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Tuesday, May 30, 2006

It's Only a Movie, It's Only a Movie, It's Only a Movie...

Basti Note: The author of this piece nails it to the floor about the DaVinci Code. The book was fiction and so is the movie! Fiction people, fiction! You know what fiction is! Fiction is the promises that politicians make before they're elected and fact is what they do after they get elected. Read the entire article, the author has a droll turn of sarcasm that is a delight to read.

It's Only a Movie, It's Only a Movie, It's Only a Movie...
Written by Doc Farmer
Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Re: DaVinci Code Movie Mania

I keep reading all these stories about people getting angry about this new movie, “The DaVinci Code” starring Tom Hanks. Now, let's face it. You can count the number of bad movies Hanks has ever made with the fingers on one hand (and you'd still have some spares). He's a great all-around actor. He does well in comedy and drama, and from all accounts he's not a Hollyweird kind of guy. Married, kids, well grounded, no fancy airs about him.

Yet people are trashing him for this movie. Well, more accurately, trashing his hair.

As a bald guy (and bald by choice – I can highly recommend the new Gillette Prism, by the bye), I can't figure that one out, quite frankly, but let's move on to the basic point of my thesis.

As I understand it, this movie is all about a story line that claims that Jesus got married to Mary Magdalene, had kids, and the "holy grail" were the children of that marriage. A deep, dark, "secret society" was then formed to protect that bloodline. Leonardo Da Vinci, arguably the greatest mind of the Renaissance, was part of this society and left secret codes in certain of his works, including the Mona Lisa. (By the bye, he's also rumored to have been the creator of the "Shroud of Turin" by creating a photographic process centuries before it was discovered in the modern era; I don't know if that was part of the movie or not, but there are those who believe the image on the shroud is that of Da Vinci, not the Christ). Somebody discovers this “secret code” 487 years after Da Vinci’s death, and gets chased around by some Albino Jedi assassin or other.

Well, the Catholic Church has apparently banned Catholics from seeing the movie. Of course, there was an old tradition when the Archdiocese of Boston would ban a movie: "Banned in Boston" would make a movie an instant success, mainly because people wanted to see what all the fuss was about. Moreover, as we all know, all Catholics follow the teachings of their church to the letter, and only use the rhythm method of birth control, completely eschewing any pills, creams, condoms, or other mechanical devices to prevent conception.

Yeah, right.

Furthermore, it's not just the Catholics who are in an uproar about this. Other Christian groups are putting out books and DVDs to debunk the movie and its plotline.

More @ chronwatch
