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Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Bloomberg Emerges From Cocoon of Political Deceit

Bloomberg Emerges From Cocoon of Political Deceit

Alicia Colon

A Republican in name only (RINO) eventually tires of role-playing when the opportunity to display true colors arises. Mayor Bloomberg emerged from his cocoon of political deceit last week in such blooming leftism that I suspect he’s planning to give Hillary Clinton a run for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2008. Anyone surprised at this possibility hasn’t been paying attention to how he’s ruining, I mean, running this city.

At a speech before graduating students at his alma mater, John Hopkins University, Mr. Bloomberg embraced the left-wing agenda with a fervor missing from every phony campaign speech he gave running for re-election as a Republican. Last week in Baltimore, he railed against faith-based science, warned against global warming, and in essence, congratulated himself for making New York the abortion capital of the nation. Oh, and he hates the National Rifle Association.

It appears that the mayor is addressing national issues but his positions are hardly likely to win him support within the GOP. No, Mr. Bloomberg wants to appeal to the Democrats who are having second thoughts about having Senator Clinton represent them in 2008. I grant you that Mr. Bloomberg is a smart man when it comes to business and accumulating billionaire status, but if he really believes in global warming then he’s just as flaky as Al Gore. More likely, he’s just repeating the left-wing mantra that will appeal to celebrities who’ll flock to his side if he decides to switch parties. They just love anyone who mocks those who have strong religious beliefs.

The mayor criticized school districts in Kansas and Mississippi that want to teach “intelligent design,” the theory that human life cannot be explained solely by evolution. I don’t understand why there’s a problem with teaching more than one hypothesis for one of the biggest mysteries of life. I attended Catholic school where we learned about Darwin and were taught that his theory may indeed explain the evolution of man’s body but that man with a soul cannot be scientifically explained. Where’s the conflict?

More @ nysun

There doesn't seem to be many Republicans who aren't RINO's in Congress either and our POTUS has run up his true colors after the 2004 election as well.

Question: What's the difference between a RINO and a Lefty Democratic?

Answer: With Lefty Democrats you know you're gonna get a major screwing, because they lay it all out in detail. With RINO's they flat out lie about their politics and then give you a good 'Stealth Screwing'.
