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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

More On Invader Immgiration

I'm of European extraction and my gene pool had been in this country before it was a country. Does that mean I support millions of invaders from any place? Well no it doesn't! Just because my ancestors after decades of blood, sweat, and tears won the lottery does not mean I want the lottery fixed so that masses of any foreigners can invade this nation illegally and collect their lottery winnings without paying their dues.

Don't be fooled by Mr. Bush's little 'Dog & Pony Show' where he simpers on about 'temporary worker permits'. There is nothing 'temporary' about any of this, 'these people never go home'! You only have to see what amnesty in the 70's did in this country and what 'temporary worker permits' have done in Europe.

There are somewhere between 11 and 30 million illegals in this nation. It's a damn shame that we don't even have a real handle on the figure. None of these people belong here and they broke the law when they came here. All of these people are criminals, yes you read that right, all of these people are criminals because they are here illegally. Why in God's name do we want to import criminals into this nation?

Bush's speech on 05/15/06 had to be one of the worst he's ever made and that's saying something given his track record. He fooled no one and looked and sounded like a tool for the business and illegal immigrant lobbies.

Here is a fine example of what he must have thought was a brilliant piece of slight of hand. He's going to deploy 6,000 Guardsmen to the border and have them on a two week rotation. Anyone who has the slightest acquaintance with the military will tell you that two weeks isn't time enough to square away all your gear and get a sit-rep on the place before you're gone. And of course since the Guard will be Federalized they will have no arrest powers and so are as useless as tits on a boar hog. So its a lot to do about nothing, just as we knew it would be.

Bush does not want to fix the Mex border problem he and his merry bad of sellouts are firmly in the pocket of the business lobbies and the illegal invader lobbies. Congress has of course the last word on the illegal invader issue and that bodes ill as well. If Congress does not sell out the American people on the illegal invader issue it with be a miracle of the 21st century. However if Congress does sell us out as they have so many times in the past, we can fix part of that problem in Nov.
Vote all the back stabbing bastards/bitches out in Nov and start afresh, with a warning to the newly elected that they face the same fate if they ignore the electorate.
