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Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Muslims and PC

Muslims and PC
March 29th, 2006

The major problem facing American Muslims today is not active prejudice or government harassment; it’s political correctness.

PC has been the governing force in relations with the American Muslim umma since 9/11, if not before. It is the sole reason why dubious and litigious groups like The Council on American-Islamic Relations CAIR), have become the chief representatives of the Muslim community, why “racial profiling”, the sole rational method of preventing terrorist infiltration, has been effectively banned (Arabs and Persians being Caucasian, it would have to be “ethnic profiling”, but… ooh never mind), why any critical or even debatable reference to Muslims or Islam in general has been carefully excised from public discourse – at least as far as the antique media are concerned.

So it’s no surprise PC played a major role in the three latest collisions between Muslims and American society at large. Umar Abdul-Jalil is the prison chaplain who made a series of inflammatory remarks to a Muslim Students Convention (including anti-Semitic comments concerning “Zionists in the media”), only to be reinstated by NYC Mayor HaroldBloomberg.

Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar is the Iranian immigrant who ran down nine people with an SUV at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in early March. Asked whether Taheri-azar had committed a terrorist act, university chancellor James Moeser ducked the question, saying that such judgements were not his responsibility. Taheri-azar was also allowed open contact with the media on several occasions by local law enforcement, which he used to explain his actions as the result of his devotion to Islam.

Sayed Rahmatullah Hashemi, a former ambassador-at-large for Afghanistan’s Taliban, notorious for justifying government atrocities and attacking Christians, is completing his first year as a student at Yale. The university has been perfectly clear as to why he was selected – as opposed to, say, a deserving former victim of the Taliban. It’s for reasons of “diversity.”

The essence of political correctness is privileged treatment provided solely due to an individual or group’s ethnic background. That this is the case in all three of these situations goes without question – public officials mouthing anti-Semitic statements usually aren’t offered a second chance; it’s very seldom that inmates in custody are allowed to address theological lectures to the media; and no Serbian genocide-justifier was greeted at Yale after the fall of Milosevic. (Though John Fund points out that anti-Semitic propagandist Paul DeMan was more than welcome.)

More @ American Thinker

PC you say! Well hot damn, how about this for PC!
