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Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Farrakhan in Cuba calls for "regime change" in US

Farrakhan in Cuba calls for "regime change" in US
Mon Mar 27, 2006 5:03 PM ET

HAVANA (Reuters) - Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan called for "regime change" in the United States on Monday and denounced "wicked" U.S. policies for turning the world against America.

"We need a new government, we need regime change in America," he said at the end of a visit to Communist Cuba.

Farrakhan, who led the Million Man March on the Washington Mall in 1995 to promote black self-reliance, said the Bush administration's domestic policies were "sucking the blood of the poor and the weak."

The controversial African American leader defended Iran's right to develop a nuclear energy program to reduce dependence on oil and said Washington's opposition was a pretext for a war.

"The Muslim world should unite against America's desire for a preemptive strike against Iran and Syria," he said at a news conference.

More @ Reuters

Why is this guy still walking around, visiting Cuba, preaching sedition, and treason? People in this nation have said a lot less and been visited by the FBI or SS.
