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Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Latrobe Employee's Daughter Petitions to Keep Rolling Rock at Latrobe

Latrobe Employee's Daughter Petitions to Keep Rolling Rock at Latrobe

Beer News posted by Todd / 05-26-2006

We were just sent this by Christina M. Gumola, daughter of a Latrobe employee with 22 years invested, who is urging A-B to keep Rolling Rock at Latrobe.

There's also an on-line petition that you can sign - at the time of posting this there are 6230 Total Signatures, and rising ... quickly.

And the following is the letter she sent to Anheuser-Busch's board members. A very interesting, thoughtful and personal take on A-B's recent purchase of Latrobe, though I'm not sure A-B would entertain such a request or even care at this point as the purchase of the brand, and just the brand, is done.

InBev? Highly doubtful they'd care - closing breweries and axing jobs is their forte.

Here's to trying though!

--- (by Christina M. Gumola)

To Whom It May Concern:

It was on Friday May 19, 2006, when I received a phone call from my father Richard Pavlik, who is a 22 year long employee of Latrobe Brewing Company, when I got the news. "The label was bought by Anheuser-Busch for $82 million." I quickly asked about the future of his job in which he replied, "I have 60 days then I no longer have a job." Immediately I broke down in tears for many reasons, one of which was my concern for the well-being of my parents and the effect this job loss will have on their lives. I have to admit that along with my sadness, I was very angry. "How could someone do this to, not only my father and the other 200+ employees of Latrobe Brewing Company, but to a whole community whose livelihood revolved around their pride and commitment to Latrobe Brewing Company-more specifically Rolling Rock beer."

More @ beeradvocate More related here snopes & here pittsburghlive

R/R was my brand of choice for nearly 30 years. Now Bud has bought it out RIP R/R.
