100 Million More Immigrants in 20 Years? (Senate Sellout)
100 Million More Immigrants in 20 Years?
NewsMax.com Wires
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
The immigration reform bill now under congressional consideration would grant amnesty to some 10 million illegal immigrants – but its real effects would be much more far-reaching, according to an eye-opening study by the Heritage Foundation.
The foundation found that the changes in immigration law would allow an estimated 103 million persons to legally immigrate to the United States over the next 20 years and "dramatically" change "the character of the nation."
Current law allows 19 million legal immigrants over the next 20 years, so the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act (CIRA), based largely on a compromise by Senators Chuck Hagel, R-Neb., and Mel Martinez, R-Fla., would add an extra 84 million legal immigrants to the nation's population.
"The figure of 103 million legal immigrants is a reasonable estimate of the actual immigration inflow under the bill and not the maximum number that would be legally permitted to enter," the Heritage report by Robert Rector, senior research fellow in domestic policy studies, points out.
"The maximum number that could legally enter would be almost 200 million over 20 years — over 180 million more legal immigrants than current law permits."
The massive increase in the number of legal immigrants would result from several changes contained in CIRA:
The bill would grant amnesty to 85 percent of the current illegal immigrant population, or some 10 million individuals.
More @ http://tinyurl.com/njnmf newsmax
See just when you thought it could not get any worse the very people we elected to protect this nation and serve its citizens still want to give the nation away to non-citizens.
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