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Friday, May 19, 2006

Illegals granted Social Security

Illegals granted Social Security
By Charles Hurt
May 19, 2006

The Senate voted yesterday to allow illegal aliens to collect Social Security benefits based on past illegal employment -- even if the job was obtained through forged or stolen documents.

"There was a felony they were committing, and now they can't be prosecuted. That sounds like amnesty to me," said Sen. John Ensign, the Nevada Republican who offered the amendment yesterday to strip out those provisions of the immigration reform bill. "It just boggles the mind how people could be against this amendment."

The Ensign amendment was defeated on a 50-49 vote.

"We all know that millions of undocumented immigrants pay Social Security and Medicare taxes for years and sometimes decades while they work to contribute to our economy," said Sen. John McCain, Arizona Republican.

"The Ensign amendment would undermine the work of these people by preventing lawfully present immigrant workers from claiming Social Security benefits that they earned before they were authorized to work in our community," he said. "If this amendment were enacted, the nest egg that these immigrants have worked hard for would be taken from them and their families."

More @ washtimes

Remember the old saw about his this nation has the 'rule of law'? Yes we might have the 'rule of law', however that does not stop politicians from allowing the rules to be broken and in fact make new rules that condone illegal activities of all sorts.

The rule has always been if you commit a felony any gains you made that resulted from that felony are null and void. The Senate just set back English Common Law 1000 years. And you wonder why SS is going broke?

I don't care if the entire population of Mexico starves to dead! That is not the business of the US Senate. The business of the US Senate is about AMERICA & AMERICANS. You'll notice the vote was 50 to 49 and the Repub's have a majority in the US Senate. And people wonder why I want them all out of office ASAP!
