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Wednesday, May 31, 2006

El futuro de America? Si

El futuro de America? Si
May 29, 2006
by Diana West


But why? Why does the American political establishment -- with few genuinely patriotic exceptions -- want to destabilize the American nation? If this were a Democratic era -- a Kerry presidency, a Reid Senate, a Pelosi House -- I would understand. I wouldn't like it any better, but the eradication of U.S. borders and, ultimately, the nation's core European identity is the sort of policy that follows from the West-corroding multiculturalism once uniquely associated with the Left.

But this is a rock-ribbed Republican moment. Plus, it's a time of war. Sad to say, it's also time for a national shrink, someone to answer the question: Why are we killing ourselves?

The first patient, of course, would be the president himself. The Wall Street Journal's Peggy Noonan has pegged the president's obvious disinterest in securing the border either to a crass effort to placate the Hispanic vote, or to "being lost in some geopolitical-globalist abstract-athon" that disconnects the administration from "the low concerns of normal Americans."

This bubble comes to mind on reading reader e-mail from Arizona, for instance, about home invasions and other illegal alien crime the president seems callous to, even as he seems to view immigration law enforcement as gratuitously brutish -- or, as the Center for Immigration Studies' Mark Krikorian puts it, as "uncompassionate and un-Christian." This is particularly the case, Krikorian writes at National Review Online, when it comes to Mexico, which he believes Bush regards as a "cousin" nation like Britain or Israel.

Familial feelings for seemingly corrupt and non-cooperative Mexico may seem puzzling until one reads Newsweek's contribution to the couch session -- a story highlighting Bush's affection for the Mexican-born women who have always tended him and his family. OK: So Bush regards housekeeper Paula Rendon as his "second mother." That's nice. But does that mean the rest of us have to regard 100 million Mexicans as fellow citizens?

Of course, the end of America as a national idea is being promulgated by forces greater than any one man. From the anti-American Left to bottom-line Big Business, from global elites to media elites, there is less and less any notion of a nation.

Such amnesia may be fine for them. But then there's the rest of us. Is America something we can just forget?

MOre @ Townhall

She hits the nail on the head when she speaks of 'Bottom Line Big Business'. The Business Cartel has no national pride, no national identity, and no national patriotism. Business is driven by profit alone and if you can make 100% profit, why not 200% or even 1000%? There is no end to the profit driven bottom line! Unless the Business Cartel is reigned in they will give away the nation our forefathers sweated, bled, and died for. Tell you Congressmen/Senator that Business is not the end all be all of this nation and that you want a 'real border solution' and not the give-away of this nations ideals and history.
