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Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Blogger Views on current Immigration 'flap'...

Blogger Views on current Immigration 'flap'...
I am for a guest worker program. I know conservatives out there are mostly against this type of program, and I understand why. I’m going to explain my position on this issue. So, read up, this is important stuff.Defeat The Left - Illegal Imigration

The Enemy Is Not AT the Gates – He Is Already INSIDE Them (Courtesy of President Bush, Homeland Security, and Congress)JammedGun: The Enemy Is Not AT the Gates

An estimated 500,000 people protested in the streets of LA, and other thousands protest in other cities across the country against the proposed legislation that would make it a felony to be in the USA illegally. I agree that our immigrant workers are a part of our society, but there are ways to let them be here legally.Blah Blah Blog - The Soap Box: Illegal Entry Into This Country SHOULD BE A FELONY

Well the idiocy in this case is not limited to the Left Coast as featured in my earlier post. Although Texas is a Red state, we apparently have our share of un-law abiding idiots here too. Besides the formal protest, we have cars and trucks full of Mexicans driving all around downtown screaming and yelling and waving Mexican flags.Seaspook's Rants: Texas Idiocy

I find it difficult to place myself into the mindset of another entire system of thinking, but I shall try, regarding the disparate sides involving illegal immigration. In truth, by even phrasing the issue as "illegal immigration" I have revealed a major portion of my mindset, say immigrant proponents. There are those who would prefer "undocumented" workers. Or what I would call "euphemisms."Bloviating Zeppelin: WE ARE A NATION OF LAWS -- Or Are We?

They don't need air planes to fly into our buildings, they do not need to attack our embassies, they can stand in our streets and effectively take over our country. They don't need to kill almost three thousand people to get our attention, they simply must chant the words tomorrow we vote and our countries leaders will go belly up. They walked the streets of LA 500,000 strong mostly illegal immigrants calling out that today they march tomorrow they vote. Wake up America what in the hell are we allowing here? There were no INS agents to round these people up and send them home no we stood by and watched!!!The Voice Blog - Wake up!!!

Bogus arguments are a tip-off that you wouldn't buy the real reasons for what someone is doing. Phony arguments and phony words are the norm in discussions of immigration policy.It starts with a refusal to call illegal aliens "illegal aliens" and ends with asking for "guest worker" status for people who are not guests but gate crashers. As for the substantive arguments, they are as phony as the verbal evasions.Guests or gate crashers? Part II by Thomas Sowell

H/T to Michelle Malkin for the above photo of our misplaced flag. She's posts some other flag abuse pics at her blog. You won't see these pics on TV or in most other media outlets. Glenn Beck also links to some must see pics which aren't being seen in the MSM. Wonder why!Isn't It Rich: Las fotografias de la gran marcha

I'm so surprised - not!GILLIAN FLACCUSAssociated PressLOS ANGELES - The marching orders were clear: Carry American flags and pack the kids, pick up your trash and wear white for peace and for effect.Born Again Redneck: I'm so surprised - not!

I'm telling you right now that anyone who voted for this bill will never get my vote again for any damn office. I know traitors when I see and hear them and this bill is an act of treason against all 'real American citizens'. Once again the perfidy of the American politician and their insatiable hunger for votes and money it there for all to behold.Basti Says: On Immigration GOP Senators Betray Americans for Votes

Hat tip to and TexFred for this.
