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Friday, March 31, 2006

Howard Dean accuses Bush, GOP of exploiting immigration issue

Howard Dean accuses Bush, GOP of exploiting immigration issue
Associated Press
OAKLAND, Calif. - Democratic Party chief Howard Dean accused President Bush and the Republican Party on Friday of exploiting the immigration issue for political gain by scapegoating Hispanics.

Dean and Bush agree on the legislation at the heart of the debate. Both support a Senate bill that would expand guest-worker programs for an estimated 400,000 immigrants each year.

However, at a speech in an Oakland union hall, the 2004 Democratic presidential candidate sought to tie Bush to a much tougher House bill that would tighten borders and make it a crime to be in the United States illegally or to offer aid to illegal immigrants. Bush does not back the House bill.

"This is a nonsensical proposal put out by far right-wingers in the Republican Party who have been endorsed for re-election by the president of the United States," Dean said. "The president has a moral obligation to rein in the right-wing extremists in his party and stop this divisive rhetoric about immigrants."

Dean devoted much of his short speech here to the immigration debate, which has taken center stage in Washington this election year and touched off mass demonstrations elsewhere. More than 500,000 immigration-rights activists marched in downtown Los Angeles on Saturday, largely to protest the House measure.

Bush has spent his political career courting Hispanic voters, the nation's fastest-growing voting bloc, and he has helped double the GOP's share of the Hispanic vote since 2000.

Nevertheless, Dean accused Bush and fellow Republicans of demagoguery in the immigration debate, saying it fit with a long-standing pattern. He cited the president's opposition to the University of Michigan's affirmative-action program and Bush's decision to "pick on" homosexuals - an apparent reference to the gay marriage issue in the 2004 election.

More @ Mercury News

Dean couldn't pour water from a boot with directions on the heel! To accuse Bush & Co of scapegoating Hispanics shows you what Dean knows. Bush & Co have bent over backwards and licked Hispanic boot since day one.

This is what we have to choose from in this nation at the moment dingbats and sellouts!

Immigration tensions spark flag-burning in A.J.

Immigration tensions spark flag-burning in A.J.
By Blake Herzog, Tribune
March 31, 2006

This week’s tensions over immigration reform literally caught fire in the East Valley on Thursday when students raised a Mexican flag over Apache Junction High School — and then other students yanked it down and burned it.

“I know (they) shouldn’t have burned the Mexican flag,” said Jacob Stewart, a 16-year-old sophomore. “I heard it was raised above the American flag and that just irked me.”

He said the turbulence was tied to the newsmaking debates in the state Legislature and in Congress, where ideas from offering illegal immigrants a chance at citizenship to making them felons are being considered.

Freshman Chelsea Garcia, 15, and junior Brittany Ramage, 16, said the unrest had more to do with longrunning racial tensions at the school.

“(This week’s events) might have sparked a little more anger,” Ramage said. “But kids are not very deep about that stuff.”

The Hispanic student who brought the Mexican flag said he was responding to a racist remark directed at him Wednesday. The flagraising, flag-burning and shoving match that followed happened before most students arrived at school.

More @ East Valley Tribune

I'd give the flag burners a medal if it were me. Dirt-bags burn 'Old Glory' all the time and nothing is done.

The Protests -- Whose Backlash?

The Protests -- Whose Backlash?
By Victor Davis Hanson

Hundreds of thousands of Mexican citizens, along with Mexican-Americans and Hispanics in general, hit the streets throughout the United States this past week in one of the largest displays of public outrage since the Vietnam-War era.

The conventional wisdom was that the supposedly spontaneous outbursts of immigrant pride and anger took lawmakers by surprise. In response, politicians may backtrack on some of the tougher proposals concerning border enforcement, from constructing a wall to deportations. The media tended to emphasize the heartfelt anguish of the demonstrators, who often on selected televised clips carried American flags and were shown reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.

But here in Central California that is not the public face of the demonstrations that we saw--which were mostly angry and, in the case of truant high-school students, so often unfortunately characterized by Mexican chauvinism, if not overt racism of the La Raza ("the race") type. And while these public outbursts were for the present just noisy, the private counter-reactions to them, I fear, are going to grow larger and angrier still.

If many thousands of illegal aliens marched in their zeal, many more millions of Americans of all different races and backgrounds watched--and seethed. They were struck by the Orwellian incongruities--Mexican flags, chants of "Mexico, Mexico," and the spectacle of illegal alien residents lecturing citizen hosts on what was permissible in their own country.

If the demonstrators thought that they were bringing attention to their legitimate grievances--the sheer impossibility of deporting 11 million residents across the border or the hypocrisy of Americans de facto profiting from "illegals" who cook their food, make their beds, and cut their lawns--they seemed oblivious to the embarrassing contradictions of their own symbolism and rhetoric. Most Americans I talked to in California summed up their reactions to the marches as something like, 'Why would anyone wave the flag of the country that they would never return to--and yet scream in anger at those with whom they wish to stay?' Depending on the particular questions asked, polls reveal that somewhere around 60-80% of the public is vehemently opposed to illegal immigration.

More @

From the article: "the sheer impossibility of deporting 11 million residents across the border"

It's not impossible if you have the will and the guts to do it. The Turks did it with the Kurds and the British did it when they divided the Indian sub-continent to form India and Pakistan. Sadly the will and the guts of our politicians is resting on zero!

Money always wins out unless faced with overwhelming anger and force. It's way past time that the 'Real Americans' step up and demand the problem be addressed as it should be addressed (Deport them all and build the fence) the 'Real Americans' will have do the job that the politicians are too lily livered and bought and paid for to do.

Girl Sues School Over Confederate Clothes

Girl Sues School Over Confederate Clothes



The family of a high school sophomore has filed a suit seeking to force school officials to allow the girl to wear clothing with Confederate flag images.

The federal lawsuit was filed Thursday by the North Carolina-based Southern Legal Resource Center, a Confederate heritage legal advocacy group.

Candice Hardwick, 15, said she wants to wear the Confederate emblem to pay tribute to an ancestor who fought for the South in the Civil War.

Latta High School officials say the symbol, which many people consider racially charged, is disruptive in school, and that district policies allow principals to ban such clothing.

The teen said she has been forced to change clothes or turn her shirt inside-out. She said she has been suspended twice and threatened with being kicked off the track team.

Las Vegas Sun

In case y'all didn't know I'm a 'Johnny Reb' living in 'Yankee Land'. I fly the 'Confederate Battle Flag' below the 'Stars & Stripes' 24/7 and I dare anyone to complain about it. Basti doesn't like complaints about his flag.

Dutch Feminazis Want to Punish Educated Mothers

Dutch Feminazis Want to Punish Educated Mothers
From the desk of Alexandra Colen on Fri, 2006-03-31 11:49

Sharon DijksmaSharon Dijksma, a leading parliamentarian of the Dutch Labour Party (PvdA) wants to penalise educated stay-at-home women. “A highly-educated woman who chooses to stay at home and not to work – that is destruction of capital,” she said in an interview last week. “If you receive the benefit of an expensive education at society’s expense, you should not be allowed to throw away that knowledge unpunished.” Hence her proposal to recover part of the cost of their education from highly-educated women who decide not to seek paid work. Between 2001 and 2005 the number of Dutch women aged between 15 and 65 who were out on the labour market rose from 55.9 to 58.7 per cent. Dijksma says she wants to stimulate more women to join the work force. In the municipal elections earlier this month the PvdA became the biggest party in the Netherlands thanks to the Muslim vote. The PvdA is generally expected to win the general elections next year, when the 35 year old Dijksma, who has been an MP since she was 23 and is a leading figure in the party, might become a government minister.

On her weblog Dijksma explains that her proposal is a logical consequence of the Dutch system of subsidizing students. Society finances their studies with government scholarships, hence it is only normal that they pursue a professional career or repay. “If someone chooses not to work, then there should be a substantial repayment,” she said.

More @ The Brussels Journal

Ah the cuddly little 'Fem-Nazis' are at it again. If this happens in Holland look for it to happen here as well. We seem to want to emulate European laws at the drop of a hat these days. (Remember the Supreme Court decision where European law was quoted as a model)

McKinney Cancels News Conference

Basti Note: I like to find good news whenever I can. So in the spirit of good news I give you the following article, enjoy.

McKinney Cancels News Conference

POSTED: 4:21 pm EST March 29, 2006
UPDATED: 10:57 am EST March 31, 2006

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Capitol Hill police plan to issue an arrest warrant today for Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D-Ga.).

The warrant is related to the incident Wednesday when McKinney allegedly slapped a Capitol Hill police officer.

Charges could range from assault on a police officer, which is a felony carrying a possible five year prison term, to simple assault, which is a misdeamenor.

McKinney has canceled a news conference that she had scheduled for this morning to discuss the incident.

McKinney issued a statement yesterday saying she "deeply regrets" the confrontation with the police officer.

The six-term congresswoman apparently struck a Capitol Police officer when he tried to stop her from entering a House office building without going through a metal detector. Members of Congress wear identifying lapel pins and routinely are waved into buildings without undergoing security checks. The officer apparently did not recognize McKinney, she said in a statement.

Asked on-camera Thursday by Channel 2 Action News whether she intended to apologize, McKinney refused to comment.

More @ WSBTV

Hill conservatives warn Bush of amnesty anger

Hill conservatives warn Bush of amnesty anger
By Charles Hurt
March 31, 2006

House conservatives yesterday issued a dire warning to President Bush and Republican leadership that they will pay a devastating political price if they proceed with a guest-worker program or anything resembling amnesty for illegal aliens before securing the borders and enforcing existing immigration laws.
"They will remember in November," Rep. J.D. Hayworth, Arizona Republican, said of voters nationwide. "And many of those who have stood with our Republican majority in the last decade are not only angry, many of them plan to be absent from the polls" this year when the entire House and one-third of the Senate is up for re-election.
Mr. Hayworth and more than a dozen other House Republicans pointed to polls that show overwhelming support for their strict-enforcement stance and advised Mr. Bush and GOP leaders in both chambers to "listen to the common sense of the American people."
One Republican, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher of California, fired a warning shot specifically at Sen. John McCain. The Arizona Republican widely expected to be a 2008 presidential hopeful at that moment was holding a press conference across the Capitol with, among others, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, Massachusetts Democrat.
"Those elected officials who are insisting on a guest-worker program and diluting the efforts of border security and internal enforcement are telling the American people exactly whose side they are on," Mr. Rohrabacher said. "The American people now have that opportunity to make that determination, and they will. Senator McCain and others will find out about that, when they find their own career is short term."
Those sentiments were only buttressed, the lawmakers said, by the images in recent days across the country of thousands marching in opposition to tough immigration reform.
"I say if you are here illegally and want to fly the Mexican flag, go to Mexico and wave the American flag," said Rep. Virgil H. Goode Jr., Virginia Republican.

More @ Washington Times

Red highlights in the body of the text are mine and they underscore my feelings to a 'T'. Bush doesn't care about the next elections, he's a lame duck, however the backstabbers and traitors will care. I'm of a mind to vote for ever 'Left-wit' I can find just for payback. If I'm nothing else, I'm a vengeful man!

PART 1: Talking with the 'terrorists'

PART 1: Talking with the 'terrorists'
By Mark Perry and Alastair Crooke

Seventy-two hours before the Iraqi people voted on a new parliament, on December 12, 2005, we were told by a senior US administration official that "detailed data received by the White House" pointed to a "decisive win" for Ayad Allawi's Iraqi National List. "Allawi's victory turns the tables on the insurgents," this official said gleefully. "Sectarianism will be the big loser."

Allawi's prospective triumph was trumpeted repeatedly over the next two days by US news networks quoting administration officials. Weeks later, after the results of the election became

known, it was clear that the White House had overestimated Allawi's popularity: his party received just over 5% of the vote.

On the eve of the Palestinian parliamentary elections in late January, US-funded Palestinian polls suggested that while the mainstream Fatah movement had lost much of its popular support, Hamas was expected to win no more than "a third of the legislature's 132 seats". [1] On January 27, when the results of the polling were complete, it was clear not only that Fatah had been defeated, but that Hamas had swept into office in a landslide. A prominent front-page article in the Washington Post stated that US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was "stunned" by the results, as the Hamas victory contradicted everything the administration of President George W Bush believed about Palestinian society. [2]

Just two weeks after the Hamas victory, on February 6, Lebanese Maronite leader Michel Aoun and Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah appeared together in Beirut to sign a memorandum of understanding between the Free Patriotic Movement and Hezbollah. The Aoun-Nasrallah agreement shook the State Department, which had worked for years to isolate Hezbollah.

The US had underscored its anti-Hezbollah strategy as recently as November 23, when Aoun met with State Department officials in Washington. The State Department blithely discounted the importance of the talks that Aoun's movement had been having with Hezbollah and reassured the press that Aoun would remain a staunch supporter of the United States' Lebanon policy. Certainly, it was believed, the leader of Lebanon's Maronite Christians would never tie the future of his own movement to that of a group allied with Damascus and Tehran.

More @ Asia Times

"Talking with the terrorists," reminds me of "Talking with a fencepost". You're happy to talk to the fencepost and feel all warm fuzzy after your talk. The fencepost on the other hand doesn't know, doesn't care, and after all is just a fencepost.

The only way to deal with terrorists is to destroy them all and when I say all, I mean all!

Actor & Director Ed Asner Shares 9/11 Concerns

Actor & Director Ed Asner Shares 9/11 ConcernsHighlights story of hijackers still alive and well

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones/Prison March 31 2006
Award winning director, producer and actor Ed Asner is the latest high profile public figure to voice his support for Charlie Sheen's stance on 9/11 and share his own concerns about 9/11, the war in Iraq and the Neo-Cons.

Speaking to The Alex Jones Show Asner, best known for his Emmy-winning role as Lou Grant on The Mary Tyler Moore Show, echoed Charlie Sheen's sentiments in stating, "I became suspicious of 9/11 on the day it happened."

"I will always be that suspect of it and challenge it and challenge various points of it," said Asner.

Asner agreed that the official story of 9/11 and the Kean Commission investigation was a fable and a fraud.

"I do not buy it and I would challenge it, I know all of these points....the standing down," said Asner.

Asner questioned why no authority figures had been fired for their inability to prevent 9/11.

"Nobody in high office has ever paid the penalty for keeping us unprepared for 9/11, no one has paid the price and I cite the fact that Abu Ghraib was another typical example of the way this government works," said Asner.

"It's very easy to think of 9/11 to think of being yet another cause of being able to generate war in this country, " said Asner as he compared 9/11 to past examples of manufactured provocations such as the Gulf of Tonkin incident, the attack on the Maine and Pearl Harbor.

More @ Prison Planet

Sigh, I sigh a lot any more it seems. Sheen & Asner more of the usual suspects giving credit to an administration for the largest alleged conspiracy to ever happen in this nation. The same administration that can't BTW slip a port deal by a blind public. And to think I used to love "The Mary Tyler Moore Show"! Sigh!

Mexicana Airlines: "Los Angeles is Now Ours"

Mexicana Airlines: "Los Angeles is Now Ours"

Thanks to Peter Boyles of KHOW radio (630 AM in Denver) for bringing this rather disturbing (though not influential) editorial to our attention. It shows aggressive arrogance by Mexico and Mexicans of a sort that can only backfire on them here in the USA.

I consider myself very pro-immigration, but when immigrants or their sponsors start talking about a "cultural reconquest", it starts making Tom Tancredo's position look more reasonable.

Pro-immigration indeed! This isn't about immigration, this an out and out invasion of the USA and its been going on since the 1940's. That's right Bush & Co did not invent this problem (Although Bush & Co aren't stopping it either) the money men have always wanted cheap labor and the politicians want votes and money.

Giving the Finger

Giving the Finger

Before the Battle of Agincourt in 1415, the French, anticipating victory over the English, proposed to cut off the middle finger of all captured English soldiers. Without the middle finger it would be impossible to draw the renowned English longbow and therefore they would be incapable of fighting in the future.

This famous weapon was made of the native English Yew tree, and theact of drawing the longbow was known as "plucking the yew" (or "pluck yew").
Much to the bewilderment of the French, the English won a major upset and began mocking the French by waving their middle fingers at the defeated French, saying, "See, we can still pluck yew!"
Since 'pluck yew' is rather difficult to say, the difficult consonant cluster at the beginning has gradually changed to a labiodental fricative 'F', and thus the words often used in conjunction with the one-finger-salute!
It is also because of the pheasant feathers on the arrows used with the longbow that the symbolic gesture is known as "giving the bird."

Just a little something I picked up @ Ace In The Hole run by my good friend and fellow redneck TexFred

This I suppose to be true BTW, saw a piece about this on the History Channel a while back about it.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Vicente Fox: U.S. Will 'Beg' for Mexican Workers

Vicente Fox: U.S. Will 'Beg' for Mexican Workers

Mexican President Vicente Fox is defending earlier comments where he insisted that the U.S. will soon be "begging" Mexico to send workers to alleviate a coming U.S. labor shortage.

"I dare say that in 10 years, the U.S. will be begging, will be pleading with Mexico to send it workers," said Fox, who meets with President Bush in Cancun today to discuss what he calls the "migration" problem.

In his March 3 remarks to the BBC, Fox warned that the U.S. had better take advantage of the Mexican labor pool while it has the chance, because when America starts begging for Mexican workers, "Mexico won't do it because it will have its people employed [here at home]."

In an interview Wednesday night, Fox said he stood by his comments.

"Let's put it this way," he told MSNBC's Rita Cosby. "[The] U.S. economy will need additional labor than what they have, because population growth in United States is not growing."
Fox said he foresaw the day when his country's excess labor pool would dry up.

"Mexico will level off it's population by year 2030," he explained. "Mexico will never pass 130 - 135 million people and then it will level-off so we won't have that kind of energy that youth, but more so, we will need them here in Mexico to sustain our retirement, pension families which will be many."

For the time being, however, the Mexican leader said he remained opposed to U.S. proposals that would crack down on workers who leave Mexico and enter the U.S. illegally.

Asked about U.S. plans to build a border fence, Fox told Cosby: "I don't think building a wall or try to take that kind of measure will help the issue. I think we both have the capacity . . . give migration a legal form, an ordered flow and a full respect to human rights of everybody."

He also opposes plans to station the U.S. military along the Mexican border, saying:

"No, it's not the way to solve it."
Instead he credited illegal Mexican shoppers with keeping malls along the border in business.

"Right there in the border, there is one million persons, people crossing every day . . . The way they cross to consume on the U.S. side, this incredible amount of big shopping centers in the border on the U.S. side, it's Mexican consumption makes them successful." New Max

Well Fox is even more full of 'merde' than Bush is. This is not about money, (Well it is, but not money for most of us. Only money for people who are to damn cheap to pay a decent wage.) this is about a full blown invasion. People who are caught employing illegals should have all they own confiscated, the way they do drug dealers.

As for Mexico having all their people working the only way that will happen is if Mexico exports 90% of its work force to the US and that seems to be the game plan.

The only begging that should ever happen is Fox begging for the US to remove our troops from Mexico City.

American Dhimmitude

American DhimmitudeThe road from amnesty.

Hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens and their supporters have marched over the past couple of weeks demanding amnesty and opposing stricter immigration enforcement.

This isn’t really about immigration, though — it’s about power.
What we’re seeing in the streets is a naked assertion of power by outsiders against the American nation. They demand that we comply with their wishes and submit our immigration policies for their approval, and implicitly threaten violence if their demands are not met. Far from being a discussion among Americans about the best way to regulate immigration, the illegal-alien marches have been marked by the will to power: ubiquitous Mexican flags, burning and other forms of contempt for the American flag, and widespread displays of blatant racial chauvinism and irredentism.

This is precisely the same kind of challenge that aggressive outsiders are making against other parts of the West, including Muslim immigrants in Europe and, in the most extreme form, Palestinians in Israel. Supremacist Muslims have demanded that Europe repudiate Israel, legally prohibit public criticism of Islam, downplay acts of violent Jew-hatred by immigrants, and not deport Muslim illegal aliens. And some Palestinians, of course, demand that Jewish state abolish itself altogether, actually cutting it out of maps of the Middle East (just as illegal-alien marchers in L.A. held signs of North America with the United States crossed out).

Of course, we face a lower-calorie version of the challenge faced by Europe and Israel. The outsiders rejecting the legitimacy of our constitutional order are from Christian, quasi-Western backgrounds, and come from countries whence we have successfully taken, and Americanized, immigrants in the past. Consequently, the challenge has so far been marked by relatively little violence, nothing like the murders and bombings and riots in Europe and Israel.

More @ NRO

I don't want to assimilate them. I don't want them in my country. 11 million, 15 million I don't care, ship them all back where they belong.

Can you just hear the outcry if 15 to 30 million 'Gringo's' swarmed across the border the other way and began to make the same absurd demands these invaders are making in 'our country'? The UN would be screaming, Mexico City would be screaming, and ever Liberal dingbat from Jimmy Carter to Sheen would be screaming about the evil 'Gringos'. The double standard is always applied to 'Gringo's/Caucasians' it seems, we can do no right! It's time we 'Gringo's' said, "We don't care what you don't like, we'll do it our way and you'll just have to lump it!"

Oh and BTW wear the word 'Gringo' with pride! Being a 'Gringo' means you aren't a 'Wet Back or a Beaner'!

Frist retreats from 'amnesty'

Frist retreats from 'amnesty'
By Charles Hurt
March 30, 2006

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist said yesterday that the Senate likely will pass a version of immigration reform that includes more than the border-security overhaul he has proposed.
"It's critical that the Senate address comprehensive immigration legislation including both border security and economic provisions," he said in a reference to a guest-worker program that President Bush has called for, but which conservatives and House Republicans adamantly oppose until border security has been enhanced and current immigration laws have been enforced.
"The enforcement provisions included in both my bill and the Judiciary Committee's bill are a step in that process," he said in a prepared statement before officially beginning floor debate on the explosive issue. "I fully expect that the final bill will be a comprehensive approach to border security and immigration reform."
But Mr. Frist -- who is widely expected to run for the 2008 Republican presidential nomination -- later distanced himself from the bill finished this week by the Senate Judiciary Committee. That proposal would fine illegals but let them remain in the U.S. while they apply for full citizenship.

More @ Washington Times

OK here's the deal! If you're in the USA illegally you have broken the law, be it a misdemeanor or a felony you're still a law breaker and should be deported, ASAP.

Further any children these invaders might have while they are in the USA illegally should also be deported. Only children who's parents are both citizens should be automatic citizens.

No amnesty now, no amnesty tomorrow, no amnesty ever!

In addition the only way we are ever going to stop this invasion from Mexico is to invade Mexico ourselves and burn a 50 mile deep exclusion zone on the Mexican side of the border. Then fence that zone from both sides and patrol it with aircraft and kill anyone seen inside that zone.

Gee looks like my plan would put a crimp in the tourist trade doesn't it! Well tough shit, why go to Mexico in the 1st place? You seen one 3rd world outhouse you seen'm all!

Jill Carroll: 'I'm just happy to be free'

Jill Carroll: 'I'm just happy to be free'
BAGHDAD (AP) — Wearing a green Islamic head scarf, American reporter Jill Carroll walked into an Iraqi political party office Thursday, set free nearly three months after being kidnapped in a bloody ambush that killed her translator. (On Deadline: Jill Carroll freed)

American reporter Jill Carroll was set free Thursday, nearly three months after she was kidnapped in Iraq.

"I was treated well, but I don't know why I was kidnapped," Carroll said on Baghdad television, only weeks after she appeared weeping in a video put out by kidnappers who had threatened to kill her.

Her family thanked "the generous people around the world who worked officially or unofficially" to gain her freedom. Her father, Jim, said he was asleep in his North Carolina home when the phone rang at about 6 a.m. (Related video: Kidnapped journalist freed)

"Hi, Dad. This is Jill. I'm released," the voice on the other end said, he told CNN.

No details were given about the circumstances surrounding her release. The U.S. ambassador said there was no ransom paid by the American embassy, but his remarks left open the question of whether "arrangements" were made by others.

In Washington, a Pentagon spokesman said the U.S. military was not involved in Carroll's release.

More @ USA Today

OK well I've got an opinion about this. (Now that's a surprise isn't it!)

I don't think this woman was ever kidnapped, I think it was all a set up! I think it was all a charade to either write a book/write many articles/go on the lecture tour/hope it would make the US look bad and we would bargain for her release. I also think the translator was thrown under the bus to make it all look legit! Personally I believe it was all the afore mentioned. You'll notice in her pictures this twit is dressed like one of the female moon-bats from the big cat box in the Middle East.


Why League of United Latin America Citizens (LULAC) set up the website called It had photos of our friends, portrayed as racists. We were infuriated and decided to build a website. is online to counter the false information dished out by Mexican hate groups and spoon-fed to Americans by the mainstream media.The Flash Intro below exposes some of the hatred they hold toward Americans.

Check it out the flash into will be an eye opener for some! The site also has many articles detailing what the invaders really want.

Like I said before if the 'beaners' want a fight I'm ready. We whipped their ass twice before and we can whip them again.

Check out their cute flag!

Dear Western Standard reader,

Dear Western Standard reader,

Our magazine has been sued for publishing the Danish cartoons, and I need your help to fight back!

As you know, the Western Standard was the only mainstream media organ in Canada to publish the Danish cartoons depicting the Muslim prophet Mohammed.

We did so for a simple reason: the cartoons were the central fact in one of the largest news stories of the year, and we're a news magazine. We publish the facts and we let our readers make up their minds.

Advertisers stood with us. Readers loved the fact that we treated them like grown-ups. And we earned the respect of many other journalists in Canada who envied our independence. In fact, according to a COMPAS poll last month, fully 70% of Canada's working journalists supported our decision to publish the cartoons.

But not Syed Soharwardy, a radical Calgary Muslim imam.

He asked the police to arrest me for publishing the cartoons. They calmly explained to him that's not what police in Canada do.

So then he went to a far less liberal institution than the police: the Alberta Human Rights Commission. Unlike the Calgary Police Service, they didn't have the common sense to show him the door.

Earlier this month, I received a copy of Soharwardy's rambling, hand-scrawled complaint. It is truly an embarrassing document. He briefly complains that we published the Danish cartoons. But the bulk of his complaint is that we dared to try to justify it - that we dared to disagree with him.

Think about that: In Soharwardy's view, not only should the Canadian media be banned from publishing the cartoons, but we should be banned from defending our right to publish them. Perhaps the Charter of Rights that guarantees our freedom of the press should be banned, too.

Soharwardy's complaint goes further than just the cartoons. It refers to news articles we published about Hamas, a group labelled a terrorist organization by the Canadian government. By including those other articles, he shows his real agenda: censoring any criticism of Muslim extremists.

Perhaps the most embarrassing thing about Soharwardy's complaint is that he claims our cartoons caused him to receive hate mail. Indeed, his complaint includes copies of a few e-mails from strangers to him. Some of those e-mails even go so far as to call him "humourless" and tell him to "lighten up". Perhaps that's hateful. But all of those e-mails were sent to him before our magazine even published the cartoons. Soharwardy isn't even pretending that this is a legitimate complaint. He's not even trying to hide that this is a nuisance suit.

Soharwardy's complaint should have been thrown out immediately by the Alberta Human Rights Commission, just like the police did. But it wasn't. Which is why I'm writing to you today.

According to our lawyers, we will win this case. It's an infantile complaint, without basis in facts or law. Frankly, it's an embarrassment to the government of Alberta that their tribunal is open to abuse like this.

Our lawyers tell us we're going to win. But not before we have to spend hundreds of hours and up to $75,000 fighting this thing, at our own expense. Soharwardy doesn't have to spend a dime - now that his complaint has been filed, Alberta tax dollars will pay for the prosecution of his complaint. We have to pay for this on our own.

Look, $75,000 isn't going to bankrupt us. But it will sting. We're a small, independent magazine, not a huge company with deep pockets. All of our money is needed to produce the best possible editorial product, not to fight legal battles. This is clearly an abuse of process designed to punish us and deter other media from daring to cross that angry imam in the future.

One of the leaders in Canadian human rights law, Alan Borovoy, was so disturbed by Soharwardy's abuse of the human rights commission that he wrote a public letter about it in the Calgary Herald on March 16th. "During the years when my colleagues and I were labouring to create such commissions, we never imagined that they might ultimately be used against freedom of speech," wrote Borovoy, who is general counsel for the Canadian Civil Liberties Association. Censorship was "hardly the role we had envisioned for human rights commissions. There should be no question of the right to publish the impugned cartoons," he wrote.

Borovoy went even further - he said that the human rights laws should be changed to avoid this sort of abuse in the future. "It would be best, therefore, to change the provisions of the Human Rights Act to remove any such ambiguities of interpretation," he wrote. That's an amazing statement, coming from one of the fathers of the Canadian human rights movement.

I agree with Borovoy: the law should be changed to stop future abuses. But those changes will come too late for us - we're already under attack. The human rights laws, designed as a shield, are being used against us as a sword.

We will file our legal response to Soharwardy's shakedown this week. And we will fight this battle to the end - not just for our own sake, but to defend freedom of the press for all Canadians.

Do you believe that's important? If so, I'd ask you to help us defray our costs. We're accepting donations through our website. It's fast, easy and secure. Just click on

Yours gratefully,

Ezra Levant

P.S. Remember, Soharwardy's complaint will be prosecuted using tax dollars and government lawyers. We have to rely on our own funds - and the generous support of readers like you.

P.P.S. Please help us now, at

Note: I received this as an e-mail because I signed up for this website. This is yet another attempt by the Islam-O-Nazis to muzzle freedom of expression and speech in Western nations. Let this imam go back to what ever hell hole he came from and act up like this. Never happen because the government of the hell hole he came from would no allow it.

BTW, I wonder if the imam would be upset by this cartoon?

Basti Says

Basti Says Check the bottom of the page, added a little color and info to the site courtesy of and the best part is its free!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006



Check this site out and you'll see what this invasion of 'OUR COUNTRY'' is all about! Click the link for a huge display of pictures that leave nothing in doubt.

click here for the indymedia article

From the website in question and I quote:

NOTE: Racist Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R of California 4th district) of red-neck Orange County said that he didn't care how long people had been in "this country" illegally, if they were here illegally for 5 or 50 years that they should be deported. Fine! Europeans have been here illegally since 1492, START THE DEPORTATIONS NOW! First one to go should be this Nazi Rohrabacher! Sensenbrenner, Schwartzenegger, Rohrabacher, funny how they all have Germanic names! No, it's not funny at all!

I have news for the 'Wetbacks' there are millions more 'Rednecks' like Dana Rohrabacher and myself who are willing to fight to keep our country. The beaners want war I say we give it to them. They all sound just like the Iraqis before March of 2003!

Basti Says

Basti Says The VERY UN-PC Shoot a Wetback Game

I didn't invent it, but I did play it and had fun!!!

Special Alert for Ohio Residents

Special Alert for Ohio Residents
Cuyahoga County commissioners will vote at 10 a.m. on March 30th on whether to accept the Mexican matricula consular identification card as a valid form of identification. The Cleveland Plain Dealer notes that, "After similar resolutions passed in Lake, Sandusky and Lucas counties, government offices, police and businesses began accepting the card to verify identity."

See FAIR's information about the Mexican matricula card on our site for talking points you can use when calling Cuyahoga county commissioners to oppose the resolution by Peter Lawson Jones.

Commissioner Timothy F. Hagan, President
Cuyahoga County Administration Building1219 Ontario Street, 4th FloorCleveland, Ohio 44113Phone (216) 443-7181Fax (216) 443-6668Email: Commissioner Peter Lawson Jones

Cuyahoga County Administration Building1219 Ontario Street, 4th FloorCleveland, Ohio 44113Phone (216) 443-7182Fax (216) 443-6667Email:
Commissioner Jimmy Dimora

Cuyahoga County Administration Building1219 Ontario Street, 4th FloorCleveland, Ohio 44113Phone (216) 443-7180Fax (216) 443-6669Email:

Dennis Madden, County AdministratorCuyahoga County Administration Building1219 Ontario Street, 4th FloorCleveland, Ohio 44113(216) 443-7215(216) 443-8088 (fax)

Lee A. Trotter, Deputy County Administrator
Cuyahoga County Administration Building1219 Ontario Street, 4th FloorCleveland, Ohio 44113(216) 443-7215(216) 443-8088 (fax)
Richard B. Werner, Deputy County Administrator

Cuyahoga County Administration Building1219 Ontario Street, 4th FloorCleveland, Ohio 44113(216) 443-7032(216) 443-5884 (fax)

Well now isn't this just so special! Foreign national documents to be accepted in the US as though they meant something and didn't come off a counterfeiter's printer some where. Jesus Christ is there no end to this madness?

Basti Says


Blogger Views on current Immigration 'flap'...

Blogger Views on current Immigration 'flap'...
I am for a guest worker program. I know conservatives out there are mostly against this type of program, and I understand why. I’m going to explain my position on this issue. So, read up, this is important stuff.Defeat The Left - Illegal Imigration

The Enemy Is Not AT the Gates – He Is Already INSIDE Them (Courtesy of President Bush, Homeland Security, and Congress)JammedGun: The Enemy Is Not AT the Gates

An estimated 500,000 people protested in the streets of LA, and other thousands protest in other cities across the country against the proposed legislation that would make it a felony to be in the USA illegally. I agree that our immigrant workers are a part of our society, but there are ways to let them be here legally.Blah Blah Blog - The Soap Box: Illegal Entry Into This Country SHOULD BE A FELONY

Well the idiocy in this case is not limited to the Left Coast as featured in my earlier post. Although Texas is a Red state, we apparently have our share of un-law abiding idiots here too. Besides the formal protest, we have cars and trucks full of Mexicans driving all around downtown screaming and yelling and waving Mexican flags.Seaspook's Rants: Texas Idiocy

I find it difficult to place myself into the mindset of another entire system of thinking, but I shall try, regarding the disparate sides involving illegal immigration. In truth, by even phrasing the issue as "illegal immigration" I have revealed a major portion of my mindset, say immigrant proponents. There are those who would prefer "undocumented" workers. Or what I would call "euphemisms."Bloviating Zeppelin: WE ARE A NATION OF LAWS -- Or Are We?

They don't need air planes to fly into our buildings, they do not need to attack our embassies, they can stand in our streets and effectively take over our country. They don't need to kill almost three thousand people to get our attention, they simply must chant the words tomorrow we vote and our countries leaders will go belly up. They walked the streets of LA 500,000 strong mostly illegal immigrants calling out that today they march tomorrow they vote. Wake up America what in the hell are we allowing here? There were no INS agents to round these people up and send them home no we stood by and watched!!!The Voice Blog - Wake up!!!

Bogus arguments are a tip-off that you wouldn't buy the real reasons for what someone is doing. Phony arguments and phony words are the norm in discussions of immigration policy.It starts with a refusal to call illegal aliens "illegal aliens" and ends with asking for "guest worker" status for people who are not guests but gate crashers. As for the substantive arguments, they are as phony as the verbal evasions.Guests or gate crashers? Part II by Thomas Sowell

H/T to Michelle Malkin for the above photo of our misplaced flag. She's posts some other flag abuse pics at her blog. You won't see these pics on TV or in most other media outlets. Glenn Beck also links to some must see pics which aren't being seen in the MSM. Wonder why!Isn't It Rich: Las fotografias de la gran marcha

I'm so surprised - not!GILLIAN FLACCUSAssociated PressLOS ANGELES - The marching orders were clear: Carry American flags and pack the kids, pick up your trash and wear white for peace and for effect.Born Again Redneck: I'm so surprised - not!

I'm telling you right now that anyone who voted for this bill will never get my vote again for any damn office. I know traitors when I see and hear them and this bill is an act of treason against all 'real American citizens'. Once again the perfidy of the American politician and their insatiable hunger for votes and money it there for all to behold.Basti Says: On Immigration GOP Senators Betray Americans for Votes

Hat tip to and TexFred for this.

Mexican illegals vs. American voters

Mexican illegals vs. American voters
By Tony Blankley
March 29, 2006

It is lucky America has more than two centuries of mostly calm experience with self-government. We are going to need to fall back on that invaluable patrimony if the immigration debate continues as it has started this season. The Senate is attempting to legislate into the teeth of the will of the American public. The Senate Judiciary Committeemen — and probably a majority of the Senate — are convinced that they know that the American people don't know what is best for them.
National polling data could not be more emphatic — and has been so for decades. Gallup Poll (March 27) finds 80 percent of the public wants the federal government to get tougher on illegal immigration. A Quinnipiac University Poll (March 3) finds 62 percent oppose making it easier for illegals to become citizens (72 percent in that poll don't even want illegals to be permitted to have driver's licenses). Time Magazine's recent poll (Jan. 24-26) found 75 percent favor "major penalties" on employers of illegals, 70 percent believe illegals increase the likelihood of terrorism and 57 percent would use military force at the Mexican-American border.
An NBC/Wall Street Journal poll (March 10-13) found 59 percent opposing a guest-worker proposal, and 71 percent would more likely vote for a congressional candidate who would tighten immigration controls.
An IQ Research poll (March 10) found 92 percent saying that securing the U.S. border should be a top priority of the White House and Congress.
Yet, according to a National Journal survey of Congress, 73 percent of Republican and 77 percent of Democratic congressmen and senators say they would support guest-worker legislation.
I commend to all those presumptuous senators and congressmen the sardonic and wise words of Edmund Burke in his 1792 letter to Sir Hercules Langrishe: "No man will assert seriously, that when people are of a turbulent spirit, the best way to keep them in order is to furnish them with something substantial to complain of." The senators should remember that they are American senators, not Roman proconsuls. Nor is the chairman of the Judiciary Committee some latter-day Praetor Maximus.

More @ Washington Times

You can take the pimp out of the whore house, however you can never take the whore house out of the pimp. And yes that is just what members of the US Congress are who are flying in the face of the 'will of the people' pimps and they are pandering to business, votes, and foreigners!

80 Eyes on 2,400 People

80 Eyes on 2,400 People
If terrorists come to tiny Dillingham, Alaska, security cameras will be ready. But privacy concerns have residents up in arms.
By Tomas Alex Tizon, Times Staff Writer
March 28, 2006

DILLINGHAM, Alaska — From Anchorage it takes 90 minutes on a propeller plane to reach this fishing village on the state's southwestern edge, a place where some people still make raincoats out of walrus intestine.

This is the Alaskan bush at its most remote. Here, tundra meets sea, and sea turns to ice for half the year. Scattered, almost hidden, in the terrain are some of the most isolated communities on American soil. People choose to live in outposts like Dillingham (pop. 2,400) for that reason: to be left alone.

So eyebrows were raised in January when the first surveillance cameras went up on Main Street. Each camera is a shiny white metallic box with two lenses like eyes. The camera's shape and design resemble a robot's head.

Workers on motorized lifts installed seven cameras in a 360-degree cluster on top of City Hall. They put up groups of six atop two light poles at the loading dock, and more at the fire hall and boat harbor.

By mid-February, more than 60 cameras watched over the town, and the Dillingham Police Department plans to install 20 more — all purchased through a $202,000 Homeland Security grant meant primarily to defend against a terrorist attack.

Now the residents of this far-flung village have become, in one sense, among the most watched people in the land, with — as former Mayor Freeman Roberts puts it — "one camera for every 30 residents."

Some don't mind, but many others are furious and have banded together to force the city to take the cameras down.

More @ L.A. Times

See what I mean about your tax dollars and the Fed's! Someone makes the cameras and of course wants to sell them (See money again) and so the Fed's, states, and cities buy them and of course someone has to watch them and service them (See money again) and of course there are upgrades coming along as I type. (See more money again)

Poll: Americans See, Hear More Profanity

Poll: Americans See, Hear More Profanity

Mar 28, 8:29 PM (ET)

This is a story about words we can't print in this story. You probably hear these words often, and more than ever before. But even though we can't print them - we do have our standards - we can certainly ask: Are we living in an Age of Profanity?

Nearly three-quarters of Americans questioned last week - 74 percent - said they encounter profanity in public frequently or occasionally, according to an Associated Press-Ipsos poll. Two-thirds said they think people swear more than they did 20 years ago. And as for, well, the gold standard of foul words, a healthy 64 percent said they use the F-word - ranging from several times a day (8 percent) to a few times a year (15 percent).

Just ask Joe Cormack. Like any bartender, Cormack, of Fort Dodge, Iowa, hears a lot of talk. He's not really offended by bad language - heck, he uses it himself every day. But sometimes, a customer will unleash the F-word so many times, Cormack just has to jump in.

"Do you have any idea how many times you've just said that?" he reports saying from time to time. "I mean, if I take that out of your vocabulary, you've got nothin!'"

More @ My Way News

Give me a damn break! Profanity is as old as the spoken word!

In the Middle Ages they used expletives like; "God's blood, by St. Peters bones, and so on. William Shakespeare used the F-WORD in his plays and the people at the time all swore like seasoned sailors. The Puritans for all their supposed devoutness uttered oaths of all sorts and the drank beer and liquor as well!

The current prohibition about profanity comes from the Victorian Age and has about as much validity as old Queen Vicky herself.

Get a grip people, its just words spoken or in print. Once upon a time 'gay' and 'nice' had much different meaning than they do today. Personally I swear all the time and once again I say, "If you don't like it that's just to damn bad, because I don't care what you don't like!"

Liberal intolerance has become the norm

Liberal intolerance has become the norm
At first blush, Tuesday’s editorial in the S.F. Chronicle entitled “Intolerant City” was a shock. The Chron Editors openly criticized the S.F. Board of Supervisors for their intolerant reaction to a gathering of 25,000 Christian teenagers in the City.

THE IRONY was obviously lost on the clueless San Francisco supervisors when they passed a resolution warning that a Christian youth gathering could "negatively influence the politics of America's most tolerant and progressive city."
Spare us the doomsday hyperbole, supervisors.

We can safely report that the politics of San Francisco suffered no discernible shift in ideological alignment from the convergence of 25,000 Christian teenagers listening to rock 'n' roll music and words of inspiration. There was no evidence of any surge in support for the Iraq war, affection for President Bush or oil drilling off the California coast. The medical-marijuana clubs were still doing business as usual, public dancing was still legal, the petition gatherers were still working Market Street for the latest save-the-planet cause.

The supervisors' reaction to the evangelical Christians was so boorishly over the top that only one word could describe it:


More @ ChronWatch Writers' Blog

More and more I believe that this nations problems will not be to rights one way or the other without a 'REAL CIVIL WAR'. Events have moved so far out of control that there does not seem to be any other recourse.

On Immigration GOP Senators Betray Americans for Votes

On Immigration GOP Senators Betray Americans for Votes
Written by Jim Kouri
Wednesday, March 29, 2006

The Republican-controlled Senate Judiciary Committee approved election-year immigration legislation on Monday that is far different from what most Americans had in mind. The bill, which goes to the full Senate, paves the way for millions of undocumented workers to become U.S. citizens without having to first leave the country or pay a fine.

After days of protests led by left-wing groups masquerading as rank-and-file illegal aliens, the Senate committee’s GOP members folded like cheap cameras and voted to strip away proposed criminal penalties for residents found to be in this country illegally. The bill which passed the House of Representatives called for such penalties.

The panel’s vote now allows the bill to go before the full Senate for debate on Tuesday. “All Americans wanted fairness and they got it this evening,” said Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, the Massachusetts Democrat who played a pivotal role in drafting the legislation along with Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), approved 12-6.

Of course, Sen. Kennedy’s sense of fairness has always been questionable. In fact, what he calls fair is unfair to American citizens and legal immigrants who had to endure the pain of dealing with the immigration bureaucracy.

Committee Chairman Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) voted for the bill but signaled that some of the provisions could well be changed by the full Senate, but most observers don’t buy that for a moment. Conservatives knew that Sen. Specter was a liberal and therefore urged the GOP not to give him the chairmanship. Once again, he’s shown the conservatives to be right.

More @ ChronWatch

I'm telling you right now that anyone who voted for this bill will never get my vote again for any damn office. I know traitors when I see and hear them and this bill is an act of treason against all 'real American citizens'. Once again the perfidy of the American politician and their insatiable hunger for votes and money it there for all to behold.

Muslims and PC

Muslims and PC
March 29th, 2006

The major problem facing American Muslims today is not active prejudice or government harassment; it’s political correctness.

PC has been the governing force in relations with the American Muslim umma since 9/11, if not before. It is the sole reason why dubious and litigious groups like The Council on American-Islamic Relations CAIR), have become the chief representatives of the Muslim community, why “racial profiling”, the sole rational method of preventing terrorist infiltration, has been effectively banned (Arabs and Persians being Caucasian, it would have to be “ethnic profiling”, but… ooh never mind), why any critical or even debatable reference to Muslims or Islam in general has been carefully excised from public discourse – at least as far as the antique media are concerned.

So it’s no surprise PC played a major role in the three latest collisions between Muslims and American society at large. Umar Abdul-Jalil is the prison chaplain who made a series of inflammatory remarks to a Muslim Students Convention (including anti-Semitic comments concerning “Zionists in the media”), only to be reinstated by NYC Mayor HaroldBloomberg.

Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar is the Iranian immigrant who ran down nine people with an SUV at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in early March. Asked whether Taheri-azar had committed a terrorist act, university chancellor James Moeser ducked the question, saying that such judgements were not his responsibility. Taheri-azar was also allowed open contact with the media on several occasions by local law enforcement, which he used to explain his actions as the result of his devotion to Islam.

Sayed Rahmatullah Hashemi, a former ambassador-at-large for Afghanistan’s Taliban, notorious for justifying government atrocities and attacking Christians, is completing his first year as a student at Yale. The university has been perfectly clear as to why he was selected – as opposed to, say, a deserving former victim of the Taliban. It’s for reasons of “diversity.”

The essence of political correctness is privileged treatment provided solely due to an individual or group’s ethnic background. That this is the case in all three of these situations goes without question – public officials mouthing anti-Semitic statements usually aren’t offered a second chance; it’s very seldom that inmates in custody are allowed to address theological lectures to the media; and no Serbian genocide-justifier was greeted at Yale after the fall of Milosevic. (Though John Fund points out that anti-Semitic propagandist Paul DeMan was more than welcome.)

More @ American Thinker

PC you say! Well hot damn, how about this for PC!

'Super Size' Filmmaker Apologizes For Profanity-Laced Speech

'Super Size' Filmmaker Apologizes For Profanity-Laced Speech
Spurlock Writes 'Letter Of Explanation' On Blog

POSTED: 11:57 am EST March 28, 2006
UPDATED: 12:24 pm EST March 28, 2006

HORSHAM, Pa. -- Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock is apologizing for cursing, calling teachers pot smokers and making insensitive remarks about "retarded" students during a recent speech to high school students in suburban Philadelphia.

In "A Letter of Explanation," posted over the weekend on his blog, he said it was never his intent to insult or demean anyone.

Spurlock said he is sorry if his remarks offended some in the audience.

Spurlock ate nothing but McDonald's meals for 30 days to make his Oscar-nominated 2004 documentary "Super Size Me."

He spoke for about an hour Friday at Hatboro-Horsham High School to 700 students in conjunction with a health and wellness fair.

Officials considered Spurlock's speech so inflammatory that the principal cut it short and his scheduled evening talk to the community was canceled.

"insensitive remarks"

Gasp!! The horror, the depravity, the un-political correctness of it all! OHHHH woe is me! And calling teachers 'pot smokers' when we all know teachers have moved up to the fine white powdery stuff.

I have no problem with what this man said. The only problem I have is he apologized for saying it. Never apologize and look the outraged right in the eye and say, "I don't give a damn if you don't like it or not!"


Push for mandatory preschool gaining strength

Push for mandatory preschool gaining strength
Published: 03.29.2006

PHOENIX - Momentum is quietly building in the state for the next big thing in education: preschool for Arizona children younger than 5.
Education advocates are pushing for the requirement, citing research that shows very young children can absorb high-level skills much earlier than once believed. They also say mandatory preschool could close the learning gap between rich and poor students, and even raise the state's reputation, brought down by national test scores and a high dropout rate.

The goal is to help every child-care center decrease the time kids spend sitting in plastic swings, listening to music or watching television and increase the time spent on focused lesson plans to recognize shapes and letters and count 1-2-3 crackers for their afternoon snack.

More @ Tucson Citizen

Marvelous simply bloody marvelous! Another plan to stop children from being children! There is plenty of time to learn later in life, you are a child for only a very short period of time. What's next school in the womb? Parents want the 'Nanny State' to raise their children for them and then are surprised when the children grow up to be goblins of the first water.

One parent needs to stay home with the children until they are of legal school age, say 5 or 6. If people can't afford to let one parent stay home, then they should have no children. Children are not miniature adults, they are children who can be molded and shaped just like putty. Do you want strangers/the state/moon-bats molding your children?

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The Senate's Illegal Immigration Horror Show

The Senate's Illegal Immigration Horror Show

Sometimes, you just have to scratch your head and wonder what goes on in the vast empty space between the ears of some of the Republicans in the Senate. For example, that sort of head scratching might happen after you saw the nightmarish concoction that the Senate Judiciary Committee just came out with. Here we are in a Senate, that has 55 Republicans -- 44 Democrats -- and 1 left leaning independent -- on an issue that is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to the conservative base, and we get a bill that gives liberals everything they want while those of us on the right get a boot in the mouth.

Here's a description of the bill, which might as well have been written by Vicente Fox, that is going to be going to the Senate floor:

More @

Americans who wanted this problem (AND WE ARE IN THE MAJORITY) fixed so our nation is no longer invaded by nationals of other nations should remember the actions of the US Senate on coming election days and 'THROW THE LYING BACKSTABBING COWARDS OUT OF OFFICE'! I am so angry over this that I can't type anymore without setting my spell checker crazy!

The Senate's Illegal Immigration Horror Show

The Senate's Illegal Immigration Horror Show

Sometimes, you just have to scratch your head and wonder what goes on in the vast empty space between the ears of some of the Republicans in the Senate. For example, that sort of head scratching might happen after you saw the nightmarish concoction that the Senate Judiciary Committee just came out with. Here we are in a Senate, that has 55 Republicans -- 44 Democrats -- and 1 left leaning independent -- on an issue that is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to the conservative base, and we get a bill that gives liberals everything they want while those of us on the right get a boot in the mouth.

Here's a description of the bill, which might as well have been written by Vicente Fox, that is going to be going to the Senate floor:

More @

Americans who wanted this problem (AND WE ARE IN THE MAJORITY) fixed so our nation is no longer invaded by nationals of other nations should remember the actions of the US Senate on coming election days and 'THROW THE LYING BACKSTABBING COWARDS OUT OF OFFICE'! I am so angry over this that I can't type anymore without setting my spell checker crazy!

Clinton calls Blair’s government the ’envy’ of the United States

Clinton calls Blair’s government the ’envy’ of the United States

28 March 2006

LONDON - Former U.S. President Bill Clinton said on Tuesday that Britain’s economy, environmental policy and attempts at modernization were envied in the United States, where comparable policies under President George W. Bush were lacking.

Speaking to a packed audience at London’s Guildhall, Clinton specifically responded to criticisms that British Prime Minister Tony Blair and his Labour party were “long in the tooth,” or past their prime.

“If you live where I live and you look across the Atlantic, it does not look that way,” he said.

Clinton’s 45-minute speech on progressive politics and globalization, organized by the Smith Institute, a Labour-leaning political think tank, touched on a wide array of topics, including the war in Iraq, job outsourcing, the threat of communicable diseases and even the Danish cartoons that infuriated much of the Muslim world earlier this year.

The 59-year-old former U.S. president, who was introduced by British Treasury chief Gordon Brown, also emphasized the potential impact of global warming, saying that, if unchecked, it threatens to destabilize the global economy.

More @ Khaleej Times

There should be a nondisclosure act for all former US Presidents in that they would be banned from making any political/social statements in public any where in the world. First we have 'Peanut Head' and now 'Fat Willy' praising 'Commie' policies all over the world.

Go vegetarian to avoid bird flu, says rights group

Go vegetarian to avoid bird flu, says rights group

BEIJING (Reuters) - Scared about getting bird flu? Then the only really safe way to protect yourself is to go vegetarian, an animal rights group said on Tuesday.

Headlining a new Chinese and English language Web site ( "Avian flu: it's your fault," the Asia Pacific branch of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) says it is drawing attention to unsavory factory farming practices.

The cramming together of thousands of chickens in buildings where the birds are never allowed outside and live in their own filth was an ideal breeding ground for disease, the group said in a statement.

"Avian flu is just one symptom of a very sick and cruel industry," it quoted PETA Asia-Pacific director Jason Baker as saying.

"With diseases running rampant in crowded, filthy factory farms and the significant health risks posed by the 'backyard'-type farms common in Asia, the safest thing to do with chicken flesh is to avoid it like the plague," he said.

Bird flu has killed about 100 people in Asia and the Middle East since 2003, including 11 people in China, and experts fear the virus could mutate and spread easily from human to human.

They also say properly cooked poultry and eggs should pose no danger, though they warn people to stay well clear of birds which have died of sickness in case it be avian influenza. Netscape News

Personally I'm a pork man myself. Nothing like home made biscuits, Virginia cured ham, and red-eye gravy. (Muzzies take note; yes I said pork!)



Hollywood activist SEAN PENN has a plastic doll of conservative US columnist ANN COULTER that he likes to abuse when angry. The Oscar-winner actor has hated Coulter ever since she blacklisted his director father LEO PENN in her book TREASON. And he takes out his frustrations with Coulter, who is a best-selling author, lawyer and television pundit, on the Barble-like doll. In an interview with The New Yorker magazine, Penn reveals, "We violate her. There are cigarette burns in some funny places. She's a pure snake-oil salesman. She doesn't believe a word she says."27/03/2006 21:11

More @ Contactmusic News

Sean Penn yeah I remember him! He's the doofus who went to NOLA and promptly got into a boat that began to sink, reminds me of Sean's career!

Democrats: Party of 'Sex, Crime, and Corruption'

Democrats: Party of 'Sex, Crime, and Corruption'
Written by Nathan Tabor
Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Political scandals seem to have become the norm in Washington DC. From Jack Abramoff to President Clinton and Monica Lewinski, the scandals do not appear to follow the party lines – at least on the surface. But a closer look at the history of political scandal reveals something completely different.

In their new book, DONKEY CONS: Sex, Crime, and Corruption in the Democratic Party veteran reporters Lynne Vincent and Robert Stacey McCain, discover that the truth lies in the history.

Lynn Vincent is features editor at World Magazine, where she covers news, politics, and current events. She also teaches in the World Journalism Institute. Vincent resides in San Diego, California.

Robert Stacy McCain is an assistant national editor for the Washington Times. His series of columns on the National Standards for U.S. History won the George Washington Medal from the Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge. McCain resides in Washington, D.C.

From bribery and kickbacks to sex scandals, espionage, terrorism, and rape, DONKEY CONS chronicles, for the first time, the panorama of Democratic crime and corruption. Vincent and McCain have generated a truly impressive retrospective compilation of incidents and scandal that clearly demonstrates the breadth of the problem and leaves the reader wondering what comes next.

Thoroughly researched, using anecdotes and intimate details, this book shows the serial corruption within the Clinton presidency wasn’t an anomaly, but the logical legacy of the modern Democratic ethos. As author McCain says, “The Democratic Party is like the Gambino mob with matching federal funds.”

As the 2006 election season approaches, DONKEY CONS is not only a look at what the Democratic Party has become, it is a glimpse into the future and an invaluable resource for every American voter.

A version of this article appears at


It still frosts me that the Far Left has stolen the party of Jefferson & Jackson and my ancestors and turned it into a quagmire of sex, crime, and corruption.

Welcome to the Death Threat Club

Welcome to the Death Threat Club
Written by Gregory Borse
Tuesday, March 28, 2006

We have received word from our contributor, columnist Cinnamon Stillwell, that she has been officially welcomed into what is becoming a growing “club” of those threatened with harm for writing about radical Islam.

Go here to read the truly disgusting missive Ms. Stillwell recently received in response to an article she wrote criticizing western feminists for virtually ignoring the plight of women under the “apartheid of violence and oppression practiced against women in the Muslim world.”

Such threats against bloggers and journalists alike serve to remind those in the West that the War on Terror is a real war and that the enemies of democracy, freedom, and self-determination will stop at nothing to establish what the e-mailer calls a “Global Islamic Caliphate Empire dominating every continents (sic) on Earth.”

The writer of the e-mail, who calls him or herself “A Muslim well-wisher and warner; Fire Eagle_Weapon of Allah,” adds that the “Global Islamic Caliphate” will also dominate other planets in the near future—calling into some question the writer’s sanity.

But, then again, how sane were the terrorists who flew planes into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and (thanks to the heroics of the passengers of Flight 93) into the rich soil of Pennsylvania on 9/11?

About the Writer: Gregory Borse is the Editor of the Writers' Section of ChronWatch. He holds a Ph.D. from Louisiana State University, and an MA and BA from the University of Dallas. Dr. Borse, a family man with "a beautiful wife and five beautiful children," enjoys writing, current events, media, politics, and disc golf. Gregory receives e-mail at ChronWatch Forum

It's a damn shame that these goblins don't send death threats to those of us who would appreciate them. I mean I don't get any threats and I publish cartoons making fun of Allah and poke fun at Islam as a cult started by a pedophile in the 7th century, etc.

I've even made the statement that Islam is only a cult in the style of Jim Jones and Allah does not exist except in the minds of people far to ignorant to know cookies from horse apples.

Of course the goblin Moon-Bats pick their targets carefully because they are all cowards of the first water.

Farrakhan in Cuba calls for "regime change" in US

Farrakhan in Cuba calls for "regime change" in US
Mon Mar 27, 2006 5:03 PM ET

HAVANA (Reuters) - Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan called for "regime change" in the United States on Monday and denounced "wicked" U.S. policies for turning the world against America.

"We need a new government, we need regime change in America," he said at the end of a visit to Communist Cuba.

Farrakhan, who led the Million Man March on the Washington Mall in 1995 to promote black self-reliance, said the Bush administration's domestic policies were "sucking the blood of the poor and the weak."

The controversial African American leader defended Iran's right to develop a nuclear energy program to reduce dependence on oil and said Washington's opposition was a pretext for a war.

"The Muslim world should unite against America's desire for a preemptive strike against Iran and Syria," he said at a news conference.

More @ Reuters

Why is this guy still walking around, visiting Cuba, preaching sedition, and treason? People in this nation have said a lot less and been visited by the FBI or SS.

Monday, March 27, 2006

United Bloggers of America: STEAL THIS FLAG!!

United Bloggers of America: STEAL THIS FLAG!!

Senate Taking Up Sensitive Issue Of Illegal Workers

Senate Taking Up Sensitive Issue Of Illegal Workers

POSTED: 8:45 am CST March 27, 2006
UPDATED: 11:46 am CST March 27, 2006

WASHINGTON -- Senators writing an immigration bill broke from the House's get-tough approach by refusing Monday to make criminals of humanitarian groups or individuals who help illegal immigrants as more than a thousand immigration rights activists rallied outside the Capitol.

The Senate Judiciary Committee adopted an amendment by Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., that would protect church and charitable groups, as well as individuals, from criminal prosecution for providing food, shelter, medical care and counseling to undocumented immigrants.

"Charitable organizations, like individuals, should be able to provide humanitarian assistance to immigrants without fearing prosecution," Durbin said.

The House voted in December to make offers of such non-emergency aid a felony. The Senate panel also rejected a proposal Wednesday by Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, to require humanitarian groups providing aid to illegal immigrants to register with the Department of Homeland Security.

The immigration bills have sparked protests around the country, and with the committee's action on Monday demonstrators at the front of the Capitol claimed to have already had an impact. At least 200 clergy members were present, including dozens wearing handcuffs to protest the House's action.

"This is not about legislation any more," said Jorge Medina, an immigrant from Honduras now living in Charlotte, N.C. "This is about feelings now. We are Americans, too. We are not from Mars and we are not from the moon."

President Bush used a naturalization ceremony Monday for swearing in 30 new citizens from 20 countries to warn critics of his proposal to let some illegal immigrants remain in the United State against stoking anti-immigrant feelings.

"The immigration debate should be conducted in a civil and dignified way," the president said as lawmakers began tackling the hot-button election issue of what to do with the nation's estimated 11 million illegal immigrants.

More @ Click 2 Houston

Civil and dignified my ass! There is nothing civil or dignified about allowing millions of illegals into my country and then not prosecuting those who helped them get into my country and not shipping the illegals back where they belong.

This country belongs to its citizens and not to non-citizens! I'm soooooo angry that politician's pussyfoot around this issue like the illegals were some how a bloc of voters and they might offend someone. I don't give a damn who is offended or how much they complain the majority of United States citizens want this invasion stopped and stopped now!

Fox and his merry men in Mexico want to export Mexico's over population problem and the money men in this country want cheap labor, while the coward politician's want more votes.

Bridges in Washington County, Ohio

Bridges in Washington County, Ohio

Lots of pictures of covered bridges. This was run as an article in my local paper recently.

Link Historic Bridgesof the Midwest

Basti Says

Basti Says

Just a note to let y'all know that Spring has finally begun in the Upper Ohio Valley where I live. Updates may come at odd times from now to fall. There is a massive amount of work to do outside (I got a wee bit done today) and there is just myself to do it.

Polar Ice Caps Are Melting Faster Than Ever...

Polar Ice Caps Are Melting Faster Than Ever... More And More Land Is Being Devastated By Drought... Rising Waters Are Drowning Low-Lying Communities... By Any Measure, Earth Is At ... The Tipping Point
The climate is crashing, and global warming is to blame. Why the crisis hit so soon--and what we can do about itBy JEFFREY KLUGER

More @ Time Magzine

Not to worry folks remain calm. Sources tell me they we'll all be dead from bird flu long before global warming can kill us. That is if an asteroid/comet doesn't knock us back to the 7th century first. In some cases the 7th century thing will go unnoticed as many people are still living in that century.

FEC Won't Regulate Internet Politics

This is a who it may concern post. Personally I don't shill for any politician or give any of the lying backstabbing thieves one red cent. IMO, if you lay down with dogs you get up with fleas.


FEC Won't Regulate Internet Politics
Mar 27 12:14 PM US/Eastern

Associated Press Writer


The Federal Election Commission decided Monday that the nation's new campaign finance law will not apply to most political activity on the Internet.

In a 6-0 vote, the commission decided to regulate only paid political ads placed on another person's Web site.

The decision means that bloggers and online publications will not be covered by provisions of the new election law. Internet bloggers and individuals will therefore be able to use the Internet to attack or support federal candidates without running afoul of campaign spending and contribution limits.

"It's a win, win, win," Commissioner Ellen L. Weintraub said, adding that the rule would satisfy concerns of campaigns, individuals and the Internet community about whether the campaign finance law applies to Internet political activity.

The commission was forced to act after a federal court ruled that the FEC must extend some of the campaign financial and spending limits to political activity on the Internet.

The 2002 law requires that campaign ads for federal candidates be paid for with money regulated by the law, which limits contributions by individuals to $2,000 and bans union and corporation donations.

In its initial interpretation of the law in 2002, the FEC said no political activity on the Internet was covered. But a federal court judge ruled in 2004 that the commission had to craft a new rule that at the very least covered paid political advertising on the Internet.


America takes side of Israel

America takes side of Israel
By Jeff Jacoby, Globe Columnist March 26, 2006

Breaking News Alerts A GALLUP POLL released last month puts American support for Israel at near-record levels. When asked for their views on the Middle East, 59 percent of Americans say they sympathize with the Israelis, while just 15 percent favor the Palestinians. Pro-Israel sentiment rises with increased knowledge -- 66 percent of those who follow international affairs ''very closely" support Israel, compared with 52 percent of those who don't pay close attention to foreign news.

Other findings are comparable. More than two-thirds of Americans say their overall view of Israel is favorable. Only 11 percent, by contrast, have a favorable opinion of the Palestinian Authority. While 22 percent of the public wants Washington to conduct diplomatic relations with the Hamas-controlled Palestinian government even if it refuses to recognize Israel's right to exist as a sovereign state, 44 percent say recognition of Israel must be a precondition to relations with the United States. Another 25 percent -- one American in four -- oppose any US dealings with Hamas at all.

Staunch American support for Israel is nothing new. In February 2005, Gallup reported similarly lopsided findings -- 69 percent of the public viewed Israel favorably, 25 percent unfavorably. In 2004, when Israel was being denounced in Europe and the United Nations for its assassination of Sheik Ahmed Yassin, the leader of Hamas, 61 percent of Americans said Israel was justified in killing him. In 2002, when a CBS News poll asked whether Israel's actions against Yasser Arafat and his forces were equivalent to US actions against Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda, 59 percent agreed that they were.

In short, solidarity with Israel is an abiding feature of American public opinion. Because the American people are pro-Israel, the American government is pro-Israel. And because Americans so strongly support Israel in its conflict with the Arabs, American policy in the Middle East is committed to Israel's defense.

More @

While I don't agree with all Israel has done, (I would never have made peace with Egypt and never given back on inch of territory. I'd have killed Arafat and his merry band of sociopath's when I had them cornered in Lebanon and been done with it) I'm still on Israel's side when it comes to the Islam-O-Nazis and their ilk.