool of a nation like Mexico. Bush & Co are selling this nation our for a song and a dance. We must not allow this to happen or we will have dishonored the sacrifices that so many brave men and women have made in defense of liberty and freedom for this nation. Never surrender, never give up, never comprise our birthright, ask no quarter and give no quarter the American Republic before all!

Third Party Cabinet Draft Picks: 2008

Third Party Cabinet Draft Picks: 2008
Dick Meyer's Choices For A New Independent Party Cabinet

(Page 1 of 2)WASHINGTON, May 26, 2006
(CBS) This commentary was written by's Dick Meyer.

(AP (file))


This Cabinet,
unlike real ones, is composed of people who really should have the jobs and who
are not politically expedient compromises. It has a lot of zillionaires, which
is a problem, but they do tend to have accomplished great things.

I've got a problem with this already. We have had far more than enough zillionaires in charge as it is and its not proven to be a good thing. We need people who haven't sold out to the Business Cartel or other special interest groups. We need people who have this nations interests at heart and not sell-outs like Bush & Co and his cohorts in Congress.

I think it's pretty much a done deal that a well-financed, hyper-competent third party will make a serious run at the White House in 2008 backed by a slate of superstar Senate candidates.

A few weeks ago we laid out both the need and obstacles to breaking the corrupt and scary vice grip on government power perpetrated by the partisan duopoly.

Later we outlined the nuts and bolts strategy that New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and his running mate, General Anthony Zinni, could use to capture the White House and deliver a score of Senate seats to the new Independent Party. Support for these ideas, as judged by the wholly objective and precise measure of e-mails, clicks and blog links, has been overwhelming.

It is in the spirit of the Independent Party to name its Cabinet well before the election. It is the honest, transparent thing to do; it will help in the campaign; and it will better prepare the party to govern.

Naming a Cabinet now is also in the great American tradition of All-Star teams, obsessing over the NFL Draft and rotisserie baseball upon which the Independent Party is founded.

This Cabinet, unlike real ones, is composed of people who really should have the jobs and who are not politically expedient compromises. It has a lot of zillionaires, which is a problem, but they do tend to have accomplished great things. It's a Cabinet that could by example help draw top talent back into public service for generations.

Two quick notes: Presidential candidates don't name their Cabinets during elections because they're afraid of gaffes and scandals, which is stupid. There is no better way for a voter to judge a potential administration than to judge its Cabinet selections. If one of the picks has some secret, we'll sack him and move on. And maybe that will break the cycle of silly confirmation scandal stories for good.

Secondly, President Bloomberg will run his administration through the Cabinet and the powerful, distinguished people who run the various units of government. It will not be an aide-centric government, like those to which we've become inured in recent administrations. So we're not naming the chief of staff and stuff like that.

Here is the Cabinet:

More @ CBS

Sounds like the Business Cartel is trying to dispense with the pol's and just run it all themselves. None of this sounds worth a damn to me.

Aide says Jefferson cooked up scheme

Aide says Jefferson cooked up scheme
Assistant sentenced to 8 years in prison
Saturday, May 27, 2006
By Bill Walsh
Washington bureau

ALEXANDRIA, VA. -- A former aide to U.S. Rep. William Jefferson, D-New Orleans, said Friday that it was the congressman's idea to solicit bribes to promote a telecommunications deal in West Africa that began as a legitimate business venture.

"I've gone over it 10 million times in my head," Brett Pfeffer, 37, said at his sentencing in U.S. District Court. "I don't know why I didn't look him in the eye and say 'No.' "

Pfeffer was sentenced to eight years behind bars and fined $24,000 for his role in what prosecutors say was a four-year conspiracy to steer money toward a company controlled by Jefferson's family. Pfeffer continues to cooperate with prosecutors on the case, and Judge T.S. Ellis III said that the sentence could be "substantially reduced."

Jefferson has not been charged and has denied wrongdoing.

More @

Gee and Bushy wants to seal the documents that were seized for 45 days. I'm guessing that's so in those 45 days a lot of those documents can disappear or be altered. I am firmly of the opinion that the entire Bush Administration needs impeached/fired and around 80% to 90% of Congress as well. Ship them all to Leavenworth and let the USMC deal with them!

White House compares illegal immigration to speeding

White House compares illegal immigration to speeding
PDF Email
Bill Sammon, The Examiner
May 26, 2006 5:13 PM (20 hrs ago)

WASHINGTON - The White House on Friday said a Senate bill that would grant legal status to illegal immigrants is analogous to a traffic law that allows a speeder to pay a fine and continue driving.

"If you had a traffic ticket and you paid it, you're not forever a speeder, are you?" White House Press Secretary Tony Snow said in response to questions from The Examiner.

"So the fact is, you have paid your debt to society," he added. "And we have come up with a way to make sure that the debt to society gets paid. Then you move forward."

The "traffic ticket" analogy raised eyebrows on Capitol Hill, where many House Republicans regard illegal immigration as a grave crime.

"I don't know if Tony meant to trivialize it or not," said Will Adams, spokesman for Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo. "But it's certainly misleading."

"The penalty for a speeding ticket is a fine," he added. "The penalty for being here illegally is being removed from this country. But the president doesn't want illegal aliens to go home."

More @ examiner

Speeding huh! Well my respect for Tony Snow just dropped off the scope. Can you say, "Total frigging bull shit?" Yes I knew you could! Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Lax standards for feds in data breach vote

Lax standards for feds in data breach vote
By Declan McCullagh and Anne Broache
Staff Writer, CNET

Published: May 25, 2006, 6:10 PM PDT
TalkBack E-mail Print
WASHINGTON--Days after a massive data leak potentially affecting more than 26 million American veterans became public, a U.S. House of Representatives committee approved a bill requiring written notice of information security breaches.

By a voice vote Thursday, the House Judiciary Committee adopted a bill that would require businesses to alert customers about security breaches. The panel also glued on a newly drafted amendment that would apply to federal agencies.

But in a bizarre twist, the legislation regulates the private sector far more stringently than government agencies--even though the Veterans Administration was responsible for one of the largest security breaches in history, one which officials now say could cost $500 million to clean up.

Feds' easy data breach rules
A House of Representatives panel approved on Thursday a data breach bill that regulates commercial companies more stringently than federal agencies--even though the Department of Veterans Affairs just lost a database of information on 26.5 million veterans.

R. James Nicholson, the Veterans Affairs secretary, said Thursday that: "I am outraged at the loss of this veterans' data and the fact an employee would put it at risk by taking it home in violation of VA policies." On May 3, the unnamed employee's home was broken into and the database was stolen, Nicholson said. No encryption was used to protect the data.

The bill, called the Data Accountability and Trust Act, or DATA, (click here for PDF) establishes strict standards for commercial companies to follow in the event of a data breach--including notifying customers "as quickly as possible," posting an alert on their Web sites and picking up the cost of credit reports for one year.

Not one of those requirements would apply to federal agencies.

More @ c/net

Frigging Fed's can't even fix this right. It's way past time for a Major overhaul of all Fed services and Fed employees. (My highlights in the excerpt)

Friday, May 26, 2006

Basti Says

Basti Says Updates may be very late tomorrow. It's stopped raining here again and its so humid you can watch the grass grow. Major day tomorrow with the lawn tractor and the weed eater.

Bush-hatred a threat to national security

Bush-hatred a threat to national security

ENOUGH already! It's harmful enough that ideological conflict and partisan politics are preventing this country from solving its long-term challenges on health care, fiscal policy and energy. Now it's threatening our national survival.

I do not exaggerate. Bush-hatred has reached such intensity that CIA officers and other bureaucrats are leaking major secrets about anti-terrorism policy and communications intelligence that undermine our ability to fight Islamic extremism.

Would newspapers in the midst of World War II have printed
the fact that the United States had broken German and Japanese codes, enabling the enemy to secure its communications? Or revealed how and where Nazi spies were being interrogated? Nowadays, newspapers win Pulitzer Prizes for such disclosures. In Congress and in much of the media, the immediate reaction to news that the National Security Agency was intercepting international terrorist communications was not to say, "Good work - and how can we help?" Rather, it was to scream about a "domestic spying" scandal, as though Richard Nixon were back in the White House and tapping the telephone of Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean.

And the reaction has been much the same to USA Today's story last week that the NSA "has been secretly collecting the phone call records of tens of millions of Americans" in a program that "reaches into the homes and businesses across the nation by amassing information about the calls of ordinary Americans."

Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., ranking member on the Senate Judiciary Committee, reacted by asserting that "these are tens of millions of Americans who are not suspected of anything but we're just going to collect their phone information for the heck of it. Where does it stop?"

Similarly, Newsweek's cover this week blares "Spying On Your Calls" - no question mark used - and implies that the Bush White House could be tapping everyone's telephones. In fact, what seems to be happening, though the details are secret, is that most long-distance phone companies have given the NSA their billing records identifying what numbers are calling what other numbers, when and for how long. Names are not included. And the NSA - not for the heck of it but to protect us from attack - is using the records to track terrorist networks and calling patterns. If a known terrorist in Pakistan calls a number in Los Angeles, I want the government to know what number that person calls. Don't you?

Certainly, the government will find out the names of people in a
terrorist calling chain. If it wants to tap a domestic phone, it needs a warrant, and unless officials are lying through their teeth, it is asking for them.

More @ pasadenastarnews

No it not enough and not enough by even half. We aren't fighting a WOT and never have been or the 'Mexican border' would have been closed on 09/12/01 and still be closed today. And we're still allowing visitors for the 'Big Cat Box' to frolic about the country as they so desire. We would not have stopped surprise inspections on ships as we have done recently and on and on. And yes the administration is lying through its teeth, its what they do best. Bush and his Merry Men are the original 'Flim Flam Men' and its all about a mediocre show and no substance.

The Lefts hatred for Bush is an old thing and has been around since day one. The hatred that Bush has garnered from Conservatives is a new thing and he brought it on himself. As soon as Bush was re-elected in 2004 he abandoned his base and hoisted his true colors. Bush is not a 'True Conservative' and never has been. Like his father before him Bush II is a 'New World Order Man' and his allegiance to the US is IMO very questionable. Now Bush has no base, the Left still hates him, and many people are working against him out of spite. And IMO its spite that Bush deserves, because he asked for it and now he got it in spades.

It seems to me that there is no reason to elect Democratic Lite to the White House and Congress when you can have the real thing by electing Democrats. Until the GOP proves to me that they stand four square for Conservative Principle's this dog won't hunt with me again.

Bush and the GOP could reverse their poll numbers overnight if they would just perform the jobs we gave them in the manner we were led to believe they would.
Of course that's not going to happen so Bush and the GOP will reap the whirlwind in November.

House Speaker Hastert Says He'll Work With Justice Dept.

House Speaker Hastert Says He'll Work With Justice Dept. Wires
Friday, May 26, 2006

WASHINGTON -- House Speaker Dennis Hastert on Friday put Congress' constitutional tussle with Justice Department "in the past" and said he's working with the Justice Department to set up guidelines for the FBI to review materials it seized from a lawmaker's office and any other searches of Congress' offices.

Hastert's move came after President Bush ordered that documents be sealed for 45 days, calling a time out in a fight between the legislative and executive branches over constitutional prerogatives.

Bush's spokesman, meantime, branded as "false, false, false" any charges that the Justice Department, led by Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, had tried to intimidate Hastert.

Lawmakers from both parties complained that the weekend search, said to be the first in congressional history, was an abuse of executive powers. So Bush tried on Thursday to calm the tone.

More @ newsmax

I was under the impression that the 'so called rule of law' in this nation was the same for everyone. (Wipes sarcasm off keys before continuing) When people tell you they'll 'work with you' on something what they mean is, "I want it done my way or no way!" Cover-up in progress no film at 11.

Great! "Ethnic" law to be scrapped in Australia

Great! "Ethnic" law to be scrapped in Australia

Sharia zapped

The Howard Government has widened its plan to remove legal recognition of Aboriginal customary law in criminal sentencing to include the cultural beliefs of all ethnic minorities. The extension of the plan beyond Aboriginal tribal law is understood to have been triggered by concerns that a law directed only at indigenous offenders could be in breach of the Racial Discrimination Act. Federal Attorney-General Philip Ruddock last night said no one convicted of a crime in Australia should be able to plead their cultural practices and beliefs as mitigating factors in their sentencing. "We are not a nation of tribes," he said. "There should be one law for all Australians. Our expectation is that when people come and settle in Australia they are under an obligation to accept the law and the principles that go with it."

The Government's move came after Northern Territory Opposition Leader Jodeen Carney asked Mr Ruddock last week to check if planned restrictions on Aboriginal customary law being used as a mitigating factor when sentencing violent offenders would breach the Racial Discrimination Act. Indigenous Affairs Minister Mal Brough this week said he would put a proposal to scrap consideration of cultural law in serious crimes to state and territory governments at a national summit. He said customary law had been "used as a curtain that people are hiding behind". The minister's remarks followed a national outcry after a 55-year-old Aboriginal elder was sentenced to a month's jail for having anal sex with a 14-year-old girl promised to him as a wife.

Territory Chief Justice Brian Martin, who sentenced the man, admitted this week he had made a mistake by placing too much emphasis on the man's belief that under tribal law he had the right to teach the girl to obey him. Ms Carney urged the Government to change the Racial Discrimination Act if it considered restrictions on customary law would amount to a breach. Mr Ruddock is understood to have sought legal advice on the possibility of changing the Racial Discrimination Act, but his preference is to extend the exclusion to all minority groups in the community.

The scheme drew qualified support yesterday from Islamic civil rights leader Waleed Kadous but was condemned as impractical by the legal profession. "I don't think any member of the community should expect any special privileges because of their cultural background," said Mr Kadous, co-convenor of the Australian Muslim Civil Rights Advisory Network. "Speaking for the Muslim community, we understand we are not entitled to any special privileges in the courts - nor should we be," he said. Judges should always have some discretion to consider a person's circumstances "but our cultural background should have no major impact on how we are sentenced", Mr Kadous said.

However, Law Council of Australia president John North said the Government's plan was "totally impractical". "An important part of the sentencing process, apart from retribution and revenge, is to look carefully at the subjective features of each individual before the court," Mr North said. "Those characteristics may involve cultural or what can be termed customary law matters, and this has long been held by the High Court to be a proper exercise in the use of sentencing discretion. "To try and legislate across the board to remove this discretion would, in our view, prove impossible."

Mr Ruddock said Indigenous Affairs Minister Mal Brough would be urging the states to change their sentencing laws to fall into line with the Government's plan. While he believed the plan would not cause a breach of the Racial Discrimination Act, he indicated that the commonwealth would be prepared to change federal laws - including the Racial Discrimination Act - to achieve its goal.


Aussies got this one right!

Amnesty Intranational

Amnesty Intranational
By Ben Johnson May 26, 2006

The U.S. Senate should have focused less on forging “paths to citizenship” and more on blocking paths to the great American gravy train.

Its supporters describe the immigration bill the Senate passed last night as “sweeping” and “comprehensive” – which means its amnesty provisions remained intact. The bill passed by a 62-36 vote (see the vote tally here).

In addition to a “path to citizenship” – which, when applied to at least 11 million illegal immigrants, is less a path than a superhighway – the bill includes a Guest Worker Program for 200,000 people a year, who can then apply for a Green Card. As Sen. Jeff Sessions has said, “[T]here is nothing ‘temporary’ about the new guest worker program created by this bill.” Moreover, the Associated Press reported, “A new program for 1.5 million temporary agricultural workers also survived.” They can also apply for a Green Card. In theory, “only” 650,000 aliens a year will be granted permanent resident status, or 13 million in 20 years – more than the population of Illinois.

This bill doubles the amount of legal immigration, while reorienting our employment visas, for the first time, toward unskilled laborers. (The National Academy of Sciences found each “migrant” with less than a high school education costs the United States $90,000, and that immigrants only begin to “contribute to our economy” if they have a post-secondary education.)

But our economy will contribute to them. In addition to millions of dollars U.S. taxpayers spend for the welfare, education, health care, and incarceration of illegals, the Senate assures aliens will receive all the money they “contributed” to Social Security – even if they stole someone’s identity in the process. They’ll also be eligible for the Earned Income Tax Credit. In all, this “comprehensive” reform could cost $54 billion within a decade. Rep. Bill Shuster, R-PA, surmised, “[It] certainly is possible that it will bust the budget

More @ frontpagemag

Here is a new broom for all of y'all who have lost their old broom. Use this new broom to sweep the sell-outs and traitors from Congress.


Both of Ohio's so called Senators sold-out, damn them! Remember this the next time these sell-outs are up for election and put them in the unemployed line!

VA Breach Discovered Through Office Gossip

VA Breach Discovered Through Office Gossip

Associated Press Writer

May 25, 2006, 7:25 PM EDT

WASHINGTON -- The theft of personal data for 26.5 million veterans came to the attention of the Veterans Affairs inspector general only through office gossip, he told Congress Thursday.

In four hours of testimony, IG George Opfer said the department failed to heed years of warnings about lax security and noted that the employee who lost the data when his house was burglarized had been improperly taking the material home for three years.

"We were on borrowed time," Opfer told Senate and House panels investigating the breach.

Earlier, VA Secretary Jim Nicholson said he was "mad as hell" that he wasn't told about the burglary until May 16 -- nearly two weeks after it happened. He then told the FBI on May 17, leading to a public announcement May 22.

Nicholson acknowledged that officials including Deputy Secretary of Veterans Affairs Gordon Mansfield knew about the incident earlier, but would not say whether Mansfield should be punished, citing a need for a full investigation.

"As a veteran, I am outraged. Frankly I'm mad as hell," Nicholson said, pledging strong action against those responsible. "I can't explain the lapses of judgment on the behalf of my people. We will stay focused on these problems until we get them fixed."

Lawmakers were unforgiving.

"I don't feel any of the personal pain or outrage of your action," said Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, who chairs the Homeland Security Committee. "This was a monumental breach. It was inconceivable that it involved such long delays."

At the House hearing, Rep. Bob Filner, D-Calif., called Nicholson's response unacceptable.

"In the last five years, a host of agencies have reported that the VA has had many problems with information security," he said. "How did the VA react? With indifference."

"You're not taking responsibility for this mismanagement debacle," he said. "The most dramatic thing to take responsibility is to resign."

More @ Newsday

Wonderful, simply bloody wonderful! This major breach of security was discovered by the 'high tech tool of office gossip'! We manage this nation like a 'mom and pop jot'm down store' or a 'Banana Boat Republic'. And the best part is the man who is responsible for this debacle is on 'paid administrative leave.' Nothing like really coming down with both boots on this miscreant.