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Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The United States of the Third World (Greg Crosby)

Basti Note: I snipped out most of this article to get to the meat and potatoes of it all. The author says it very well. By all evidence we are living in the final years of what once was the 'Shining Dream'. Of what once was 'The Light That In That Otherwise Dark & Gloomy World'. The worst part is that we as Americans have allowed this to happen because we did not nip it all in the bud from the onset. 'The Wonderful Shining Republic' is on life-support and the prognosis is for death by 'Political Correctness'.


All the wonderful American culture will soon be gone. The stuff that made America "America" is really on the way out. Thanks to political correctness, multiculturalism, leftist universities with professors that truly hate western values, and our terrible immigration practices, I'm afraid the America that the good old movies portrayed will be gone forever.

My generation was lucky enough to have at least seen the tail end of it. Anyone under the age of about 35 has never experienced what America was. Our wonderful country will soon be just another version of what most of Europe has become. That's the first step. From there it will eventually turn into just another third world culture. Very sad. But it can't be stopped.

All we can do is try to live what time we have left on earth by dressing, acting, and supporting everything that is and was the American culture that we knew. Keep your faith, be a decent person, listen to great music, go to places that play it, go see good movies, wear non-sloppy, clean-looking adult clothes, and live by those traditional American values. Put them to use in everyday life. In short, conduct yourself as if it is still the America of the middle 20th century, and try to ignore the contemporary crap. You may not change the tide, but who knows … maybe you will. At the very least, you'll feel good about yourself and others will take notice.

But don't write for free. That's my job.

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