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Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Rage and Reason in the War on Terror

Rage and Reason in the War on Terror
Written by Michael Nevin, Jr.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006

For the better part of two decades America had a flaccid response to Islamic terror campaigns bent on destroying our civilization. Beginning with the American embassy hostage crisis in Iran and followed by the military pullout in Lebanon after hundreds of Marines were slaughtered, the United States left an early impression that we were not up to the challenge and unsure exactly how to effectively deal with extreme elements of Islam.

At least throughout the 1980s, one could argue that the Soviet threat was a good reason for American policy-makers to focus primarily on Kremlin activities. In fact, at the time it made sense to support the Mujahideen as they battled the Soviets in Afghanistan. As history attests, Realpolitik is based on complicated alliances. But history is also full of missed opportunities and gathering storms that leave us begging the question: What if…?

More @ chronwatch

The immediate rage & anger post 09/11/01 is gone in most people. (I don't include myself in that loss of rage. I'm still pissed to the max) Our Fearless Leaders wasted a golden opportunity to take Islam on straight up and kick some ass, while not bothering about names. We needed to go full bore from 09/12/01 on without stopping to read the politically correct cue cards. However like so many things the Imperial Congress and our Fearless Leader have done in the last 6 years we squandered that wonderful rage and anger the American people felt on 9/11.

Our Fearless Leader called for 'Crusade Against Terrorism' right after 09/11/01. Whoops, the Islam-O-Nazis didn't like the word 'Crusade' so backpedaling was in order there. We invaded Afghanistan, while most of the 9/11 mad-dogs were Saudi nationals. We rounded up a horde of the usual suspects and CAIR and the Liberals didn't like that. GITO is filled with Islamic mad-dogs and we had many of them for years now, does the value of terrorist scum increase with age? We invaded Iraq and put paid to Saddam and while that was a good thing we made no plans for post war Iraq, did we think we were going to lose? Our Northern and Southern borders are still like cheese cloth and we've stopped surprise inspections of ships entering our waters.

I give Bush & Co and our Imperial Congress an F- all around in this farce called a War On Terror. We aren't fighting a War On Terror we're just fumbling and bumbling along as is our wont to do and hoping it will all turn out for the best.

Someone once said, a Brit I think.
(God looks after small children, small animals, and The United States of America)

I belive that may be correct, cause we don't have a frigging clue what we're doing!
