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Thursday, March 30, 2006

American Dhimmitude

American DhimmitudeThe road from amnesty.

Hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens and their supporters have marched over the past couple of weeks demanding amnesty and opposing stricter immigration enforcement.

This isn’t really about immigration, though — it’s about power.
What we’re seeing in the streets is a naked assertion of power by outsiders against the American nation. They demand that we comply with their wishes and submit our immigration policies for their approval, and implicitly threaten violence if their demands are not met. Far from being a discussion among Americans about the best way to regulate immigration, the illegal-alien marches have been marked by the will to power: ubiquitous Mexican flags, burning and other forms of contempt for the American flag, and widespread displays of blatant racial chauvinism and irredentism.

This is precisely the same kind of challenge that aggressive outsiders are making against other parts of the West, including Muslim immigrants in Europe and, in the most extreme form, Palestinians in Israel. Supremacist Muslims have demanded that Europe repudiate Israel, legally prohibit public criticism of Islam, downplay acts of violent Jew-hatred by immigrants, and not deport Muslim illegal aliens. And some Palestinians, of course, demand that Jewish state abolish itself altogether, actually cutting it out of maps of the Middle East (just as illegal-alien marchers in L.A. held signs of North America with the United States crossed out).

Of course, we face a lower-calorie version of the challenge faced by Europe and Israel. The outsiders rejecting the legitimacy of our constitutional order are from Christian, quasi-Western backgrounds, and come from countries whence we have successfully taken, and Americanized, immigrants in the past. Consequently, the challenge has so far been marked by relatively little violence, nothing like the murders and bombings and riots in Europe and Israel.

More @ NRO

I don't want to assimilate them. I don't want them in my country. 11 million, 15 million I don't care, ship them all back where they belong.

Can you just hear the outcry if 15 to 30 million 'Gringo's' swarmed across the border the other way and began to make the same absurd demands these invaders are making in 'our country'? The UN would be screaming, Mexico City would be screaming, and ever Liberal dingbat from Jimmy Carter to Sheen would be screaming about the evil 'Gringos'. The double standard is always applied to 'Gringo's/Caucasians' it seems, we can do no right! It's time we 'Gringo's' said, "We don't care what you don't like, we'll do it our way and you'll just have to lump it!"

Oh and BTW wear the word 'Gringo' with pride! Being a 'Gringo' means you aren't a 'Wet Back or a Beaner'!
