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Tuesday, May 30, 2006

"Weapon of Mass Destruction" Targets Sex Shop In Waldo

"Weapon of Mass Destruction" Targets Sex Shop In Waldo

5/29/2006 11pm report

By Grayson Kamm
First Coast News

WALDO, FL -- Detectives say it's an act of local terrorism. An adult bookstore is cleaning up after a chemical attack by a homemade device that investigators are calling a "weapon of mass destruction."

In Waldo, people have held prayer vigils and protests aimed at an adult bookstore along US 301, trying to keep the "Cafe Risque" from opening its doors on time.

Those efforts have all failed, so investigators say it looks like someone has turned to what they're calling a clear act of terrorism to keep the store's owner from opening up shop.

The device, discovered Sunday morning, was made of two gallon-size sports drink jugs connected by hoses. Someone set it on top of the store's window air conditioning unit.

Detectives say that person then strung one hose from a water spigot on the outside of the building, and pushed another hose into the building through a gap above the air conditioner.

"That water hose would churn it up, mix it up in the gallon jug, and enter it into the building," said Alachua County Sheriff's Sergeant Keith Faulk. Investigators say one of the jugs had a harmful substance inside that flowed into the store along with the water.

More @ firstcoastnews

I'm going to offend some people with my take on this, but hell I've been offending people for years! Remember I'm not politically correct and I see no sacred cows at any time.

This ignorant move has all the ear marks of the same sort of people who have been disrupting American Military funerals. That's right more of the homegrown American Religious Police who want to regulate what you see, say, do, and even think. I see no difference between the American Religious Police and the wackos from the Muslim Religious Police. They both have the same goals and ideas, they're just getting their orders from a different God.

I have a solution to this whole thing. You follow your religion and your God and leave the rest of us alone!
