Illegals, Reconquistas, and Economic Systems
Illegals, Reconquistas, and Economic Systems -->Written by Paul DriessenWednesday, May 17, 2006
What would the American Southwest look like under the Mexican system?
In one week, three news items helped clarify the intertwined issues of illegal immigration, poverty south of the Rio Grande, and how the fortuitous course of U.S. history generated opportunity and prosperity that remain elusive for our southern neighbors.
* Mexicans working legally and illegally in the United States send more than $25 billion a year back to their families, says Professor Luis Pazos of the Mexican think tank CISLE. That’s twice what Mexico gets from tourism, and second only to petroleum production revenue.
* The poor fisherman who discovered Mexico’s vast offshore oil fields got a little medal, but never a peso, for alerting the government to resources that have earned his country tens of billions of dollars. The oil might belong to “the people,” but the bonanza revenues go to the rich, the corrupt and failed government programs, leaving the country’s poor to eke out a living on less than $5 a day.
* A growing “reconquista” movement demands the return of “Aztlan,” as radicals call southwestern states that were “stolen” from Mexico, causing it to remain impoverished, they claim. “Atzlan is California. Atzlan is this country,” a student ranted to Sean Hannity of Fox News. “This country was ours, and we want it back.”
A review of history and economics is in order.
More @ ChronWatch
Mexico is a fly blown pest hole and its always been thus and will always remain thus as long as 2 for .25 cent dictators/strongmen/ thieving pricks are in control. The fish rots from the head down and Mexico has a rotten head!
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