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Saturday, May 27, 2006


By Michelle Malkin · May 27, 2006 01:35 PM

The Minutemen began a fence-building project in Arizona today--and they didn't ask Mexico's permission. Chris Simcox issued a statement announcing the construction project now underway:

More @ michellemalkin

When the Minutemen fired the shot heard around the world on Lexington Green they did not ask for permission to do so. They did so to defend their kith and kin and fight for freedom. The men who starved and froze to death at Valley Forge did no need permission to die for their nation, they did so willingly in a fight for freedom.

This nation does not need the permission of any nation to do anything, least of all a cesspool of a nation like Mexico. Bush & Co are selling this nation our for a song and a dance. We must not allow this to happen or we will have dishonored the sacrifices that so many brave men and women have made in defense of liberty and freedom for this nation. Never surrender, never give up, never comprise our birthright, ask no quarter and give no quarter the American Republic before all!
