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Saturday, May 27, 2006

Aide says Jefferson cooked up scheme

Aide says Jefferson cooked up scheme
Assistant sentenced to 8 years in prison
Saturday, May 27, 2006
By Bill Walsh
Washington bureau

ALEXANDRIA, VA. -- A former aide to U.S. Rep. William Jefferson, D-New Orleans, said Friday that it was the congressman's idea to solicit bribes to promote a telecommunications deal in West Africa that began as a legitimate business venture.

"I've gone over it 10 million times in my head," Brett Pfeffer, 37, said at his sentencing in U.S. District Court. "I don't know why I didn't look him in the eye and say 'No.' "

Pfeffer was sentenced to eight years behind bars and fined $24,000 for his role in what prosecutors say was a four-year conspiracy to steer money toward a company controlled by Jefferson's family. Pfeffer continues to cooperate with prosecutors on the case, and Judge T.S. Ellis III said that the sentence could be "substantially reduced."

Jefferson has not been charged and has denied wrongdoing.

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Gee and Bushy wants to seal the documents that were seized for 45 days. I'm guessing that's so in those 45 days a lot of those documents can disappear or be altered. I am firmly of the opinion that the entire Bush Administration needs impeached/fired and around 80% to 90% of Congress as well. Ship them all to Leavenworth and let the USMC deal with them!
