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Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Liberal infallibility: What Ann Coulter is right

Liberal infallibility: What Ann Coulter is right
Jun 11, 2006
by Kevin McCullough

Email to a friend Print this page Text size: A A Liberals in America have been staging a new strategy on winning public policy debates. Simply provide spokespeople that no one is allowed to respond to. Ann Coulter had the gall to challenge that and let loose with some direct observations in her newest best-seller "GODLESS" and true to form liberals have been fomenting in response.
The reason they do is not because it breaks some sacred respect that one should have for a grieving mother, wife, or relative. Rather the reason they are so outraged by this is because it simply stabs through the heart the strategy of hiding behind spokespeople who 'can't be criticized'.

Matt Lauer, Hillary Clinton, and Alan Colmes have been laughable in the trumped up outrage that they share for the statements Coulter makes in GODLESS in reference to the 'Jersey Girls'. The Jersey Girls are four wives who lost their husbands on 9/11, they jumped into the 2004 election debate early on, they cut commercials for John Kerry, and they are on record for saying some rather hideous remarks about Condoleezza Rice and Karl Rove, not to mention President Bush.

In recent years liberal spokespersons have grown infamous for self destruction when they are put into arenas where free debate, give and take response, and actual dialogue take place. As Ann argues rather convincingly in her new book, this sets up the structure of "liberal infallibility." In other words liberals use of victims of tragedies would never be criticized. So the plan is to find as many victims to become the mouthpieces for the left as possible.

More @ townhall

Let me say from the onset that their is no one above criticism or reproach. I don't care if its your sainted grandmother, a priest, a minister, or grief-stricken parents/wives/mothers etc. You cannot wave the 'bloody shirt' and ramble on about your private vendetta and not be taken to task for what you have said or done.

I have no problem in taking anyone too task as I don't believe in sacred cows. Let them have it with both barrels and let the chips fall where they may.
