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Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Basti Says

Basti Says OK this blog is officially closed, although I intend to keep it on line for sometime. I think we've got the bugs worked out of my new blog @ this

Saturday, June 17, 2006

New Basti Says

The news Basti Says is up and running. I don't have the side bar finished yet, however that won't take long. I'm redressing the sidebar anyway. This may be my last post here. I'm not closing this one just yet until I'm sure I have moved everything I want.

New Bast Says @

Friday, June 16, 2006

Basti Says

Basti Says This blog is very nearly history. I have all my file and side-bar transfered to Nothing will change, but the server and the layout. I'll still be the same wonderful tom-cat I always was. We're just waiting for domain changes to take effect.

Thanks the Basti Cat!!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Cleric Calls on Bush to Convert to Islam

Cleric Calls on Bush to Convert to Islam
By IRWAN FIRDAUS, Associated Press Writer

Thursday, June 15, 2006

(06-15) 08:07 PDT SOLO, Indonesia (AP) --

A reputed leader of an al-Qaida-linked terror group blamed for deadly bombings across Indonesia on Thursday accused President Bush and Australia's prime minister of waging wars against Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Militant cleric Abu Bakar Bashir also called on Bush and Prime Minister John Howard to convert to Islam, saying it was "the only way to save their souls."

He added that families still grieving after the 2002 Bali blasts that killed many foreigners should also become Muslim to find "salvation and peace."

Bashir, 68, was released from prison Wednesday after completing a 26-month sentence for conspiracy in the Bali bombings that killed 202 people. He spoke Thursday at a hard-line Islamic boarding school that has spawned some of Southeast Asia's deadliest terrorists.

More @

Well hell Bush might as well convert to Islam, he's converted himself into a Mexican another little conversion shouldn't hurt anything.

On another note the Moon-Bat Muslim cleric get 26 months for conspiracy in a terrorist attack that killed 202 people. What the hell do you get if the terrorist attack only kills 10 people, a finger waved at you?

When the hell are some people going to learn that the only way to deal with this terrorist scum is to execute them post haste!

See I'm being politically incorrect again because if I were in charge Islam would be in serious difficulty's on all fronts.

Political Correctness — The Revenge of Marxism

Political Correctness — The Revenge of Marxism
by Baron Bodissey

The noted blogger Fjordman is filing this report as a guest-post at Gates of Vienna.

FrontPage Magazine: You make the shrewd observation of how political correctness engenders evil because of “the violence that it does to people’s souls by forcing them to say or imply what they do not believe, but must not question.” Can you talk about this a bit?

Theodore Dalrymple: Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, nor to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is to co-operate with evil, and in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.

I have heard people who have grown up in former Communist countries say that we in the West are at least as brainwashed by Multiculturalism and Political Correctness as they ever were with Communism, perhaps more so. Even in the heyday of the East Bloc, there were active dissident groups in these countries. The scary thing is, I sometimes believe they are right.

But how is that possible? Don’t we have free speech here? And we have no Gulag?

The simple fact is that we never won the Cold War as decisively as we should have. Yes, the Berlin Wall fell, and the Soviet Union collapsed. This removed the military threat to the West, and the most hardcore, economic Marxism suffered a blow as a credible alternative. However, one of the really big mistakes we made after the Cold War ended was to declare that Socialism was now dead, and thus no longer anything to worry about. Here we are, nearly a generation later, discovering that Marxist rhetoric and thinking have penetrated every single stratum of our society, from the Universities to the media. Islamic terrorism is explained as caused by “poverty, oppression and marginalization,” a classic, Marxist interpretation.

What happened is that while the “hard” Marxism of the Soviet Union may have collapsed, at least for now, the “soft” Marxism of the Western Left has actually grown stronger, in part because we deemed it to be less threatening. The “hard” Marxists had intercontinental nuclear missiles and openly said that they would “bury” us. The soft Marxists talk about tolerance and may seem less threatening, but their goal of overthrowing the evil, capitalist West remains the same. In fact, they are more dangerous precisely because they hide their true goals under different labels. Perhaps we should call it “stealth Socialism” instead of soft Socialism.

One of the readers of Fjordman blog once pointed out that we never had a thorough de-Marxification process after the Cold War, similar to the de-Nazification after WW2. He was thinking of the former Soviet Union and the countries in Eastern Europe, but he should probably have included their Marxist fellow travellers, their sympathizers and apologists in the West. We never fully confronted the ideology of Marxism, and demonstrated that the suffering it caused for hundreds of millions of people was a direct result of Marxist ideas. We just assumed that Marxism was dead and moved on, allowing many of its ideals to mutate into new forms and many of its champions to continue their work uninterrupted, sometimes filled with a vengeance and a renewed zeal for another assault on the capitalist West.

More @

This fellow is dead on the mark and he's saying what so many of us have been saying for years. Political correctness is the new tyranny of the Left. And as I've said for years Communism never vanished, it just went to hell for a makeover. You see Communism although it has murdered more people than Nazism ever hoped to do Communism never received the bad rap that Nazism did. The reason Communism was never taken to the woodshed is because the media and Communism's bastard son Socialism refuse to vilify Communism.

You will never find me being politically correct about anything. You're short not vertically challenged. You're ugly not ill favoured. You're fat not weight challenged. You're retarded not mentally challenged. You're a member of a cult of Moon-Bats and not a Muslim a member of a peaceful religion.

I refuse to call anything but what it is and if some people don't like that, well that's just tough titty, because I don't give a damn what the politically correct ass-holes think!

Discrimination Rights

Basti note I didn't write this although I wish I had. Hat tip for for this one! More at the link.

Discrimination Rights
Part of the problem with functioning in our chaotic society is the blatant hypocrisy of some of our activists.

For reference purposes:

Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

If I were to make this statement: "People should not be promiscuous," I'd get all sorts of comments along the lines of "The government shouldn't be in the business of passing morality laws!"

Of course, I didn't say anything about the government getting involved. I only stated my opinion. I never suggested or inferred in that statement that The People should get the government involved. But the point is that a lot of folks would get their panties in a knot for suggesting that we intrude on the morality of others. (It is my opinion that being promiscuous is a bad idea, that it threatens society as a whole, and should be avoided with all the pressures society can bring to the party-up to the point of getting the government involved.)

Try this statement: "Publishing cartoons that demean another man's religion are in poor taste and should be avoided."

I'd have the Free Speech absolutists down my neck in a second.

But again, I did not suggest that we should surrender our freedom of speech, only that it is a good and wise idea not to exercise rights irresponsibly, nor is it logical to presume that a right to do something automatically means that doing it is a moral and proper thing. You don't need to express your every thought and opinion. Further, exercizing a right doesn't mean you are free from The People's consequences of choosing to exercise it–you are only free from The Government's consequence. The government cannot impose the consequences. THAT is what the Bill of Rights protects and no more.

It is the consequences where we've gotten things all screwed up.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Islamic Group Complains About Derogatory Song

Islamic Group Complains About Derogatory Song
By Susan Jones Senior Editor
June 14, 2006(1st Add: Includes comments from CAIR and Cpl. Joshua Belile.)( - U.S. Marines should not be singing insensitive songs about Iraqis — if they are indeed doing that, the Marine Corps said in response to a complaint from an Islamic advocacy group.The Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations wants the Pentagon and Congress to investigate a four-minute video posted in March on the website (the video was pulled after CAIR complained).

The video, called “hadji girl,” shows a man — maybe a U.S. Marine in Iraq? — “singing a song about hadji.” (A “Hajji” is a person who has made the Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca, but the term is often used as a pejorative by U.S. troops in Iraq, CAIR said.)

The video describes the marine’s encounter with an Iraqi woman. The lyrics say, “I grabbed her little sister and put her in front of me. As the bullets began to fly, the blood sprayed from between her eyes, and then I laughed maniacally. …I blew those little ******* to eternity…They should have known they were ****ing with the Marines.”

More @ cnsnews

Ahh, my heart bleeds purple panther piss for these poor benighted Rag-Heads. I’ll be up all night now worrying about these poor insulted Moon-Bats.



IN The Hamilton Literary Magazine

RIBBONS of white in the flag of our land,
Say, shall we live in fear?
Speak! For I wait for the word from your lips
Wet with the brine of the sea-going ships;
Speak! Shall we cringe 'neath an Attila's whips?
Speak! For I wait to hear!

''This is our word," said the ribbons of white;
"This is the course to steer--
Peace is our haven for foul or for fair--
Won as a maiden and kept as an heir,
Peace with the sunlight of God on her hair,
Peace, with an honor clear!"

Ribbons of red in the flag of our land,
Bought for a price full dear,
Speak! For 'tis Man that is asking Man,
Churl in the centuries' caravan,
Speak! For he waits for your bold "I can!"
Speak! For he waits to hear!

"This is our word," said the ribbons of red,
Slowly, with gaze austere,
"War if we must in humanity's name,
Shielding a sister from sorrow and shame;
War upon beasts with the sword and with flame!
War--till the judge appear!"

Stars in a field of the sky's own blue,
Light of a midnight year,
Speak! For the spirit of Man awakes,
Shoulders the cross, and his couch forsakes,
Whispers a prayer, and the long way takes,
Speak! For he waits to hear!

"This is our word," said a star of white,
Set in the silken mere,
"Right against Might on the land, on the sea!
Little and Great are the same to me!
Onlv for Truth and for Liberty
Strike! For the hour is here!"

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Basti Says

Basti Says See new link in my side-bar right under my profile. (True Immigration-Reform Candidates for Congress, Governor & President ) Have a look and see what's up!

Office had bird’s-eye view to kill: Workers say window washer slayed gull with vengeance

Office had bird’s-eye view to kill: Workers say window washer slayed gull with vengeance
By Jessica Heslam and O’Ryan Johnson
Tuesday, June 13, 2006 - Updated: 10:14 AM EST

Bird-bashing window washer Christopher Guay - arrested after killing a sea gull - had his goose cooked by his boss yesterday as eagle-eyed witnesses from a nearby office building pecked away at his self-defense claim.

Guay, 40, was canned by his employer after news of his battle with the bird took flight. “They said there was too much bad publicity,” he said. “I’m out looking for another job right now.”

Guay was arrested by an MSPCA officer and has been charged with animal cruelty, a felony. The owner of Cliffhangers Inc., Guay’s employer, could not be reached for comment.

The window washer says he has numerous pet birds and loves them. But some Hub office workers say they watched in horror as he cold-heartedly delivered a fatal blow to the gull - then saw them watching and promptly flipped them the bird.

Sarah, a witness who spoke on condition that her last name not be used, works in a cubicle overlooking the Devonshire Street rooftop where the sea gulls built their nest as she and her co-workers kept a daily vigil at the window.

She called Guay’s self-defense claim “absolute crap.”

More @ bostonherald

You gotta be kidding me! All this over a frigging seagull? Seagulls are pests, dirty, and a general damn nuisance! Sea gulls and pigeons fall under the same law, kill'm on sight! Rather then fire this man he should have been given the 'golden gull award' for dispatching one of these nasty creatures! (The city should import hawks and have the hawks deal with sea gulls they way they should be dealt with)

Basti Says & Ace In The Hole

Updates will be sparse on our blogs Basti Says & Ace In The Hole. Tex-Fred is in the process of setting up our new digs and I'm sort of 5th wheeling it. Too many cooks in the kitchen and all that. Hopefully we'll be settled in by at least the first of next week, but don't hold me to that.

I think we're going to like the new place. At least we'll have a service we pay for and real tech support and real domain names. Fred is slaving away even as I type this. More later as I know it.


Outcry Over Suicides at Guantanamo

Outcry Over Suicides at Guantanamo
By Carol J. Williams
The Los Angeles Times

Tuesday 13 June 2006

Autopsy analysis is still continuing on the three hanged men. Human rights groups and U.S. allies say the prison should be closed.

Guantanamo Bay, Cuba - U.S. military pathologists on Monday examined and tested clinical data obtained from autopsies of three prisoners who were found hanged here Saturday, while human rights advocates warned of the potential for more suicides by prisoners with little hope of release or legal recourse.

Officials of the military prison and interrogation network were reviewing detention procedures to determine what changes might be necessary to avert further suicide attempts and to modify guard routines to prevent prisoners from knowing when they might be observed, said Navy Cmdr. Robert Durand, spokesman for the prison and interrogation compound.

Navy Rear Adm. Harry Harris' characterization of the suicides as acts of "asymmetrical warfare" and a State Department official's assertion that the first deaths among Guantanamo inmates were "a good PR move" brought renewed outrage in the Muslim world as well as among U.S. allies in Europe.

But Durand said the admiral in command of the detention operations here stood by his view that the deaths "were not acts of despair but coordinated efforts by three committed combatants."

More @ truthout (Note: truthout is not really about any truth, its about advancing the Liberal agenda the agenda of Americas enemies)

As I've said I don't know why we chose to incarcerate the Moon-Bats at GITMO. I would have tortured them for any Intel they might have had and then shot them out of hand. However is puzzles me why the Left and their usual mob of unwashed ner-do-wells are so concerned about the GITMO Moon-Bats? It would instead behove the Left to worry about the fine young men and women who are daily engaged in defending this nation from the very people that the Left is so concerned about.

I see now where the EU is calling for the closing of the GITMO prisoner camp. Fine we'll shoot all the inmates and close the camp, end of story, end of Moon-Bats.

Liberal infallibility: What Ann Coulter is right

Liberal infallibility: What Ann Coulter is right
Jun 11, 2006
by Kevin McCullough

Email to a friend Print this page Text size: A A Liberals in America have been staging a new strategy on winning public policy debates. Simply provide spokespeople that no one is allowed to respond to. Ann Coulter had the gall to challenge that and let loose with some direct observations in her newest best-seller "GODLESS" and true to form liberals have been fomenting in response.
The reason they do is not because it breaks some sacred respect that one should have for a grieving mother, wife, or relative. Rather the reason they are so outraged by this is because it simply stabs through the heart the strategy of hiding behind spokespeople who 'can't be criticized'.

Matt Lauer, Hillary Clinton, and Alan Colmes have been laughable in the trumped up outrage that they share for the statements Coulter makes in GODLESS in reference to the 'Jersey Girls'. The Jersey Girls are four wives who lost their husbands on 9/11, they jumped into the 2004 election debate early on, they cut commercials for John Kerry, and they are on record for saying some rather hideous remarks about Condoleezza Rice and Karl Rove, not to mention President Bush.

In recent years liberal spokespersons have grown infamous for self destruction when they are put into arenas where free debate, give and take response, and actual dialogue take place. As Ann argues rather convincingly in her new book, this sets up the structure of "liberal infallibility." In other words liberals use of victims of tragedies would never be criticized. So the plan is to find as many victims to become the mouthpieces for the left as possible.

More @ townhall

Let me say from the onset that their is no one above criticism or reproach. I don't care if its your sainted grandmother, a priest, a minister, or grief-stricken parents/wives/mothers etc. You cannot wave the 'bloody shirt' and ramble on about your private vendetta and not be taken to task for what you have said or done.

I have no problem in taking anyone too task as I don't believe in sacred cows. Let them have it with both barrels and let the chips fall where they may.

Judge Rejects San Francisco's Handgun Ban

Judge Rejects San Francisco's Handgun Ban
By Susan Jones Senior Editor
June 13, 2006

( - A San Francisco Superior Court judge on Monday threw out the city's voter-approved ban on handguns, ruling that state law trumps local jurisdictions in gun control matters.

Proposition H, approved last November with 58 percent of the vote, banned the possession, manufacture, distribution, sale and transfer of firearms and ammunition within San Francisco. (Exceptions were made for specific professional purposes, such as police or security work.)

The National Rifle Association sued the city, arguing that state law preempts local gun control ordinances. The judge agreed.

Both the National Rifle Association and the Second Amendment Foundation called the decision a victory for gun owners across the state.

"The right of citizens to be safe in their homes and communities can never be subject to a popular vote," said SAF founder Alan Gottlieb.

"It is astonishing that in a city where the leaders preach how open they are to diversity, they encouraged voters to blindly march to the polls last November to practice a blatant, egregious and despicable form of social bigotry against their neighbors and fellow citizens," Gottlieb said.

More @ cnsnews

Another stupid law overturned! The twits in SF seemed to think that criminals would not have guns if this stupid law were in force!

When stupid people make stupid laws only criminals will have guns!

Judge Rejects San Francisco's Handgun Ban

Judge Rejects San Francisco's Handgun Ban
By Susan Jones Senior Editor
June 13, 2006

( - A San Francisco Superior Court judge on Monday threw out the city's voter-approved ban on handguns, ruling that state law trumps local jurisdictions in gun control matters.

Proposition H, approved last November with 58 percent of the vote, banned the possession, manufacture, distribution, sale and transfer of firearms and ammunition within San Francisco. (Exceptions were made for specific professional purposes, such as police or security work.)

The National Rifle Association sued the city, arguing that state law preempts local gun control ordinances. The judge agreed.

Both the National Rifle Association and the Second Amendment Foundation called the decision a victory for gun owners across the state.

"The right of citizens to be safe in their homes and communities can never be subject to a popular vote," said SAF founder Alan Gottlieb.

"It is astonishing that in a city where the leaders preach how open they are to diversity, they encouraged voters to blindly march to the polls last November to practice a blatant, egregious and despicable form of social bigotry against their neighbors and fellow citizens," Gottlieb said.

More @ cnsnews

Another stupid law overturned! The twits in SF seemed to think that criminals would not have guns if this stupid law were in force!

When stupid people make stupid laws only criminals will have guns!

Monday, June 12, 2006

(Barf Alert) EPA Celebrates 'Gay and Lesbian Pride Month'

EPA Celebrates 'Gay and Lesbian Pride Month'
By Susan Jones Senior Editor
June 12, 2006

( - "I thought you might like to know that the EPA, funded by your tax dollars, has joined the push for the homosexual agenda," a conservative advocacy group is telling its supporters.

The American Family Association is urging conservatives to email a note of protest to EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson and President Bush.

In a recent message to "All EPA Employees," the agency announced it would "recognize the diversity of our workforce by celebrating and observing Gay and Lesbian Pride Month."

The theme of this year's event is "Pride, Not Prejudice," the message noted. "As members of the EPA workforce and community, it is important that we treat each other with dignity and respect," the message said.

More @ cnsnews

Now that I've got the vomit cleaned off my keyboard I can respond to another waste of tax dollars. "Pride, Not Prejudice!" If that don't take the rag offen the bush nothing does. (Double meaning intended) Pride in being a homosexual is an oxymoron of the first water. How can you have pride in being a perverted malcontent? Homosexuals are not normal and all the damned lies anyone can tell to make them normal, are just that lies.

Yes sir the Fed's spend your tax dollars with care and prudence, NOT!

Progressive Discuss How They'll 'Take Back America'

By Melanie Senior EditorJune 12, 200602:07 pm

Progressive Discuss How They'll 'Take Back America'( - A liberal advocacy group opens its annual "Take Back America" conference in Washington on Monday. The three-day event will begin with the release of an "election-year message guide," the Campaign for America's Future announced, and liberals will outline what they're calling a "bold agenda for the common good" during the conference's opening luncheon. Conference attendees include actor Robert Redford, AFL-CIO President John Sweeney, former Sen. Gary Hart of Colorado, and Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, among other Democratic politicians. A Monday morning agenda item includes opening remarks about "the progressive promise and conservative collapse." Other items on Monday's agenda include discussions on energy independence, "health care for all," making the economy work for everyone, "common sense on security," revitalization of the Gulf region and rebuilding America.

More @ cnsnews

"A bold agenda for the common good!" Marx & Lenin would be sooooo proud of that statement! And it was spoken like the 'True Communists' the Left has always been!

"Real Conservatives," in America are caught between the 'Sell-Out Repub's' and the 'Commie Dem's'. Christ we are sooooooo screwed and we never even got a kiss!

A Word to the Wise and the Not So Wise

A Word to the Wise and the Not So Wise
Written by Burt Prelutsky
Monday, June 12, 2006

I’m here to announce that we are not a nation of scholars. Good grief, we’re barely literate. It’s a wonder that more of us don’t walk around with our knuckles dragging on the ground. And it’s about time that high school counselors and all the rest of us quit pretending that every 17- and 18-year-old squirt should be shoehorned into colleges and universities.

Probably half, maybe three-quarters of the kids wandering around the Groves of Academe have no legitimate reason to be there. Of course, I realize that in order for those youngsters to be out in the work force where they belong, employers have to stop demanding a B.A. as a prerequisite to employment. Most jobs just aren’t all that demanding.

Like youth, a liberal arts education is generally wasted on the young. If the kids aren’t majoring in engineering, medicine, or math, they’re probably just goofing off. There’s nothing wrong with goofing off. That’s how most grown-ups spend their weekends. Hard-working, well-meaning, parents, however, should not be mortgaging their futures so that their sprouts can devote four years to avoiding the job market.

More @ chronwatch

None of this article comes as a surprise for me! For years I worked in a steel mill that recruited college grads for supervisors. Never mind that the college grad was dumber than a fence post and knew nothing about a steel mill, he had a diploma!

Now about colleges, they earn a special place with me for ridicule and a general all around bitch slapping. When my middle daughter was in college taking courses to become a registered nurse she also had to take courses in things like Medieval European History and many other useless courses. Why did she have to take those courses? Would it make her a better nurse? Would those courses enable her to better care for her patients of the future? Well of course the answer is a resounding NO!

Colleges like everything else in this country are about; dare I say it? OK since you dared me. Colleges are about MONEY! Keep the kids for four (4) years so you can charge four (4) years tuition fees instead of giving them two (2) years of full immersion courses in their chosen field of study.

Trust me on this. There is no problem or challenge in this nation that does not have the fingerprints of someone somewhere making money off it. From the border problem to college grad's who can't find Cuba on a map with no names, money is the bottom line.
That's why colleges are filled with people who have I.Q.s lower than the mean temperature in an Alaskan winter.

Iran accused of hiding secret nuclear weapons site

Iran accused of hiding secret nuclear weapons site By Con Coughlin, Defence and Security Editor(Filed: 12/06/2006)

Fresh evidence has emerged that Iran is working on a secret military project to develop nuclear weapons that has not been declared to United Nations inspectors responsible for monitoring Iran’s nuclear programme.

Nuclear experts working for the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna are pressing the Iranians to make a full disclosure about a network of research laboratories at a secret military base outside the capital Teheran.

The project is codenamed Zirzamin 27, and its purpose is to enable the Iranians to undertake uranium enrichment to military standard. Zirzamin means “basement” in Farsi, which suggests the laboratories are underground and 27 refers to the 27-year-old Iranian revolution.

Concerns over activity at Zirzamin 27 will be raised at this week’s meeting of the IAEA’s Board of Governors in Vienna, which starts today.
Suspicions have been growing that Iran has a secret military nuclear research programme since UN inspectors discovered particles of enriched uranium at a research complex at Lavizan, a military base on the outskirts of Teheran, in 2003.

More @ telegraph

Iran accused of hiding secret nuclear weapons site

Jumping catfish what a ridiculous headline! I thought it had been established some years ago the Iran was doing the very thing the headline now seems amazed about! (Next headline to read, "Water is wet and is suspected of having been wet for thousands of years") And of course if its secret, then you'd want to hide it. This article should be filed with the other things that go on and just make think, 'WELL DUH.'

The only way to stop Iran playing with nukes, is nuke them before they can nuke us. We won't of course do that and then their will be finger pointing, hints, allegations, hand-wringing, and more

Homeland Security accepts fake ID

Homeland Security accepts fake ID
By Stephen Dinan
June 12, 2006

The Department of Homeland Security allowed a man to enter its headquarters last week using a fake Matricula Consular card as identification, despite federal rules that say the Mexican-issued card is not valid ID at government buildings.

Bruce DeCell, a retired New York City police officer, used his phony card -- which lists his place of birth as "Tijuana, B.C." and his address as "123 Fraud Blvd." on an incorrectly spelled "Staton Island, N.Y." -- to enter the building Wednesday for a meeting with DHS officials.

Mr. DeCell said he has had the card for four years and has used it again and again to board airliners and enter government buildings, without being turned down once. But he said he was surprised that DHS, the agency in charge of determining secure IDs, accepted it.

"Obviously, it's not working," Mr. DeCell said.

The Mexican government has issued millions of Matricula Consular cards in the past few years, mostly to give illegal aliens a form of identification that banks and other institutions will accept.

The FBI, in testimony to Congress, has said that the cards are not secure. The General Services Administration ruled in 2003 that the Matricula Consular is not valid ID for entering a federal building.

In addition to being a forgery obtained for him from a street vendor in California, Mr. DeCell's card was modeled on an older version, which the Mexican government publicly acknowledges is not a secure document.

The Mexican government says the old-style cards "are no longer valid."

Some members of Congress tried to crack down on use of the card, particularly as valid ID for opening a bank account, but the Bush administration opposed that effort.

MOre @ washingtontimes

My highlight in the excerpt. Well of course Bush & Co opposed cracking down, this is about money!!! Haven't you heard, everything including national security is about money!!! Yeah the Fed's will listen in on Aunt Mae and Aunt June talking about their bursitis, but God forbid the Fed's would ever interfere where a profit might be made.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

The Left Has Another Delusional Moment!

Gathering Highlights Power of the Blog

Published: June 10, 2006
LAS VEGAS, June 9 — If any more proof were needed of the rising influence of bloggers — at least for the Democratic Party — it could be found here on Friday on the Las Vegas Strip, where the old and new worlds of American politics engaged in a slightly awkward if mostly entertaining clash of a meeting.

Rick Scibelli Jr. for The New York Times
Potential presidential candidates, campaign representatives and Washington reporters were in abundance Friday at the YearlyKos 2006 Convention, a three-day gathering of bloggers in Las Vegas.

Rick Scibelli Jr. for The New York Times
The crowd attracted to the convention demonstrated that blogging has become a way for candidates to organize and communicate with voters.
There were the bloggers — nearly a thousand of them, many of them familiar names by now — emerging from the shadows of their computers for a three-day blur of workshops, panels and speeches about politics, the power of the Internet and the shortcomings of the Washington media. And right behind them was a parade of prospective Democratic presidential candidates and party leaders, their presence a tribute to just how much the often rowdy voices of the Web have been absorbed into the very political process they frequently disdain, much to the amazement, and perhaps discomfort, of some of the bloggers themselves.

More @ nytimes

You ever visited DU or the Daily Kos, that's the cutting edge of the Left on the Web. I'm having trouble typing this I'm laughing so hard!

Zarqawi: Skimpy clothes found (USAF Always Helpful)

Zarqawi: Skimpy clothes found
10/06/2006 14:11 - (SA)

Hibhib - Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was accompanied by women who wore skimpy clothes and read magazines on current affairs and militant propaganda, an inspection of the house he was killed in showed on Saturday.

The remains of Zarqawi's isolated "safe house" also suggested that the al-Qaeda leader in Iraq and his companions - which an Iraqi army officer said included two women and an eight-year-old girl - lived with few luxuries.

The US military took reporters to the site in the village of Hibhib, near the town of Baquba north of Baghdad, three days after the death of Zarqawi, blamed for beheading hostages and killings hundreds of people in suicide bombings.

At the site surrounded by palm groves, two thin foam mattresses were scattered among the debris of smashed concrete and twisted metal.

Leopard skin nightgown

There were few clues on Zarqawi's extreme ideology or the militant groups he was linked to in the rubble of the building that was pulverised by two 227kg bombs in a US air strike on Wednesday.

One leaflet identified a radio station in Latifiya south of the capital as an apparent target.

A few feet away was a magazine picture of former US president Franklin D Roosevelt.

Also beside the slabs of concrete was a woman's leopard skin nightgown and other skimpy women's clothes.

The US military had said the air strike killed a total of six people, three males and three females.

It said on Friday that a wounded Zarqawi was still alive when US troops reached the site but died shortly afterwards.

Looking over the site where Iraq's most wanted man may have been plotting more suicide bombs, an Iraqi soldier said he felt a great sense of relief.

From @ News 24

USAF always helpful. You dress'm, we undress'm!

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Forensic Specialists to Examine Al-Zarqawi

Forensic Specialists to Examine Al-Zarqawi

By PATRICK QUINN, The Associated Press
Jun 10, 2006 5:23 PM (1 hr 31 mins ago)

BAGHDAD, Iraq - The U.S. military flew in two forensic specialists Saturday to examine the remains of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi "to see how he actually died" and to reconstruct the last minutes of his life, a spokesman said.

The examination comes after U.S. authorities altered their initial account of the al-Qaida leader's death, first saying he died outright in a U.S. airstrike, then saying he survived but died soon after.

Also, an Iraqi man raised fresh questions, telling Associated Press Television News that he saw U.S. soldiers beating an injured man resembling al-Zarqawi until blood flowed from his nose.

Maj. Gen. William Caldwell, a spokesman for the U.S. military in Baghdad, said the decision to fly in forensic experts was made shortly after al-Zarqawi's death. The airstrike also killed five others, including al-Zarqawi's spiritual adviser, Sheik Abdul-Rahman.

"I think if we don't do a full autopsy then that might irresponsible on our part," Caldwell said. "I think we sort of owe that just for this reason: How did he actually die?"

He said the U.S. government thought it was important enough "that we grabbed two people in the last 48 hours and told them pack up and move to Iraq."

Asked about the claim that U.S. soldiers may have beaten al-Zarqawi after the attack, Caldwell said he would check. In Washington, Pentagon spokesman Jeffrey Gordon said Saturday he was unaware of the claim.

"We frequently receive allegations which prove to be unsubstantiated," Gordon said.

The Iraqi, identified only as Mohammed, said he lives near the house where al-Zarqawi was killed. He said residents put a bearded man in an ambulance before U.S. forces arrived.

"When the Americans arrived they took him out of the ambulance, they beat him on his stomach and wrapped his head with his dishdasha, then they stomped on his stomach and his chest until he died and blood came out of his

More @ examiner

You got to be kidding me!!! how this scum-bag terrorist died? Been up to me I've have forced fed him hog lard until he croaked and then buried his stinking carcass in a hog lot. We really are the limit in this country with this mealy mouth politically correct bullshit!

Arab World Remains Hostile, Fearful Toward US

Basti Note: I was looking over some old material from my forum and found this article. This is from December 3, 2005, a year and a half ago and it is still timely. Nations like individual people should not be engaged in a popularity contest, its not worth the trouble and expense.

Arab World Remains Hostile, Fearful Toward US

by Jim Lobe
While the past 15 months have brought a slight decline in anti-U.S. sentiment, public opinion in the Arab world about Washington's policies and intentions in the Middle East remains overwhelmingly negative and deeply skeptical, according to a major new survey released here Friday.

Most Arabs continue to believe the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq has harmed prospects for both stability and democratic development in the region, as well as the welfare of Iraqis themselves, according to survey's designer, Shibley Telhami, the Anwar Sadat Chair for Peace and Development Studies at the University of Maryland and a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution.

"Iraq has become the new prism of pain through which Arabs are looking at the U.S. and the world," he said, noting that 80 percent of respondents said they based their views on U.S. "policies," rather than U.S. or Western "values" or way of life.

The survey, the third in an annual series overseen by the polling firm Zogby International, was based on interviews with a total of 3,900 people in Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and the United Arab Emirates in the latter half of October. The results of a second survey conducted by Zogby at the same time are scheduled to be released by the Arab American Institute next week.


"Arab World Remains Hostile, Fearful Toward US"

And this is a problem, how?

A lot of people in this country are obsessed with having other people like America at any cost. I don't give a shit if any foreigners like the US. I fail to see how being liked is a viable foreign policy. Fear is better, having the rags fear the US is good policy.

Filing: Second dancer called allegations a 'crock'

Filing: Second dancer called allegations a 'crock'

By Joseph Neff, Staff Writer
The second dancer in the Duke lacrosse case told police early on that allegations of rape were a "crock" and that she was with the accuser the entire evening except for a period of less than five minutes.
The second dancer, Kim Roberts, made that statement when she was first contacted by Durham police one week after the party where the first escort service dancer said she was gang raped by three men.

Roberts' statements and notes of the detectives in the case were made public today in a court filing by lawyers for one of the defendants, Reade Seligmann, 20, of Essex Fells, N.J.

Seligmann's lawyers said police omitted important facts contradicting the accuser's story when they obtained an order to photograph and take DNA samples from the players, including Roberts' statements to police.

Investigator Benjamin Himan first contacted Roberts on March 20, one week after the lacrosse party that ended in the early hours of March 14.

"She heard that (the accuser) was sexually assaulted, which she stated is a 'crock' and she stated that she was with her the whole time until she left," according to Himan's notes. "The only time she was alone was when she would not leave and that time period was less than five minutes."

Seligmann's lawyers said there were major discrepancies in the reports of the doctors and nurses who examined the accuser at Duke Medical Center.

Prosecutors and police have said that the accuser was hit, kicked and strangled while she was sexually assaulted anally, vaginally and orally.

More @ newsobserver

Bah humbug! Whole thing is a 'crock'. If the 'race card' wasn't being played and someone didn't want some 'free money' it never would have been a story to start with.

Jack the cat chases black bear up tree Sat Jun 10, 9:03 AM ET

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Jack the cat chases black bear up tree Sat Jun 10, 9:03 AM ET

WEST MILFORD, N.J. - A black bear picked the wrong yard for a jaunt, running into a territorial tabby who ran the furry beast up a tree — twice.

Jack, a 15-pound orange and white cat, keeps a close vigil on his property, often chasing small animals, but his owners and neighbors say his latest escapade was surprising.

"We used to joke, 'Jack's on duty,' never knowing he'd go after a bear," owner Donna Dickey told The Star-Ledger of Newark for Friday's editions.

Neighbor Suzanne Giovanetti first spotted Jack's accomplishment after her husband saw a bear climb a tree on the edge of their northern New Jersey property on Sunday. Giovanetti thought Jack was simply looking up at the bear, but soon realized the much larger animal was afraid of the hissing cat.

More @ Yahoo news

Told you cats were mean critters!

Friday, June 09, 2006

NYC Blocked From Enforcing Graffiti Law

NYC Blocked From Enforcing Graffiti Law


NEW YORK (AP) - A federal appeals court Thursday blocked the city from enforcing part of an anti-graffiti law that prevented people between the ages of 18 and 21 from buying spray paint and broad-tipped markers.

The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected the city's request that it temporarily let aspects of the law remain in effect while the appeals court considers whether a judge was right to find in favor of artists who challenged it.

City lawyer Virginia Waters said the city would appeal.

"Graffiti is an ongoing blight in New York City, and we look forward to being able to use this important tool once we prevail upon the appeal."

Judge George B. Daniels had temporarily ordered an end to enforcement of the ban on sales to 18- to 21-year-olds, saying there was no "rational basis" to target them more than other adults.

Daniel Perez, who represents seven high school and college students who challenged the law, predicted that the appeals court's ruling would not change.

"We hope the city has learned its lesson about drafting laws that violate the Constitution," he said.

From Las Vegas Sun

Seems to me that this 'paint law' for the 18 too 21 group makes as much sense as the 'alcohol serving laws' in this country. You can vote for POTUS & die defending the USA at age 18, but you can legally buy beer, wine, or whiskey! Never did make sense for me and it still doesn't.

VIDEO: Zarqawi Bites The Dust

VIDEO: Zarqawi Bites The Dust
By Greg Tinti on June 09, 2006 at 06:04 PM
Click to Download (.wmv) [Warning: R Rated]

Hat tip for this one it rocks!

Dog Feces Left at Congresswoman's Office

Dog Feces Left at Congresswoman's Office
Jun 08 10:44 PM US/Eastern


Republican U.S. Rep. Marilyn Musgrave's re-election campaign was already heated, and it just got smelly as well: Her staff accused a Democratic activist Thursday of leaving an envelope full of dog feces at Musgrave's Greeley office.

Musgrave spokesman Shaun Kenney said someone stuffed the envelope through the mail slot in the door on May 31 and then sped away in a car. Kenney said most of the preprinted return address was blacked out, but staffers used the nine-digit ZIP code to trace it to Kathleen Ensz, a Weld County Democratic volunteer.

Ensz told The Associated Press she left the envelope at Musgrave's office but said it "wasn't in the office doors, it was in the foyer." Asked what she meant by the act, she declined comment.

Kenney demanded an apology from Musgrave's likely Democratic opponent, state Rep. Angela Paccione of Fort Collins.

Paccione spokesman James Thompson denied the campaign had anything to do with it.

More @ breitbart

Well that about sums up American politics an envelope full of dog-shit!

Pentagon sets its sights on social networking websites

Pentagon sets its sights on social networking websites
09 June 2006 news service
Paul Marks

Who knows who"I AM continually shocked and appalled at the details people voluntarily post online about themselves." So says Jon Callas, chief security officer at PGP, a Silicon Valley-based maker of encryption software. He is far from alone in noticing that fast-growing social networking websites such as MySpace and Friendster are a snoop's dream.

New Scientist has discovered that Pentagon's National Security Agency, which specialises in eavesdropping and code-breaking, is funding research into the mass harvesting of the information that people post about themselves on social networks. And it could harness advances in internet technology - specifically the forthcoming "semantic web" championed by the web standards organisation W3C - to combine data from social networking websites with details such as banking, retail and property records, allowing the NSA to build extensive, all-embracing personal profiles of individuals.

More @ newscientist

Some people don't have enough sense to come in out of the rain. I've seen 'very personal data' posted on blogs and forums in my years of surfing the Web and it really makes you scratch your head. Of course I remember some women I worked with who were hired on Monday and by Wednesday I knew who they were sleeping with, what sexual position they favored, what birth control they used, etc, etc, etc! And I didn't ask these women they just told me and anyone else who would listen!

Zarqawi Survived Initial Bombing

Zarqawi Survived Initial Bombing
By Susan Jones Senior Editor
June 09, 2006

( - Abu Musab al Zarqawi was alive, even conscious, when coalition forces arrived at the site of the bombing, a U.S. military officer told Fox & Friends on Friday morning.

That same officer later held a press conference by satellite from Baghdad, where he gave other reporters the same information.

On Thursday, U.S. military officials said Zarqawi had not survived the bombing, but on Friday, Army Maj. Gen. William Caldwell told reporters it now appears he did survive for a short time.

Iraqi police were the first to arrive on the scene, Caldwell said, and they found Zarqawi in the rubble -- the only one to have survived the initial attack.

He said Zarqawi tried to roll off a stretcher at one point, apparently when he realized who his rescuers were. When U.S. troops arrived on the scene, they recognized Zarqawi -- who died "a short time thereafter."

More @ cnsnews

I hope one of our guys did shoot the bastard and the last thing Zarqawi saw was a smiling American face framed by a 'Fritz helmet'!

Islamist Triumph in Mogadishu Worries Security Experts

Islamist Triumph in Mogadishu Worries Security Experts
By Patrick Goodenough International Editor
June 09, 2006

( - Thirteen years after U.S. troops were withdrawn under fire from Mogadishu, security and political analysts worry that the emergence of a victorious Islamist militia in the anarchic Somali capital may be setting the scene for a new, dangerous phase in the war against Islamic terrorists.

Somalia's fragile transitional government described the city's takeover by the radical Islamic Courts Union network as a positive development, given that the warlords defeated by the Islamists have caused chaos in Somalia since 1991.

Members of the government, which is located 150 miles from Mogadishu, began exploratory talks with the Islamists on Thursday.

Africa and some nations in the West also have been cautiously supportive of the Islamist takeover.

American Enterprise Institute scholar Michael Rubin observed that some news reports put a positive spin on the Islamist militia's victory, saying it may restore order in Somalia.

More @ cnsnews

Well at least this article is calling them 'Islamic Terrorists' and not some 'Freedom Fighter' bullshit.

Now the idea of having Moon-Bat Muslims of the real crazy variety (All Muslims are crazy to some degree or they wouldn't be Muslims) in power is not just a bad idea, its a mistake of major proportions. I'm betting we have to go back into Somalia in a short while and this next time we better come in with both boots!

Some Thoughts

I finally got my grass cut! (My tractor was down)

I've got trimming to do so any real updates will be late.

Blogger has been FUBAR on and off (Mostly on) since Monday of this week. I've about had the course with this old dog. You get what you pay for and since blogger is free, you see what you get.

I'm in the process of exploring going to a paid service with a real domain name and all the bells and whistles. If you pay for it you've got bitching rights if it goes tits up. I'm not a patient man. (I'm of the opinion that patience is not a virtue and that old saw was made up by a lazy bastard)

I'll keep y'all updated on my exploration of a paid service, my tiny store of patience is exhausted!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Zarqawi in Heaven Now, Family Says

Zarqawi in Heaven Now, Family Says
By Julie Stahl Jerusalem Bureau Chief
June 08, 2006

Jerusalem ( - The killing of al Qaeda leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi will not put an end to the "resistance" and will only increase the enemies of America in Iraq, a Hamas spokesman said on Thursday.

"The situation in Iraq is very complicated," said Hamas spokesman Ghazy Hamad. "The main problem is the occupation of Iraq."

Killing Zarqawi will "increase Americans' enemies in Iraq" and "will not stop the resistance," Hamad said by telephone. He used the same word for "resistance" that Hamas uses to describe its own suicide bombings and terror attacks.

More @ cnsnews

"Zarqawi in Heaven Now, Family Says"

The above is a laugh and a half. Sitting at the Devils right hand is more like it.

As for killing these terrorist pukes, its like killing a rat in the steel mill I used to work in. You kill one rat and a 1000 come to the funeral. Still its good to know that this cowards ticket has been punched permanently.

Now about increasing our enemies in Iraq, that's not possible. No non-Americans in Iraq with the possible exception of the Brits like us and never will. And that's OK as well, we're Americans, we're use to being hated!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

And On A Lighter Note

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Seagull Is Hit by Pitch

The Associated Press
Jun 7, 2006 9:08 AM (3 hrs ago)

BUFFALO, N.Y. - Seagulls shouldn't fly between Bisons and Bulls. One of the birds found that out during last Sunday's Triple-A minor league game between the Buffalo Bisons and the Durham Bulls. The Bisons were batting in the bottom of the eleventh when a seagull flew between the pitcher's mound and home plate just as Durham's pitcher released the ball.

The ball hit the bird. The batter swung at the ball and missed. The ball got away from the catcher. Since it was a third strike, the batter ran to first but was thrown out by the catcher to end the inning.

Meanwhile, the stunned bird lay on the ground in front of home plate.

While the umpires convened to discuss the bizarre play, a Buffalo player carried the seagull off the field. The bird later flew away.

The umps ruled that play should have stopped the moment the ball hit the bird. Durham was sent back on to the field, and the Buffalo batter returned to the plate to finish his at-bat.

From examiner

Rage and Reason in the War on Terror

Rage and Reason in the War on Terror
Written by Michael Nevin, Jr.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006

For the better part of two decades America had a flaccid response to Islamic terror campaigns bent on destroying our civilization. Beginning with the American embassy hostage crisis in Iran and followed by the military pullout in Lebanon after hundreds of Marines were slaughtered, the United States left an early impression that we were not up to the challenge and unsure exactly how to effectively deal with extreme elements of Islam.

At least throughout the 1980s, one could argue that the Soviet threat was a good reason for American policy-makers to focus primarily on Kremlin activities. In fact, at the time it made sense to support the Mujahideen as they battled the Soviets in Afghanistan. As history attests, Realpolitik is based on complicated alliances. But history is also full of missed opportunities and gathering storms that leave us begging the question: What if…?

More @ chronwatch

The immediate rage & anger post 09/11/01 is gone in most people. (I don't include myself in that loss of rage. I'm still pissed to the max) Our Fearless Leaders wasted a golden opportunity to take Islam on straight up and kick some ass, while not bothering about names. We needed to go full bore from 09/12/01 on without stopping to read the politically correct cue cards. However like so many things the Imperial Congress and our Fearless Leader have done in the last 6 years we squandered that wonderful rage and anger the American people felt on 9/11.

Our Fearless Leader called for 'Crusade Against Terrorism' right after 09/11/01. Whoops, the Islam-O-Nazis didn't like the word 'Crusade' so backpedaling was in order there. We invaded Afghanistan, while most of the 9/11 mad-dogs were Saudi nationals. We rounded up a horde of the usual suspects and CAIR and the Liberals didn't like that. GITO is filled with Islamic mad-dogs and we had many of them for years now, does the value of terrorist scum increase with age? We invaded Iraq and put paid to Saddam and while that was a good thing we made no plans for post war Iraq, did we think we were going to lose? Our Northern and Southern borders are still like cheese cloth and we've stopped surprise inspections of ships entering our waters.

I give Bush & Co and our Imperial Congress an F- all around in this farce called a War On Terror. We aren't fighting a War On Terror we're just fumbling and bumbling along as is our wont to do and hoping it will all turn out for the best.

Someone once said, a Brit I think.
(God looks after small children, small animals, and The United States of America)

I belive that may be correct, cause we don't have a frigging clue what we're doing!

Canada man 'planned to behead PM'

Canada man 'planned to behead PM'

Supporters of the accused men were present at the court hearing
One of 17 terror suspects arrested in Canada last week is accused of planning to behead the prime minister, a defence lawyer has said, citing court papers.
Fifteen of the 17 men have been charged in court with planning terror attacks.

The charges were not publicly released but a defence lawyer said they ranged from plots to blow up parliament buildings to attacks on media outlets.

The lawyer said his client was innocent. Two suspects who were already in jail did not appear in court.

The two men had been imprisoned earlier on arms charges.

A lawyer for Stephen Chand, one of the accused men, said the charges were the result of scare-mongering by officials.

More @ BBC News

Isn't it amazing how no one is ever guilty, even if they were caught with the smoking gun in their hand! It's even worse with these Islam-O-Nazis because CAIR and the Liberal-twits run around wringing their hands, while they 'cry racism' and other 'assorted politically correct nonsense.' If these Islam-O-Nazis would only blow up the Liberal-twits the rest of us would be ahead of the game.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Another Terrorist Attack Coming Soon?

Another Terrorist Attack Coming Soon?
CBS News: U.S. Officials Believe Recent Incidents Point To An Imminent Threat

June 5, 2006

"These individuals are often hiding in plain sight in cities like Torrance and now Toledo."

(CBS) U.S. officials believe Canadian arrests over the weekend and three recent domestic incidents in the United States are evidence the U.S. will soon be hit again by a terrorist attack. Privately, they say, they'd be surprised if it didn't come by the end of the year, reports CBS News correspondent Jim Stewart in a CBS News exclusive.

The first of the domestic incidents, all of which drew little attention at the time, began with the holdup of a string of Torrance, Calif. gas stations last summer. Muslim converts who bonded together in prison planned to use the robberies to finance attacks on 20 Army recruiting stations.

Los Angeles Police Chief William Bratton admits they stumbled on the plot during a search.

"Make no mistake about it," Bratton said. "We dodged a bullet here — perhaps many bullets."

Police in Toledo, Ohio, busted another cell in February. This one consisted of three men training to attack U.S. forces overseas. Once again, luck played a role. When they tried to enlist someone in their mosque to help, he turned them in.

"These individuals are often hiding in plain sight in cities like Torrance and now Toledo," says John Pistole, a FBI deputy director.

More cbsnews

Do you see what's missing from the article? Do you see any mention of Islam or Muslims in the article? Yep that's right that is always left out! We must not offend CAIR or the other pro-Islamic nit-wits. When the hell are some people going to wake up and realize that Islam is the cause of this terrorism and will continue to be the cause until we deal with Islam the way we dealt with the Nazis and the Japanese Warlords.

The Elephant in the Room

The Elephant in the Room
The mainstream media continue to suppress the “Islam” in Islamic terrorism.

By Andrew C. McCarthy

Over the weekend, Canadian authorities apparently smashed a frightening plot involving Islamic terrorists who planned a series of bombings against sites in southern Ontario. Instinctively, the mainstream media went into its now-familiar coverage template, Phase One of which avoids like the plague any mention of the fact that accused terrorists are Muslims.

As Cliff May and I noted here on NRO, and Roger Simon detailed on his website, readers of the New York Times were told that the 17 men arrested “represent the broad strata of our society … Some are students, some are employed, some are unemployed.” In point of fact, however, they represent a very narrow stratum of Canadian society: They are Muslims, many of whom attend the same mosque, the Al-Rahman Islamic Centre for Islamic Education in the Toronto suburb of Mississauga.

Not only were all those arrested Muslims. The reported evidence against them fits to a tee the shopworn pattern of Islamic terrorism repeated for much of the last two decades. Young men were radicalized at the local mosque and its companion school by elders preaching from the Koran. They participated in paramilitary training in rural outposts. The training involved firearms and communications equipment. The plotters may have conducted surveillance on specific targets. And they ordered prodigious amounts of explosives components—in this case, tons of fertilizer in preparation for the construction of crude but deadly effective ANFO (ammonium nitrate and fuel oil) bombs.

More nationalreview

Yes as I posted in an earlier post today the media and other Islamic apologists are conspicuous by not making an issue out of the cult of Islam in these latest arrests. So why is the media and many others silent about this issue? There are two (2) reasons; fear & compliance.

(1) The media is afraid of Islam and Islamic terrorists. The media fears attacks on their assets and reporters. They also fear that they will be accused of some sort of racial profiling or some such politically correct nonsense. (BTW, Islam is not a race, nit-wits of all the earth's races belong to Islam)

(2) Compliance with Islam is a Western trait. Many people in the West feel guilty over some slight the West may or may not have committed against Islam is the far past or the recent past. The compliant people feel the need to understand Islam and have dialogs with Islam. (You don't talk to mad-dogs you destroy them, post haste!)

I'll tell you right up front the West with the media and the compliant people leading the way is digging the grave for 8,000 years of Western cultural and tradition. Islam is the enemy and has been the enemy since a foaming at the mouth misogynist invented Islam around the 7th century CE. As long as Islam is given a free pass by the media and the compliant types we are losing the WOT and selling the birthright of millions of as yet unborn Westerners into the slavery that is Islam in practice.

Oil Is Well: The Shortage Is a Myth, and Not a New One

Oil Is Well: The Shortage Is a Myth, and Not a New One
Written by Rod D. Martin
Tuesday, June 06, 2006

“America has no shortage of oil. . . Washington, D.C. has a shortage of the political will required to let American workers go get it.”-- Rep. Richard Pombo

With oil prices reaching record levels, the left is up to its old tricks, blaming the president and calling for lots of expensive big government “solutions.”

As part of this push, leftists argue that we’re running out of oil.

But clearly, this argument is not new--and it’s dead wrong.

In 1874, Pennsylvania’s state geologist fretted that America had only a four-year supply of oil left.

He was wrong.

In 1914, Washington claimed we had only a ten-year supply.

It was wrong.

In 1940, the government announced that reserves would be depleted within 15 years.

Wrong again.

In 1977, President Jimmy Carter lamented that within a decade, we wouldn’t be able to import enough oil, “from any country, at any acceptable price,” to meet our needs.

Hardly shocking, the peanut farmer from Plains was wrong, too.

Actually, the world’s estimated oil reserves grew from 60 billion barrels in 1920 to 600 billion by 1950, 2,000 billion by 1990, and 3,000 billion by the year 2000.

More @ chronwatch

Well affixing my tin-foil hat firmly on my head I'll go one step further with my conspiracy theory. It's not just the Left and the Eco-Twits who have an are holding up oil production and refining, its the governments and the Oil Cartel working in tandem. By working together to keep new oil fields from being exploited and not building new refining facilities the Oil Cartel and government keep production down and prices up.

Sounds far-fetched you say! You ever hear diamonds or gold? You know the little bits of sparkle and shine that cost the earth to purchase and dangle from the necks of the rich and bored. Diamonds and gold are held off the market by the producing nations and companies like De Beers in order to keep the prices up and stable. There was panic in Mudville some years ago when the old USSR threatened to flood the market with diamonds and gold. It never happened because the USSR was bought off at the time and made to see the error of such a crazed idea.

If all the diamonds and gold in the world that have been mined were released on the market, you could pave your driveway with a sparkle effect. The same is true of oil, scarcity drives the price up and by extension it drives up profits and profit is the bottom line.

So yes the Left/Eco-twits does bear some responsibility for the high price of oil, however government, producers, and refiners are laughing all the way to the bank.

Study says millions have 'rage' disorder By LINDSEY TANNER, AP Medical Writer

Study says millions have 'rage' disorder By LINDSEY TANNER, AP Medical Writer
Mon Jun 5, 5:00 PM ET

CHICAGO - To you, that angry, horn-blasting tailgater is suffering from road rage. But doctors have another name for it — intermittent explosive disorder — and a new study suggests it is far more common than they realized, affecting up to 16 million Americans.

"People think it's bad behavior and that you just need an attitude adjustment, but what they don't know ... is that there's a biology and cognitive science to this," said Dr. Emil Coccaro, chairman of psychiatry at the University of Chicago's medical school.

Road rage, temper outbursts that involve throwing or breaking objects and even spousal abuse can sometimes be attributed to the disorder, though not everyone who does those things is afflicted.

More @ Yahoo News

Ahh the physic babble never stops does it? This bit of pseudo science is brought to you by the same people who want to drug all children just in case the children might turn violent. You'll also note that a monetary sum is attached so you know the insurance underwriters have their fingers in this pie. Never let be said that any perceived problem in this nation cannot have a dollar amount attached to it and that my friends is the bottom line.

More From The Usual Suspects

Police put on a `good spectacle'
Snipers, leg irons, selected evidence, police brass — all calculated to sway the public, lawyers and security experts say
Jun. 5, 2006. 08:16 AM


For the experts contacted by the Star, these events were as much about creating an image for the public as about charging the individuals. And it's an image, they argue, that could hurt the right of the accused — 12 men and five youths — to a fair trial.

Being on message — "on script" as the spin doctors put it — is a concept more easily associated with politicians than police chiefs. But for a veteran of the criminal justice system like Toronto lawyer Walter Fox, it's the obvious lens through which to judge events.

The principal audience, in his view, is the Canadian public.

"Police think they have to present a show of force to advance the public's understanding that these guys are dangerous," said Fox. "Does it prejudice the mind of the public? I think so.

"As a criminal lawyer, I am well aware that police and the prosecution are never stronger than at the moment when they've brought their suspects into court for the first time. I've also learned that the stronger the police seem to be at this point, the more suspicious I become that they don't have a complete case."

Overall, Fox tends to believe that the checks and balances of the justice system will probably win out. David Jacobs, a Toronto lawyer with extensive experience in international human rights law, is less sure.

"The fanfare around the arrests creates such a theatrical atmosphere one wonders if it is necessary for the enforcement of justice.... It raises the emotional level without necessarily shedding any light," he said.

In Brampton Saturday, lawyer Anser Farooq, who represents five of the accused, clearly saw the image of snipers on the roof and police armed to the teeth as negative to his clients. "This is ridiculous," he told the Star. "They've got soldiers here with guns. This is going to completely change the atmosphere."

Inside, lawyer Rocco Galati, representing two suspects, complained to Farnum about the leg irons and armed officers in the courtroom, adding: "I do not feel safe with an automatic weapon facing in my direction."

More @ (Canada)

So having legs irons, soldiers with guns, and automatic weapons pointed at the perps has upset the lawyers and other of the terrorist apologists. And of course the US is to blame by inference as is always the case.

You remember when the usual suspects whined that we didn't shoot down the aircraft on 09/11/01 before they were crashed into buildings? Now the same sort of people are complain that the police and military response in Canada is all about show and pomp. Of course if the police and military did not take adequate precautions and there was some sort of incident the same people who are complaining now would complain about that. You see the Moon-Bat terrorists bank on having Liberals do their 'P/R' work for them and it works like a charm every time.

You will notice all the hand-wringing and gnashing of teeth over the Moon-Bats rights and fair trials and other off the wall comments. The Moon-Bats were caught red-handed, but all the worry is centered on the so called rights of the Moon-Bats.

Now I don't support a lot of what police and military have done in the past in Canada & the US because what they were doing was non-responsive to the problem at hand. However this time it appears that they've got it right and you can't be too careful when it comes to these Moon-Bat terrorists.

Monday, June 05, 2006


AP: Millions of Visa Overstays Overlooked

Associated Press Writer

MEXICO CITY (AP) -- Millions of illegal immigrants in the United States never jumped the U.S.-Mexico border where Congress wants to erect impenetrable walls and President Bush is sending National Guard troops to patrol. They never sneaked in at all.

The little-acknowledged reality is that nearly half the estimated 12 million undocumented foreigners in the United States entered on bona fide U.S. visas - and simply never left. Authorities call them "overstays" who have been largely overlooked in the vitriolic debate on immigration.

"The southwestern border gets all the attention, but it's staggering the number of people who come and overstay their visa," said Dean Boyd, a spokesman for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement in Washington. "It's a very large-scale problem."

A study by the Washington-based Pew Hispanic Center last month indicated that 45 percent of the undocumented migrants in the United States overstayed legal visas.

More @

Yeah try this the next time you stay at a hotel/motel and see what happens then!

We can't do a damn thing right in the country and it gets worse each day. This nation isn't being governed and hasn't been for a very long time, its simply being given away piece, by piece!

McKinney probe enters 3rd month

McKinney probe enters 3rd month
Police unions criticize U.S. attorney

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Published on: 06/05/06

Washington – The grand jury investigation of 4th District Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney enters its third month today with no hint from the federal prosecutor about how much longer it will take to settle a case that legal experts said should have been wrapped up in a matter of days.

McKinney was accused of striking a Capitol Hill police officer March 29, and the case was referred to the grand jury April 5. The drawn-out process of deciding whether she should be charged with assault has police fuming that the DeKalb County Democrat is getting preferential treatment from a politically motivated prosecutor.

A federal grand jury investigating Rep. Cynthia McKinney has had the case since April 5.

"Right from the start this U.S. attorney has handled this case differently from every other case," said Chuck Canterbury, national president of the Fraternal Order of Police. "And it's because she is a sitting congresswoman."

McKinney's office and the office of U.S. Attorney Ken Wainstein declined to comment.

The case comes at a time of heightened tensions in Washington. A series of arrests, indictments and criminal investigations involving at least five members of Congress have fueled disputes between Capitol police and Congress and between Capitol Hill and the Justice Department.

More @

Yeah let's hear it for the 'rule of law' in this country and how no one gets 'special treatment under the law'.

What really irks me is the fact that these overpaid, pompous, windbag jerks, in Congress use 'mealy mouthed platitudes' like 'rule of law' and then try to claim some kind of special treatment while attempting to hide behind the US Constitution.

England afraid to fly its own flag

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England afraid to fly its own flag

Following threats by extremist Islamic group, several corporations, chain of pubs ban England flag
Modi Kreitman

Following warnings by extremist Islamic group al-Muhajiroun, in which the group said that the red cross in the England flag symbolizes the 'blood thirsty crusaders' and the occupation of Muslims, some of the largest companies in England have ordered their workers not to wave the flags.

The flag has recently appeared in England on everything from bikinis to cars, and sold in endless versions in stores.

But the Islamic protest forced some corporations, such as cable companies NTL, and even the Drivers and Vehicles Licensing Agency to ban the flag in every form due to fears from reactions of Muslims.

The Sun tabloid newspaper has in recent days launched a campaign to bring back the flag, and has published a blacklist of companies preventing their workers from expressing their patriotism at work.

The Sun said that a large pub network has banned drinkers from entering with symbols of the national team.

The hero of the day is a two year-old toddler, who was thrown out with his parents from Leicester, because he wore the England team's uniform.

From ynetnews

These 'Muslim Moon-Bats' should meet my and some of the people I know the 'blood thirsty crusaders' look like choirboy's beside us! Below is what will happen if we don't put these rock worshiping Moon-Bats if their place real soon!

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By: Thomas Lindaman
June 5, 2006
The First Amendment guarantees the right to free speech, but there are a lot of people who are using this right a little too often to advance some incredibly stupid notions. It’s times like these when I just want to tell these people, “SHADDAP!”

Then, I realized, I’m a columnist, so I can. I admit there are times when I’m not the brightest knife on the Christmas tree.or something like that. Regardless, here is my list of people who should really just shut their pieholes.

Al Gore, SHADDAP! Your movie “An Inconvenient Truth” may have the critics wowing over you, but most people are already onto to your scam. In the years since Earth in the Balance came out, scientists have figured out that you’re full of crap. Sure, you say the scientists who come out against you are all bought and paid for by Big Business, but have you ever wondered how many of the scientists on your side are bought and paid for by people wanting to push your agenda?

The Dixie Chicks, SHADDAP! Your new album is #1 on Billboard’s Top 200, selling over 500,000 copies. Good for you. Now, could you, like, not talk. Whether it’s Natalie Maines “taking back” her apology to President Bush or one of the other Chicks talking about wanting to be around “really cool people who get it,” you guys (or is that gals) haven’t learned a thing from 2003. Oh, and by the way, I love how you guys turned on country fans in 2003 after they started burning your CDs.but went right back to country radio to get airplay for your singles.

More @ thelandofthefree

The author of this article has hit many of my sore buttons with his 'SHADDAP LIST'.

I'd like to add all the EU Socialist Weenies, and all the over paid undereducated, overpaid Hollywood buffoons who make it a point to disparage American at every opportunity to the 'SHADDAP LIST'.

Another reason to seal border

Another reason to seal border

Posted: June 5, 2006
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2006

You may have heard about the shooting in Milwaukee over the Memorial Day weekend.

Even in America's volatile, crime-infested urban areas, it's not every day that a guy goes on a firearms rampage, killing two and injuring three others.

The suspect's name is Octaviano Juarez-Corro.

Yes, he was in the U.S. illegally when he spilled all this blood and created all this mayhem. Yes, he is one of those Mexican illegal immigrants we're told will do the work Americans wouldn't do. And, yes, like so many other violent and wanted fugitives in the U.S., he is believed to be back in Mexico – safe from extradition to barbaric America where he could, of course, face the death penalty.

Police sort of assume he's in Mexico. It only makes sense. He's from Mexico. And Mexico, our good friend and ally, as President Bush refers to it, would offer him a certain amount of protection from U.S. law enforcement authorities.

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported it this way: ''The majority of people wanted on homicide warrants in Milwaukee are suspected of being in Mexico, according to files from the police department and prosecutors.''

More @ worldnetdaily

Well it seems our fearless leaders in Congress along with Bush & Co don't care about marauding illegal Mexicans in the US. I say its apparent because our fearless leaders want to give amnesty to between 11 & 30 million illegals now in this nation and give them a free ride on SS along with other benefits. (It's a shame that no one really knows how many illegals we have in this nation)

As long as the Business Cartel & the Illegal Lobby are allowed to make immigration policy for this nation we'll all be at the mercy of anyone who just want to stroll across the border and commit as many crimes as they like before scampering back across the border.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Raining And Wagon Training

HISTORY AND drama played out Saturday afternoon at the Shaeffer-Campbell Covered Bridge. The historic structure which recently underwent a total renovation, provided
passage for the National Road wagon train. The bridge is located just west of Ohio 331, and sits on the campus of Ohio University Eastern.

From timesleaderonline

The above bridge is about 4 miles from my house here in Belmont County Ohio.

Horses help wounded soldiers walk again By STEPHEN MANNING, Associated Press Writer

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Horses help wounded soldiers walk again By STEPHEN MANNING, Associated Press Writer
Sat Jun 3, 9:28 AM ET

ARLINGTON, Va. - Spec. Maxwell Ramsey made small kissing sounds as he tried to coax Wylie, a muscular black Percheron horse, over to the platform where the soldier stood. He swung the metal and plastic limb that is his new left leg over Wylie's back and sat down in the saddle.

"Relax your leg. Take a deep breath. Remember you are sitting on a big old cushion," Mary Jo Beckman, a therapeutic riding instructor, said to Ramsey as he and Wylie headed out into a dusty yard at Fort Myer.

The black and white horses that usually pull caissons during military funerals at neighboring Arlington National Cemetery are helping soldiers such as Ramsey in their long struggle to learn to walk again, to regain strength and to believe in their new limbs.

"It gives me the confidence to know that I lost an arm and a leg but not the ability to do certain things," 1st Lt. Ryan Kules, 25, a Tempe, Ariz., native who was injured by a roadside bomb in Iraq in November, said Friday.

The soldiers and the horses from the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment, also known as The Old Guard, are part of a pilot program at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center in nearby Washington to see if troops with prosthetic legs can regain some mobility through horseback riding. The Army hospital has also experimented with other sports, such as skiing, to help amputees regain balance needed to walk again.

Therapeutic riding is widely used for people with physical, emotional and mental disabilities, Beckman said. People and horses walk using the same circular motion in their hips, she said, and riding on the back of a horse can help a person feel and recall that movement.

More @ Yahoo News

Hoo Raw!