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Friday, May 26, 2006

Bush-hatred a threat to national security

Bush-hatred a threat to national security

ENOUGH already! It's harmful enough that ideological conflict and partisan politics are preventing this country from solving its long-term challenges on health care, fiscal policy and energy. Now it's threatening our national survival.

I do not exaggerate. Bush-hatred has reached such intensity that CIA officers and other bureaucrats are leaking major secrets about anti-terrorism policy and communications intelligence that undermine our ability to fight Islamic extremism.

Would newspapers in the midst of World War II have printed
the fact that the United States had broken German and Japanese codes, enabling the enemy to secure its communications? Or revealed how and where Nazi spies were being interrogated? Nowadays, newspapers win Pulitzer Prizes for such disclosures. In Congress and in much of the media, the immediate reaction to news that the National Security Agency was intercepting international terrorist communications was not to say, "Good work - and how can we help?" Rather, it was to scream about a "domestic spying" scandal, as though Richard Nixon were back in the White House and tapping the telephone of Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean.

And the reaction has been much the same to USA Today's story last week that the NSA "has been secretly collecting the phone call records of tens of millions of Americans" in a program that "reaches into the homes and businesses across the nation by amassing information about the calls of ordinary Americans."

Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., ranking member on the Senate Judiciary Committee, reacted by asserting that "these are tens of millions of Americans who are not suspected of anything but we're just going to collect their phone information for the heck of it. Where does it stop?"

Similarly, Newsweek's cover this week blares "Spying On Your Calls" - no question mark used - and implies that the Bush White House could be tapping everyone's telephones. In fact, what seems to be happening, though the details are secret, is that most long-distance phone companies have given the NSA their billing records identifying what numbers are calling what other numbers, when and for how long. Names are not included. And the NSA - not for the heck of it but to protect us from attack - is using the records to track terrorist networks and calling patterns. If a known terrorist in Pakistan calls a number in Los Angeles, I want the government to know what number that person calls. Don't you?

Certainly, the government will find out the names of people in a
terrorist calling chain. If it wants to tap a domestic phone, it needs a warrant, and unless officials are lying through their teeth, it is asking for them.

More @ pasadenastarnews

No it not enough and not enough by even half. We aren't fighting a WOT and never have been or the 'Mexican border' would have been closed on 09/12/01 and still be closed today. And we're still allowing visitors for the 'Big Cat Box' to frolic about the country as they so desire. We would not have stopped surprise inspections on ships as we have done recently and on and on. And yes the administration is lying through its teeth, its what they do best. Bush and his Merry Men are the original 'Flim Flam Men' and its all about a mediocre show and no substance.

The Lefts hatred for Bush is an old thing and has been around since day one. The hatred that Bush has garnered from Conservatives is a new thing and he brought it on himself. As soon as Bush was re-elected in 2004 he abandoned his base and hoisted his true colors. Bush is not a 'True Conservative' and never has been. Like his father before him Bush II is a 'New World Order Man' and his allegiance to the US is IMO very questionable. Now Bush has no base, the Left still hates him, and many people are working against him out of spite. And IMO its spite that Bush deserves, because he asked for it and now he got it in spades.

It seems to me that there is no reason to elect Democratic Lite to the White House and Congress when you can have the real thing by electing Democrats. Until the GOP proves to me that they stand four square for Conservative Principle's this dog won't hunt with me again.

Bush and the GOP could reverse their poll numbers overnight if they would just perform the jobs we gave them in the manner we were led to believe they would.
Of course that's not going to happen so Bush and the GOP will reap the whirlwind in November.
