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Thursday, May 18, 2006

Some Points From Other Blogs

I've been trolling the blog-sphere a bit and found some interesting perspectives on Bush, Conservatives, the border sellout, and other points.

It seems to me that a majority of these blogs are calling for cooler heads in regard to Bush, the border, and in general being a Conservative.
I of course don't agree with most of them.

It seems that the worry uppermost in many Conservative minds (I suspect these people are registered Republicans. I'm not a Republican, I'm a Conservative and I'd vote for the Devil himself if he got the job done) is loss of political power in Congress. Well for my money the Democrats could do no worse than the sell out Republicans have done.
These so called Conservatives have spent like drunken sailors on leave, tried to sell port security to Arabs, refused to secure the border, and in general ignored those that elected them with a disdain worthy of the worst of the Far Left Democrats.

The Republicans in Congress need punished and they need punished in a way that leaves no doubt about voter anger. The only thing that politicians of any stripe understand is raw power, the raw power to vote them out of office and be sure you brag about doing so. I say put the Republicans in a minority in Congress in 2006 and see if they can grow a set in 2 years and actually act, do, and be what they say they are. And BTW I don't want to hear what Bush & Co have done for us in the past, that's in the past.
I want results on now problems and I want Conservative results!

As for the worry that Conservatives might be acting like the moon-bats at DU or other goofy Lefties I say, so what if we are? Conservatives seem to me to want to always be so aboveboard, so prissy, and so civilized. In my view that is what causes Conservatives to come adrift in the storm tossed seas of American Politics.
You can not be civilized, aboveboard, and prissy like an old maid aunt if you want to win and have your agenda become law and national policy.

Winning isn't everything, its all there is! Recently some Conservatives became all horrified because Michelle Markin published phone numbers and other personal information about some troop hating pricks, anti-American scum in California. Some Conservatives seemed more upset about this then the Moon-Bat Left did. I on the other hand applauded her action, because troop haters and anti-American scum get no quarter from me, nor will they every. I don't pull punches and I give better than I get. I'm loyal to a fault, but don't backstab me, because then I'm your worst nightmare!

Some Conservatives are worried about morphing into what we love to hate. They seem to think that high pitched emotion filled rhetoric by Conservatives is a bad thing and that the cool calm approached is the way to go. I say horse-shit to cool, calm, prissy, civilized, and the rest of that wussy attitude. The only way to win an argument with someone who is screaming at the top of their lungs is to scream louder then they do. Never back down and ramp up the rhetoric at ever opportunity. If you're afraid of making a fool of yourself you have no business in politics and should stay home on the porch and let the bigs dogs do the job.

Let me end this with an old Russian fable: "There once was a dog who's master died and left him all alone. No one wanted the dog so they took him deep into the forest and left him there. The dog had been raised by a good kind master and was unused to any violence or cruelty of any kind. The first night in the forest the poor dog huddled frightened nearly to death in a hole as the wolves howled in fearsome hunger all night long.

The following morning the dog knew he hadn't long to live if the
wolves found him and he was desperate to save his life. In a moment of brilliance the dog thought, 'If I howl like the wolves maybe they won't harm me!'

The next night the dog set up a fearsome howling that could be heard all over the forest. And so it went for many nights is a row the dogs fearsome howling drowning out the wolves and then one night the dog paused in his howling and realized he heard no wolves.

The dogs howling had been so fearsome that the wolves had all run away from the forest and the dog had the forest all to himself. The dog lived a long happy life in his very own forest."

The moral of the story is that like the dog we Conservatives must out howl the Left and the sellouts, until we have the forest to ourselves.

Link to some of the posts I was speaking of smokeonthewater
