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Sunday, May 28, 2006

The Senate Sings Us A Sad Song

The Senate Sings Us A Sad Song
Written by Thomas Segel
Sunday, May 28, 2006

When it comes to pontificating about the righteousness of their actions, there is nobody who can hold a candle to members of the United States Congress. Things that are clear as crystal to everyone else in the country are in the view of our legislators really cloudy and misunderstood. At this moment these mournful souls are singing us a very sad song about how 280 million people fail to see the actions our Senate has taken on immigration are really in our best interests.

It will be a tough sell, because most of the country sees the immigration legislation for what it really represents.... prostituting our security for political advantage. In the case of the Senate bill, many see it as a complete sellout. Republicans bowed their heads and submitted as Democrats pandered to the extreme left of their party and the Hispanic hoards screaming in the streets.

The Republicans did some pandering of their own. They sold their souls to those business interests that fear fines and legal action should they be charged with hiring those who illegally enter our country, forge documents and claim benefits that are not rightfully theirs. The GOP senators also pandered to those crowds in the streets waving Mexican flags.

All of this is taking place at a time when American citizens are demanding national security and an end to the stampede we are witnessing from south of our border. Congress has once again ignored what is happening and continues to sing us another sad song about the impossibility of rounding up those millions of illegals and returning them to their own countries.

Those overpaid pompous prevaricators who haunt the halls of Capitol Hillhave no thought in their heads about protecting the American people. They have sold themselves for campaign funds, support from their political party and votes so often and to so many special interests that they have lost touch with reality.

More @ chronwatch

The pol's don't care what you and I think and now they have made that very clear. They have taken a polarizing issue and run it though the 'Baffle Them With Bull-Shit Machine' and crafted the largest sell-out of this nation since the War Between The States.

Some have said that Congress is 'out of touch with the citizens' of this nation', nothing could be further from the truth. Congress knows what the citizens want and what we feel, as we've 'made our demands very clear'. However in a display of arrogance the likes of which is seldom seen in a 'Free Republic' the Senate has seen fit to ignore its citizen constituents and pander to the 'Business Cartel' and the 'Invader Lobby'.

Sixty-two (62) members of that exclusive club in D.C. know as the US Senate voted to sell you, I, and as yet unborn generations of US citizens out for profit and what they think are more votes. Remember in November and do not vote for any of these 62 sell-out traitors.
