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Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Push for mandatory preschool gaining strength

Push for mandatory preschool gaining strength
Published: 03.29.2006

PHOENIX - Momentum is quietly building in the state for the next big thing in education: preschool for Arizona children younger than 5.
Education advocates are pushing for the requirement, citing research that shows very young children can absorb high-level skills much earlier than once believed. They also say mandatory preschool could close the learning gap between rich and poor students, and even raise the state's reputation, brought down by national test scores and a high dropout rate.

The goal is to help every child-care center decrease the time kids spend sitting in plastic swings, listening to music or watching television and increase the time spent on focused lesson plans to recognize shapes and letters and count 1-2-3 crackers for their afternoon snack.

More @ Tucson Citizen

Marvelous simply bloody marvelous! Another plan to stop children from being children! There is plenty of time to learn later in life, you are a child for only a very short period of time. What's next school in the womb? Parents want the 'Nanny State' to raise their children for them and then are surprised when the children grow up to be goblins of the first water.

One parent needs to stay home with the children until they are of legal school age, say 5 or 6. If people can't afford to let one parent stay home, then they should have no children. Children are not miniature adults, they are children who can be molded and shaped just like putty. Do you want strangers/the state/moon-bats molding your children?
