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Saturday, May 27, 2006

Rayburn Reopens After Gunfire Report

Rayburn Reopens After Gunfire Report
Police Say Construction Probably Caused the Noise of Shots

By Bill Brubaker and Charles Babington
Washington Post Staff Writers
Friday, May 26, 2006; 6:12 PM

The Rayburn House Office Building was locked down for more than four hours today after a New Jersey congressman reported hearing the sound of gunfire in the building's garage.

The noise apparently came from construction work being done in the building, Capitol Police spokeswoman Sgt. Kimberly Schneider said.

"There were some workers . . . in the area of the Rayburn garage, in the elevator area, and in doing their routine duties they made some sort of a noise that sounded like shots fired," Schneider said.

She said that while the police investigation is continuing, the construction work is a "plausible explanation" for the noise that also briefly closed the Capitol building and locked down D.C. public schools.

More @ washingtonpost

This is what we are reduced too in this nation, construction noises and some 'Nervous Nellie' thinks he hears gunshots. And they locked down the D.C. schools as well! What did the schools have to do with this? And all of this coming on the heels of shutting down the Capitol Building not long ago because they lost power. (Apparently the back up generator like everything else in Foggy Bottom didn't work)

I can say as a former steelworker with over 30 years in the business and over 25 of them in the 'hot end' of production we never shut down even when the Oxygen Plant nearly blew up on several occasions. Of course we were 'just steelworkers' and not important Fed's who march to a different drummer.

Contrast the behavior of the Fed's in D.C. with what many regular people have to put up with on their jobs and what our troops in the field have to put up with. Each time I see the Fed's scrambling for cover in D.C. or elsewhere like elderly old-maids the first word that comes to my mind is 'cowardice' and its also the last word that comes to my mind. So now you know that all terrorists have to do is make some noises that sound like gunfire and shut the government down. Pitiful, simply pitiful !
