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Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Poll: Americans See, Hear More Profanity

Poll: Americans See, Hear More Profanity

Mar 28, 8:29 PM (ET)

This is a story about words we can't print in this story. You probably hear these words often, and more than ever before. But even though we can't print them - we do have our standards - we can certainly ask: Are we living in an Age of Profanity?

Nearly three-quarters of Americans questioned last week - 74 percent - said they encounter profanity in public frequently or occasionally, according to an Associated Press-Ipsos poll. Two-thirds said they think people swear more than they did 20 years ago. And as for, well, the gold standard of foul words, a healthy 64 percent said they use the F-word - ranging from several times a day (8 percent) to a few times a year (15 percent).

Just ask Joe Cormack. Like any bartender, Cormack, of Fort Dodge, Iowa, hears a lot of talk. He's not really offended by bad language - heck, he uses it himself every day. But sometimes, a customer will unleash the F-word so many times, Cormack just has to jump in.

"Do you have any idea how many times you've just said that?" he reports saying from time to time. "I mean, if I take that out of your vocabulary, you've got nothin!'"

More @ My Way News

Give me a damn break! Profanity is as old as the spoken word!

In the Middle Ages they used expletives like; "God's blood, by St. Peters bones, and so on. William Shakespeare used the F-WORD in his plays and the people at the time all swore like seasoned sailors. The Puritans for all their supposed devoutness uttered oaths of all sorts and the drank beer and liquor as well!

The current prohibition about profanity comes from the Victorian Age and has about as much validity as old Queen Vicky herself.

Get a grip people, its just words spoken or in print. Once upon a time 'gay' and 'nice' had much different meaning than they do today. Personally I swear all the time and once again I say, "If you don't like it that's just to damn bad, because I don't care what you don't like!"
