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Sunday, April 30, 2006

White House doubled classified documents

White House doubled classified documents
WASHINGTON, April 30 (UPI) --

More than 80 U.S. government agencies collectively reported making 15.6 million decisions in 2004 to classify information, nearly double the number in 2001.

By keeping secret so many directives and actions, the administration has precluded the public -- and Congress -- from knowing about some of the most significant decisions and acts of the White House, the Chicago Tribune reported.

In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, the administration has based much of its need for secrecy on the imperative of protecting national security at a time of war. Yet experts say President George W. Bush and his closest advisers demonstrated their proclivity for privacy well before Sept. 11.

More @ bravenet

There is no way that there are 15.6 million documents, ops, decisions, that need to be classified in one year unless your classifying them by the word. It also doesn't seem to help because the White House, State, the CIA, and Congress appear to be in serious need of a 'good plumber' from the amount of 'leaks' they have.

Here again we have government 'gone security mad' and yet they want to allow millions of 'non-citizens to dictate policy' to the rest of us. And they also want to issue a blanket amnesty to some of the worst trash in North America.

Not long before the French Revolution one of the king's advisers returned from a trip around France. The adviser related to the king, "Sire the country is ungovernable!" The king had the adviser tossed into prison. Shortly the French Revolution broke out. IMO, America had reached that stage, the nation is ungovernable and the twits in power can't see it.

Casinos Fear May 1 Boycott Will Cripple Strip

Casinos Fear May 1 Boycott Will Cripple Strip
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(AP) LAS VEGAS Las Vegas Strip casino and union executives on Wednesday urged employees backing immigration reform not to leave their jobs on May 1, but instead sign a petition and attend a protest rally.

Executives feared thousands of Hispanic workers could take part in a planned May 1 "Day Without Immigrants" and cripple the Strip hospitality industry that provides thousands of clean sheets, rooms and meals to tourists every day.

"We are strongly urging the employees of our companies and our members to go to work on May 1," said D. Taylor, secretary-treasurer of the Culinary Workers Union, Local 226. "We want the employees to go to work in order to sign the petition."

A protest rally for casino workers was set for 6 p.m. that day in downtown Las Vegas.

Hispanic workers account for some 40 percent of the 60,000 member union, which represents cooks, maids, waitresses, bellmen and housekeepers at casino resorts on the Las Vegas Strip, said union political director Pilar Weiss.

The petition was to be posted in Strip casinos on May 1. It urges Congress to adopt a six-point immigration reform package that provides a path to citizenship, protects workers, reunites families, enhances security, promotes civic participation and plans for future immigration.

More @

Oh yeah, Christ we can't have national interests and national security get in the way of suckering some mark out of his hard earned cash! The casino owners are employing 'illegals' and have been for years because they work for less.

Just another example of putting $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ before this nations interests! I say a boycott by 'real Americans' is what should happen.
You won't need 'illegals' in your employee if you don't have any customers.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

I Love You, You Shoot Me

I Love You, You Shoot Me
Written by Gabriel Garnica
Saturday, April 29, 2006

The recent news that two actors from The Happy Family Team acting troupe were murdered in Baghdad by armed militia for continuing with efforts to stage a show to entertain children really clarifies what is going on in that country. As reported in various sources including United Press International, Faud Radi and Haidar Jawad were ambushed by a gunfire attack on their van. Jawad and a female passenger were killed instantly and Radi was dragged from the van and beaten to death.

Barney and Dora Better Stay Away

Try to imagine someone dressed as Barney or Dora going to a children’s birthday party being executed by people who do not like such activities. The image of such a thing goes beyond the realm of common sense. Apparently the crime these two men were guilty of was entertaining children. Heaven forbid anyone should try to make some poor kids laugh and smile amid violence and death! Doesn’t anyone know that if you let some people make kids happy the next thing you know the enemy will win the war?

Is there any religion that forbids making children happy? Can anyone even pretend that a child’s laughter is something that must be stopped? This is not about morality or religion. If anything, it is simply about stamping out happiness, and about imposing gloom to justify some twisted point of who is boss or what agenda is right.

Where Is the Liberal Response?

If American soldiers had murdered these two entertainers, you would have seen wall-to-wall coverage of the outrage and brutality of U.S. involvement in Iraq. If they had been accidentally killed by an American bomb, we would have seen streaming images of crying children asking why their heroes were dead. Here we have madmen determined to keep Iraq looking like a sad reflection of hell by intentionally and brutally murdering some people for daring to entertain kids and it will somehow end up being the fault of conservatives.

More @ chronwatch

I have being accused of being a cynic and in many respects I am. However no one is more cynical than the Left and their mouthpieces at MSM. If MSM can not put an evil American spin on it, then they simply ignore it and find something they can spin.

The scum who murdered people who entertain children have no redeeming qualities and are 'Beyond The Pale'.

As I've said before Islam and 'normal human activities' can not co-exist together. Islam must be destroyed and while that is a daunting task, nothing is impossible if the will is there. Like it or not we are engaged in a Crusade with the fate of mankind in the balance.

Olmert says Iran president "psychopath" Sat Apr 29, 7:31 AM ET

Olmert says Iran president "psychopath"
Sat Apr 29, 7:31 AM ET

BERLIN (Reuters) - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a psychopath and anti-Semite whose declarations resemble those of Adolf Hitler, Israeli acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said in a newspaper interview on Saturday.

"Ahmadinejad speaks today like Hitler before taking power," Olmert told Germany's Bild newspaper. "He speaks of the complete destruction and annihilation of the Jewish people."

Ahmadinejad has questioned the Holocaust and called for
Israel to be "wiped off the map." He has also suggested the Jewish state should be moved to Europe or North America.

"So you see, we are dealing with a psychopath of the worst kind, with an anti-Semite," Olmert said. "God forbid that this man ever gets his hands on nuclear weapons, to carry out his threats."

Iran says it has the sovereign right to enrich uranium to use as fuel in power stations.

Israel, believed to have the Middle East's only atomic arsenal, says Iran is months away from acquiring the know-how to make nuclear weapons. Other experts say Iran is still years away from being able to produce a nuclear weapon.

More @ Yahoo News

Shades of the Ruhr Land and the Sudetenland in the 1930's all that happens is talk, talk, and more talk. There is no point in talking to madmen or mad-dogs, all you can do with this sort is kill them with utmost prejudice and move on. Nuke Iran now and be down with it! The sooner we act the quicker it is over and recovery can begin. Or if you're squeamish about nuking an entire nation, hire some hit men and have this moon-bat and his entire cabinet killed.





April 28, 2006 -- IF a street-corner thug knowingly receives stolen goods for profit, he goes to jail. If a well-educated, privileged journalist profits from receiving classified information - stolen from our government - he or she gets a prize.
Is something wrong here?

Media outlets, including the generally responsible Washington Post, have had fits over a few retired generals' unclassified criticism of the Secretary of Defense, while simultaneously insisting on their own right to receive and publish our nation's wartime secrets - and to shield the identities of unethical bureaucrats who betray our nation's trust.

Since the Vietnam era, reporters have convinced themselves that they are the real heroes in any story. The archways above our journalism faculties soon may sport the maxim: "The Press can do no wrong."

But the press can do wrong. And it does it with gusto. Let me tell you what the illegal receipt and exploitation of our nation's secrets used to be called: Espionage. Spying. Yet today's "real" spies cause less harm to our national security than self-righteous journalists do.

A NATION at war must keep secrets. The media can't plead that classified documents just fell into their hands, obligating them to publish our secrets out of a noble respect for truth. That's bull, and every journalist knows it. Could a punk down on the block claim that, since he was offered a gun, he was obligated to aim it and pull the trigger?

Many in the media not only want to re-write election results and change national policies - they've been re-writing history, too. On the entertainment-and-propaganda side, George Clooney produced a gorgeous, seductive and whoppingly dishonest film about journalism last year, "Good Night, and Good Luck."

Deftly re-arranging the fall of Sen. Joseph McCarthy - by slighting the fact that only the Department of the Army had the guts to stand up to Tailgunner Joe at the height of his powers (a civilian lawyer for the Army asked the famous question, "Senator, have you no shame?") - the film leads the viewer to believe that a lone journalist, Edward R. Murrow, broke the senator's evil spell.

More @ NY Post

MSM always spins current events/history with the Left as the stalwart hero's defeating the evil right wing demi-gods. Of course it isn't true, Tail Gunner Joe was right about Communists in the US Government and he would be right today. Sometime ago there were 40 some members of the US Congress who professed to be avowed Socialists. Socialists are Communists with a smiley face.

Communism is far from dead, it just calls itself Progressive and has new packaging. MSM is the mouthpiece of what is now described as a Progressive Political Platform. This platform is nothing more than the old sale Socialism/Communism that has been around since the 1840's.

Someone once said, "There is nothing new under the sun." When it comes to politics that is very true.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Immigration Checkmate?

Immigration Checkmate?
By Victor Davis Hanson

The thousands of illegal aliens protesting this past month have essentially been telling the American people the following:

"You knew we were illegal when we came here to work in silence. But you said nothing when we were hired at your low-paying jobs. Now when you think there are too many of us, you suddenly change the rules and tell us we alone are the lawbreakers and must leave."

In their hurt and anger, the initial televised marchers carried Mexican flags and shouted about ethnic pride. This only turned off tens of millions of American viewers, who scoffed in response, "If Mexico is so great, why come here in the first place?"

As a result, politically astute advisers to the demonstrations charted a different course. At more recent rallies, protestors have carried red, white and blue banners. And they've voiced a desire to become U.S. citizens.

This change in tactics, however, raises an important question. If American citizens are now to hold the crowds in the streets to their most recent incarnation, will most of the illegal-alien protesters truly wish to become full U.S. citizens with all that entails?

Remember, citizenship is never defined by the applicant, only by the benefactor. In America, it doesn't involve racial or ethnic allegiance. Rather, U.S. citizenship asks immigrants to make linguistic, political and social concessions.

So, imagine an immigration compromise that, in exchange for strict border enforcement, allows the majority of the current 11 million resident illegal aliens to remain here to start their citizenship process. Wouldn't it then be natural to expect these future Americans to understand that U.S. citizenship carries as many responsibilities as rights?

In a country that is increasingly multiethnic and multiracial, it no longer makes sense to rely on bilingual government documents and services for a particular ethnic group. Such duplication is expensive and hampers English immersion. It's also the road to tribalism, whose bitter fruits we know well from the Balkans to Rwanda. Those who now march professing their desire to become Americans must quickly learn the English language, as have hundreds of past immigrant groups.

More @ realclearpolitics

My mother and fathers families have been in the US since before there was a US. Once upon a time this nation did need immigrants to do the jobs at hand. Those days are long in the past and in truth we haven't needed immigrants in this nation since at least the late 40's or early 50's.

Personally I don't want any more legal or illegal immigrants in this nation. Allowing no one in is the best fix, that way there can be no claims of discrimination by anyone. Also put an end to dual citizenship, you're either an American or you're not.
If you want to claim dual citizenship go the hell back where you came from, because its America and being American or nothing at all.

Negative American views about Islam ‘worrying’Published: Saturday, 15 April, 2006, 12:31 PM Doha Time

Negative American views about Islam ‘worrying’Published: Saturday, 15 April, 2006, 12:31 PM Doha Time

Dr Samer S Shehata

By Bonnie James

ATTITUDES towards Arabs, Muslims and Islam in the US are troubling and have not been improving over the last few years, Arab-American academic Dr Samer S Shehata has stated, quoting results of a number of opinion polls conducted in the US. “A high percentage of Americans hold negative attitudes toward Islam, and many Americans believe that Islam - more than other religions - encourages violence,” he told Gulf Times.

An Assistant Professor of Arab Politics at the Centre for Contemporary Arab Studies in the Edmund A Walsh School of Foreign Service (SFS) at Georgetown University, Washington DC, Dr Shehata had given a presentation on Thursday at the inaugural symposium of SFS in Qatar.

“Americans are generally more willing to impose extra security measures on Arab and Muslim-Americans and limit Arab and Muslim immigration into the US,” he explained.

The academic pointed out that although survey data about American attitudes towards Arabs, Muslims and Islam before September 11, 2001, is not readily available, one could reasonably assume that there has been a significant increase in negative feelings toward these groups and religion since 9/11.

According to the Pew Research Centre for the People and the Press, attitudes toward Islam have been holding relatively stable during the last three years with about 33-36% of respondents saying they hold unfavourable attitudes towards Islam compared with 38-40% who hold favourable attitudes toward the religion. Pew is a highly respected and non-partisan research organisation that provides information on the issues, attitudes and trends shaping America and the world.

More @ gulf-times

So the rags are worried about American attitudes toward them and their bloodthirsty cult are they!

  1. Most Americans learned all they need to know about Islam on 09/11/01
  2. If Americans didn't learn all they needed to know about Islam on 09/11/01 then the daily round of murders, beheadings, rapes, and suicide bombers has filled in the gaps.
  3. I dispute Pew and their poll figures. IMO, 75% to 80% of American hold Islam, Muslims, and Arabs in poor regard.
  4. If Islam, Muslims, and Arabs in general want to improve their image then they should look to their own behavior and the bloodthirsty cult they belong to.
  5. Personally I have no use for people who are so closed minded that the publication of cartoons depicting their non-existent god sends them into a frenzy of destruction and wanton acts of violence.

Sen. Specter Threatens to Block NSA Funds

Sen. Specter Threatens to Block NSA Funds
by Jay on 04-27-06 @ 1:46 pm Filed under ACLU, War On Terror, News
Via Breitbart
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter said Thursday he is considering legislation to cut off funding for the Bush administration’s secret domestic wiretapping program until he gets satisfactory answers about it from the White House.

“Institutionally, the presidency is walking all over Congress at the moment,” Specter, R-Pa., told the panel. “If we are to maintain our institutional prerogative, that may be the only way we can do it.”
Specter said he had informed President Bush about his intention and that he has attracted several potential co-sponsors. He said he’s become increasingly frustrated in trying to elicit information about the program from senior White House officials at several public hearings.

According to a copy of the amendment obtained by The Associated Press, it would enact a “prohibition on use of funds for domestic electronic surveillance for foreign intelligence purposes unless Congress is kept fully and currently informed.”

Specter also agreed with Democrats who say that any of the bills to tighten guidelines for National Security Agency program and increase congressional oversight could be flatly ignored by an administration with a long history of acting alone in security matters.

“It is true that we have no assurance that the president would follow any statute that we enact,” Specter said. He said he’s considering adding an amendment to stop funding of the program to an Iraq war- hurricane relief bill being debated by the Senate this week and next.

Senior Republican officials said they had not received guidance about the legislation and could not say when it might come to the Senate floor.

Hat tip and more @ stoptheaclu for this.

This is just wonderful, simply wonderful! This doofuss Specter is worried about NSA spying on citizens and the whole damn Mexican border is wide open! Hell the 'illegals' could be bringing in 'nukes by the truckload' and we wouldn't know it. The entire 'Federal Government is FUBAR to the max'. To quote the old saw, "The inmates are running the institution."

The best part about this whole 'tempest in a teapot' is that NSA will get the funds anyway. Anyone who has ever heard of 'black funds' knows what I mean.

Basti Says

Basti Says Updates are going to have to wait today. The grass is calling to me and I must heed the call. I don't employee 'illegals' to manicure my lawn!

Thursday, April 27, 2006

This What 'We' Should Do

This is what 'we' should do. By 'we' I mean the citizens of this nation that are in 'opposition' to the 'illegal invaders' overrunning this nation.

'We' need to pick a day and organize a protest in Washington D.C. while Congress is in session. 'We' need several hundred thousand people to gridlock traffic in the entire Metropolitan Area for Washington D.C.. I don't mean just the city center, but the entire area. 'We' also need to gridlock the traffic until Congress gets the damn message.

'We' can write all the damn letters we want and that isn't going to feed the bulldog. The only thing the spineless bastards in D.C. understand is anger directed at them by large numbers of people out in the open in public. 'We' have to express our anger so that even, "Mr. I'm In Charge Here," finally gets a clue! (And BTW from what I see that's going to take some doing)


10 Pieces Of Advice For Republicans In Washington

10 Pieces Of Advice For Republicans In Washington
1) Good Policies Are Good Politics: Too often these days, Republicans will go along with policies that are bad for the country, simply because of polling data that is, as often as not, heavily slanted towards the Democrats. But, what they forget is that the new media may not be as big as the liberal controlled MSM, but, over time, the blogosphere and talk radio are able to get out the conservative message. So, if the policies Republicans support are worthwhile, eventually the Republians on the right side of the issues will get the credit they deserve. Conversely, if the policies Republicans support aren't worthwhile, those same forces in the new media won't let the voters forget it. That why, more than ever before, good policies make for good politics.

2) America Should Always Come First: Whether we're talking about international treaties, foreign policy, or even illegal immigration, Republicans should NEVER put the interests of foreigners above those of their own countrymen. Americans should always come first.

3) Remember That There Is No Such Thing As Free Money: The money Washington spends doesn't come out of a Golden Goose or fall from the sky. To the contrary, it comes right out of the pockets of the American people and they will miss it dearly. It's money that people could otherwise spend on retirement, grocery bills, medicine or their kid's college education. That's why the government should be restrained in their spending habits, keep taxes low, and avoid running up a debt. The government isn't spending "free" money, it's spending money that people worked hard for and earned, and a lot of Republicans seem to have lost sight of that.

Hat tip to RWN for this and read the rest @

While I don't agree with all of this article (Compromise just angers and frustrates both sides of the equation. One side should at least be happy with the result. There are no shades of gray, just right and wrong and that never should have to be explained, compromised, or given the 'Spin City' treatment) it is however a good starting template for politicians everywhere in all venues and times.

Ainsworth (One Of My Favorite Sites)

Pickett's Charge

Ainsworth[ Guidelines ] [ Story ] [ Features ] [ Southern Country ]

Up Fowlers Rural Citizen Kalas Wuthnow Kathie Ainsworth
April’s Featured Southrons - Confederate American - Almost a Romance Novel in itself - This couple serves the Confederacy today and everyday with four outstanding Confederate sites, each serving a distinct and special purpose. Their mission . . . presenting and preserving the Southern point of view about history and exposing the lies taught in schools today. The Dixieland Ring proudly presents Ron and Barbara Ainsworth.

I am a dedicated Reb and was born in Virginia. I fly the 'Stars & Bars' right below the 'Stars & Stripes'! The American South isn't so much as place as it is a state of mind!

Things that make you think a little:

Things that make you think a little:

There were 39 combat related killings in Iraq in January the fair city of Detroit there were 35 murders in the month of January. That's just one American city,about as deadly as the entire war-torn country of Iraq .

When some claim that President Bush shouldn't started this war, state the following:

A. FDR led us into World War II.

b. Germany never attacked us; Japan did.>From 1941-1945, 450,000 lives were lost average of 112,500 per year.

c. Truman finished that war and started one in Korea North Korea never attacked us.>From 1950-1953, 55,000 lives were lost average of 18,334 per year.

d John F. Kennedy started the Vietnam conflict in 1962.Vietnam never attacked us.

e. Johnson turned Vietnam into a quagmire.>From 1965-1975, 58,000 lives were lost average of 5,800 per year.

f. Clinton went to war in Bosnia without UN or French consent.Bosnia never attacked us.He was offered Osama bin Laden's head on a platter three times by Sudan and did nothing. Osama has attacked us on multiple occasions.

g. In the years since terrorists attacked us , President Bush has liberated two countries, crushed the Taliban, crippled al-Qaida, put nuclear inspectors in Libya , Iran , and, North Korea without firing a shot, and captured a terrorist who slaughtered 300,000 of his own people.

The Democrats are complaining about how long the war is taking. But It took less time to take Iraq than it took Janet Renoto take the Branch Davidian compound.That was a 51-day operation.

We've been looking for evidence for chemical weaponsin Iraq for less time than it took Hillary Clinton to findthe Rose Law Firm billing records.

It took less time for the 3rd Infantry Division and the Marines to destroy the Medina Republican Guardthan it took Ted Kennedy to call the police after his Oldsmobile sank at Chappaquiddick.

It took less time to take Iraq than it took to count the votes in Florida !!!!Our Commander-In-Chief is doing a GREAT JOB!The Military morale is high! The biased media hopes we are too ignorant to realize the facts. But Wait . There's more!

26 Jan 2004 11:13Some people still don't understand why military personnel do what they do for a living. This exchange betweenSenators John Glenn and Senator Howard Metzenbaumis worth reading. Not only is it a pretty impressive impromptu speech, but it's also a good example of oneman's explanation of why men and women in the armed services do what they do for a living.This IS a typical, though sad, example of what some who have never served think of the military.

Senator Metzenbaum (speaking to Senator Glenn):"How can you run for Senate when you've never held a real job?"

Senator Glenn (D-Ohio):"I served 23 years in the United States Marine Corps.I served through two wars. I flew 149 missions.My plane was hit by anti-aircraft fire on 12 different occasions. I was in the space program. It wasn't mycheckbook, Howard; it was my life on the line. It was not a nine-to-five job, where I took time off to take the daily cash receipts to the bank."

"I ask you to go with me ... as I went the other a veteran's hospital and look those men ...with their mangled bodies . in the eye, and tell THEM they didn't hold a job! You go with me to the Space Program at NASA and go, as I have gone, to the widows and orphans of Ed White, Gus Grissom and Roger Chaffee...and you look those kids in the eye and tell themthat their DADS didn't hold a job.You go with me on Memorial Day and you stand inArlington National Cemetery , where I have more friends buried than I'd like to remember, and you watch those waving flags.You stand there, and you think about this nation,and you tell ME that those people didn't have a job? What about you?"

For those who don't remember ..During W.W.II, Howard Metzenbaum was an attorney representing the Communist
Party in the USA. Now he's a Senator!

If you can read this, thank a teacher.If you are reading it in English thank a Veteran.

I never had a problem with Bush invading Iraq and still don't. My problem is we never had a plan for post war Iraq and still don't. We killed the bear ASAP and then had no idea how to skin the bear. We have been in Iraq since March of 2003, this is April 2006, by my math that's a shade over 3 years and we're still playing firefighter with the terrorist attacks.

MSM is filled with ass kissing boot-lickers and always has been. I wouldn't piss on them to put them out if they were on fire.

I've always supported the military and still do. You don't go into the military to get rich, you go because you want to serve your country and have visions of being a risk taker and a life taker. Many people think that you can spend 30 years in the military and never really had a job or a career and its not just regular people its also many government agencies. These are the same people who would have to change their underwear if they ever heard a shot fired in anger at them.

As for Howard Metzenbaum he was always a Commie and I never voted for him.

The problem I have with Bush is I was promised a Conservative and for his first term he wasn't really that bad. Then as soon as he was elected to his second term he ran up his true colors. Bush is a RINO at best and he and others like him are going to cause the Republican Party to lose control of Congress in November. Bush is pandering to the illegal invaders in this country and giving the people who elected him and his party short-shift. Maybe Bush should have moved to Mexico and been elected as El Presidente down there. NO WAIT WHAT AM I THINKING MEXICO DOESN'T ALLOW FOREIGNERS TO RUN FOR POLITICAL OFFICE!

Bush and others of his ilk seem to want to give this nation away to foreigners who don't belong in this nation. I've got news for, "Mr. I'm In Charge Here," American voters are in charge in this nation and not the illegals or the politicians. Payback in November is coming if the Fed's don't stop pandering to non-Americans and screwing over American citizens.

Politicians must always remember, "It's not what you've done for us in the past, its what are you going to do for us now that counts." There is no resting on your laurels for politicians or military leaders. One, "Aw shit," wipes out ever, "Atta boy," you ever received!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Report: 1,000 secret CIA flights

Report: 1,000 secret CIA flights
BRUSSELS, April 26 (UPI) --

The CIA has carried out more than 1,000 clandestine flights over European territory since 2001, a European Parliament interim report has found.

A parliamentary committee investigating CIA activities in Europe reported Wednesday that European governments were aware of the flights, the EU Observer reported.


Italy, Sweden and Bosnia-Herzegovina were reported to have condoned CIA kidnapping, detaining and imprisoning terrorist suspects on their territory. bravenet

Tell me again how this is a bad thing, I keep forgetting as I think about people jumping from the WTC to keep from burning alive. I don't care what is happening to these people, I only hope its painful in the extreme!

Sure Fire Deportation

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Senate Shifts Iraq Funds to Borders, Ports

Senate Shifts Iraq Funds to Borders, Ports
Apr 26 12:40 PM US/Eastern
Email this story

Associated Press Writer


The Senate voted Wednesday to divert some of the money President Bush requested for the war in Iraq to instead increase patrols against illegal immigrants on the nation's borders and increase security at U.S. ports.

An amendment cutting Bush's Iraq request by $1.3 billion to pay for new Border Patrol agents, aircraft some fencing at border crossings widely used by illegal immigrants was adopted on 59-39 vote.

While the border security funds had sweeping support, Democrats and Republicans argued over whether the cuts to Pentagon war funds would harm troops on the ground in Iraq. The cuts, offered by Judd Gregg, R- N.H., trim Bush's request for the war by almost 3 percent but don't specify how.

The vote came in the wake of a toughly worded promise by the White House to veto the $106.5 billion measure unless it is cut back to below $95 billion. breitbart

I've got an idea!!! Let's just bring the troops home from Iraq (We're wasting our time, lives and money over there) and places the troops along the border with shoot on sight rules of engagement. Two problems solved in one stroke!

Bush, senators seek common ground on immigration

Bush, senators seek common ground on immigration
President: Bill should allow guest workers, improve security

Tuesday, April 25, 2006; Posted: 9:32 p.m. EDT (01:32 GMT)

Sen. Harry Reid, normally a Bush critic, had praise for the president after Tuesday's meeting

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Bush met Tuesday at the White House with a bipartisan group of senators to discuss ways to overhaul immigration, a chat that earned the president kudos from two men normally among his staunchest critics.
The discussion came as an immigration bill sits stalled in the Senate and as Majority Leader Bill Frist prepares to bring the issue back to the Senate floor by Memorial Day.
After the meeting, the senators said Bush expressed support for a package that would create a guest-worker program and would determine ways to address the status of more than 11 million illegal immigrants in the country. (Watch how many people favor legalizing immigrants who have been in the U.S. a long time -- 3:22)

More @ CNN

Bent over and grab you ankles because we're about to get another major rouging with a wire brush!

Common ground my ass! It's about right and wrong and there are no fucking shades of gray! The illegals are just that illegal! They are in violation of the law of the land and should be held accountable. However the sell outs with, "Mr. I'm In Charge Here," leading the pack are going to stick it to the citizens of this nation again.

Man Gets Life Sentence For Hurricane Looting

Man Gets Life Sentence For Hurricane Looting

POSTED: 8:35 pm EDT April 25, 2006

BEAUMONT, Texas -- A man with a criminal record was sentenced to life in prison for looting evacuated homes in Beaumont, Texas, during Hurricane Rita.

Authorities said 45-year-old Kenneth Koch of Beaumont could be eligible for parole in 20 years.

Koch pleaded guilty to burglarizing three houses.

Prosecutor John Nelson said Koch told police he was watching TV during Hurricane Katrina and began thinking of ways to benefit from the disaster.

Katrina hit the Gulf Coast in August. Then Rita made landfall Sept. 24 near Sabine Pass.

Nelson said when Rita came ashore, Koch decided to break into some houses.

Texas prison system records show Koch has a criminal record going back to 1988.

The list includes theft, tampering with a government record, unauthorized use of a motor vehicle, unlawful carrying of a weapon and evading arrest.

Excuse me, but I thought the headline said, "Man Gets Life Sentence For Hurricane Looting." Then down in the body of the text is says he will be illegible for parole in 20 years! Life in prison is just that, life, there is no parole, ever!

BTW, this whole charade could have been avoided if looters where just shot on sight and their bodies tossed to the gators.

MSU prof's e-mail outrages Muslims

MSU prof's e-mail outrages Muslims
Speech protected, school tells students

April 25, 2006


What the professor's e-mail said

The following is the text of the Feb. 28 e-mail Michigan State University professor Indrek Wichman sent to an Islamic student group.

The message is printed as Wichman wrote it. Paragraph breaks were added.

Dear Moslem Association: As a professor of Mechanical Engineering here at MSU I intened to protest your protest.
I am offended not by cartoons, but by more mundane things like beheadings of civilians, cowardly attacks on public buildings, suicide murders, murders of Catholic priests (the latest in Turkey!), burnings of Christian chirches, the continued persecution of Coptic Christians in Egypt, the imposition of Sharia law on non-Muslims, the rapes of Scandinavain girls and women (called "whores" in your culture), the murder of film directors in Holland, and the rioting and looting in Paris France.

This is what offends me, a soft-spoken person and academic, and many, many, many of my colleagues. I counsul you dissatisfied, agressive, brutal, and uncivilized slave-trading Moslems to be very aware of this as you proceed with your
infantile "protests."

If you do not like the values of the West -- see the 1st Ammendment -- you are free to leave. I hope for God's sake that most of you choose that option. Please return to your ancestral homelands and build them up yourselves instead of troubling Americans.

Cordially, I. S. Wichman,
Professor of Mechanical Engineering

An Islamic student group at Michigan State University demanded Monday that university officials publicly reprimand a professor whose Feb. 28 e-mail called on Muslims who don't "like the values of the West" to leave the United States.

But MSU officials said there's little that can be done to punish Indrek Wichman, 55, a tenured professor of mechanical engineering, because his comments essentially constitute free speech. Wichman sent the message to the Muslim Students' Association of Michigan State University while it handed out free cocoa during a public awareness event about controversial cartoons that depicted Islam's founder as a terrorist.

More @

See it never changes does it? Muslims can perform the most heinous of acts, make the most ridiculous of charges, and then when called to account hide behind that filthy cult called Islam and pretend its a religion. Or in a classic example of the pot calling the kettle black, they scream discrimination.

Islam and Muzzies not only don't have a speaking acquittance with the truth, they have never even been introduced! Yes that's what I said Islam was founded by a liar pedophile and all Muzzies are liars by default!

A curse on the liar Prophet Muhammad and all his ilk may Satan eat their livers!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Port Workers to Undergo Background Checks

Port Workers to Undergo Background ChecksApr 25 1:51 PM US/Eastern

By LARA JAKES JORDANAssociated Press Writer
Answering criticism about security gaps at U.S. seaports, the Bush administration said Tuesday it will conduct background checks on an estimated 400,000 port workers to ensure they do not pose a terrorist threat.

Names of employees who work in the most sensitive areas of ports will be matched against government terror watch lists and immigration databases, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said. Additionally, the Homeland Security Department will issue tamper-free identification cards to roughly 750,000 workers _ including truckers and rail employees _ who have unrestricted assess to ports. breitbart

Tamper proof they say! You show me someone who builds anything and I'll show you someone else who can circumvent, destroy, or otherwise defeat what has been built.

Background checks are fine, however I favor 'profiling'. Yes that horrid word 'profiling'! If you look like a
'polecat, smell like a polecat, and act like a polecat then you're a polecat'!

Prophet cartoon offenders must be killed: bin Laden Mon Apr 24, 8:34 AM ET

Prophet cartoon offenders must be killed: bin Laden Mon Apr 24, 8:34 AM ET

DUBAI (Reuters) - Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden has called for people who ridiculed the Prophet Mohammad to be killed, weighing into the furor that erupted after a Danish newspaper ran cartoons lampooning Islam's holy messenger.

"Heretics and atheists, who denigrate religion and transgress against God and His Prophet, will not stop their enmity toward Islam except by being killed," the Saudi-born militant said.

Bin Laden's remarks were part of an audio tape which Al Jazeera television aired excerpts from on Sunday. The television station later published a full transcript on its Web site.

The Doha-based satellite television channel had aired excerpts of the tape in which bin Laden accused the West of waging a "Crusader-Zionist" war against Islam, citing the isolation of the Hamas-led Palestinian government and the crisis in Sudan's Darfur region as examples.

Anger over the cartoons, which a Danish newspaper first published last year, outraged Muslims who consider drawings of the Prophet to be blasphemous.

More @ Yahoo news

And I quote, "Heretics and atheists, who denigrate religion and transgress against God and His Prophet, will not stop their enmity toward Islam except by being killed," the Saudi-born militant said"

There can be on one reply to this, "I denigrate Islam, transgress to the fullest extent, and spit on your non-existent god and his pedophile prophet". (No caps for things that aren't real) So y'all bring it on because I've got the key that will unlock the door to your 72 hell spawned demons. So you can spend eternity in Hell being fed bacon and drinking bathtub gin, while the demons bite you on your moon-bat asses!

Feds Arrest 183 Illegal Immigrants in Fla.

Feds Arrest 183 Illegal Immigrants in Fla.

MIAMI (AP) -- Federal immigration authorities arrested 183 fugitives and other illegal immigrants in Florida alone last week, the state's largest roundup in a single week, officials said Monday.

The arrests included people convicted of sex offenses, child abuse, cocaine trafficking and weapons violations. They were originally from 26 countries and most eventually will be deported.

"Anybody who is a fugitive from justice is a danger to the community," said Michael Rozos, the field director in Miami of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's "Operation Phoenix" effort to find and deport fugitive illegal immigrants.

"These operations have been going on for years, but they have become more focused," he said.

Of the 183 arrested, 130 were fugitives who had already been ordered deported by an immigration judge. The remaining 53 were also illegal immigrants who happened to be present when fugitives were taken into custody, Rozos said.

More @

Y'all see anything wrong with this picture? What is this a fishing show where they catch the fish and then let them go? One Hundred and thirty of these illegals had been caught before and ordered deported and they are still here! Might I suggest a new form of deportation. Load the deportees on a C-130 and fly them back where they belong. The catch is you make the 'deportees get off at mid-point in the flight.' It's a new 'twist' for the 'old catch and release program'!

This One's For Michelle

This One's For Michelle

If anyone had any doubts about the feelings of those serving in the War on Terror regarding the Left's vicious attacks on Michelle Malkin, this email I received should explain things:

In defense of Malkin vs. UC Santa Cruz Before I manned the jet and flew yet another mission over Afghanistan (20.7hrs) I was able to write a few names on one of the 12 2000# face melting JDAM's we carry. I'm sending this your way from a real e-mail address before I send it "their" way from a fake one. Something tells me they won't like the picture.

Rocco--Thanks for the e-mail, the "tards" in UCSC are going to love this one.
Regards/ -- C.L. Lucas *Major, USAF*

Any of you verminous peacenik pukes got a question for the Major?

Hat tip to The Dread Pundit Bluto for this find.

Zoomies as my friend TexFred calls us 'RULE'!

Guard the Borders Blogburst

Guard the Borders Blogburst

By Heidi at Euphoric Reality

Facts are a funny thing. They are conveniently forgotten if they don’t uphold one’s point-of-view, and they’re easily overlooked if they are randomly scattered about. But when solid facts are brought together in one place, the pattern is difficult to ignore. The facts I’m about to provide below are just such a case. People may be able to overlook a single fact, but the weight of their significance cannot be denied when they come together in one place. That is the purpose of this week’s Blogburst - to look at some hard facts.

I think it’s important to study the problems of California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas as instructive for the rest of the states. It may be that others can write off the doom of California by saying, “Well, that’s just California, a loony state of fruits and nuts - that would never happen here.” But while California is tipping head-first into ruin, it is highly indicative of the chain of events the rest of us are blindly bumbling through. Arizona and New Mexico have declared official states of emergency because they are completely unable to handle the burden of the influx of illegals into their communities. Texas is not far behind with mass hospital closings, an overwhelmed and declining school system, and a climbing crime rate. Just because one lives in Idaho or Nebraska or Maine does not mean that it won’t happen to you! You’re just a few years behind the curve.

The following 10 facts have been pulled from the LA Times. We’ve posted them all at one time or another at ER or in the Blogburst.

1. L.A. County has 10 million people. 40% of all workers in L.A. County are working for cash and not paying taxes. This is because they are predominantly illegal immigrants, working without a green card.

2. Of the 10 million people in L.A. County, 5.1 million people speak English. 3.9 million speak only Spanish.

3. 95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens.

4. 75% of people on the most wanted list in Los Angeles are illegal aliens.

5. Over two-thirds of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal whose births were paid for by taxpayers.

6. Nearly 25% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally.

7. Over 300,000 illegal aliens in Los Angeles County are living in garages.

8. The FBI reports half of all gang members in Los Angeles are most likely illegal aliens from south of the border.

9. Nearly 60% of all occupants of HUD properties are illegal.

10. 21 radio stations in L.A. are Spanish language only.

We need to look at the experience of California as inevitable for the rest of us - if we don’t, we’re only burying our heads in the sand and bequeathing that future to our children! After all, if we keep merrily careening down the road to California, we can’t be dumbfounded when we actually end up in California, can we?!
Click the link at the top or the bottom of this post. This nation is in grave danger and its not from the Mid-East at the moment. The enemy is here in overwhelming numbers and those numbers are growing daily. It has to be stopped and soon! We are on the cusp of losing control of our nation to people who aren't citizens of this nation and are a very real drain on this nation.

Guard the Borders Blogburst

Basti Says

Basti Says No compromise on illegal invaders! If you're in this nation without the proper documentation then you are a law breaker. I see that as the opening for a pattern of further law breaking. First they break the law by being in the US illegally and then they drive without a license and some even vote although they are not citizens.

The damned politicians have the backbone of wet spaghetti and are not going to put a stop to this illegal invasion. Well that part can be remedied come this November by voting their pork loving asses out of office. And if the next batch we vote in prove they won't listen to the electorate then well vote them out as well or better still recall them and fire them while they are still in office. The politicians work for the voters, not the other way around and they all took and oath to defend this nation from all enemies foreign and domestic. Well illegal invaders are foreign enemies and the politicians are violating their oaths of office if they refuse to deport the illegals that are here now and stop further illegals from entering this country.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Who cares if GOP loses Congress?

Basti Note: I've been lambasting Republican's just like the author of this article and I'm going to keep lambasting them. I don't like being lied to and then told to keep my mouth shut when I complain about the lies! Maybe if we banish Republican's to the political wilderness for 50 or so years they'll learn who butters their bread!

Who cares if GOP loses Congress?
By Joe Scarborough

Jewish World Review Who really cares if Republicans lose Congress? Certainly not GOP leaders in the US House.
As the Wall Street Journal reported, the Republican pigs running Congress are wasting more money than those big-spending Democrats ever did.

Last month's deficit was the highest ever. But while Rome burns, Republicans obsess over their earmarks.

Conservative Republicans. What an oxymoron.

There is nothing conservative about the party to which I once proudly belonged. Like millions, I am disgusted by my party and their leaders.
A handful of responsible adults still understand the need for reform. But don't tell that to GOP bulls who have been trying to spend money like drunken sailors since they were empowered by the Revolution of 1994.
Some revolution.

A decade later, Republicans have given America the biggest deficit ever. The biggest debt ever. The biggest trade gap ever. The highest spending increases ever. A 110% increase in the education bureaucracy. A 100% increase in the Justice bureaucracy. An 88% increase in the Department of HHS. More pork projects than ever before. More earmarks than ever before. More reckless spending projects than ever before. A bigger, more wasteful government than ever before.

Why the hell should conservatives work to put these whores back in their perches of power?

Could Nancy Pelosi's Congress be worse?

More @ jewishworldreview

Meanwhile, Turkish and Iranian Troops Mass on the Border

Meanwhile, Turkish and Iranian Troops Mass on the Border
April 24, 2006: The four month political deadlock, over who will be the new prime minister, has been resolved. A Shia Arab, Jawad al Maliki, is the man. He has 30 days to appoint ministers and get going. The delay has been expensive, as many Sunni factions that are willing to negotiate peace deals, had no one to negotiate with. Until the new government is formed, a lot of people are putting a lot of plans, including reconstruction, on hold. They have to know who they will be dealing with for the next four years.

While Iraqis wait, U.S. troops have been chasing Islamic and Sunni Arab terrorists around. The terrorists have fewer and fewer places to hide. But the constant action has doubled the death rate for American troops (from last month). Several hundred terrorists have been killed or wounded, and several senior al Qaeda and Sunni Arab terrorist leaders were caught. In many ways, the Sunni Arab terrorists are more lethal than the al Qaeda groups. Most of the Sunni Arab groups are remnants of Saddam Hussein's security forces. These fellows have lots of blood on their hands, and fear retribution, either in the form of war crimes trials, or simply revenge from the kin of the many people they killed. Vengeful Kurds and Shia Arabs know exactly who they are looking for, as Saddam's thugs never hid their identities. So the desperate thugs go on killing, in hopes of getting an amnesty deal. But to make a deal, they need someone to deal with. That won't happen until the new government is in place. In the beginning of the year, American commanders held their fire, but then it was decided to keep going with the anti-terrorist operations, as it appeared that the Iraqis were deadlocked on forming a new government. So May will be a bloody month as well.

More @ strategypage

Iraq is dead the vultures are circling the carcass.

One of the reasons given for not finishing Iraq in Gulf War I was the fact that the removal of Saddam and his merry band of cutthroats from power would destabilize the entire region. While I agree that Saddam was a loose cannon he needed removed from power, no good deed goes unpunished. The region is indeed destabilized and I fear will remain so for the foreseeable future.

When/if we do leave Iraq the country will devolve into full civil war and Turkey and Iran may pick off a few tasty tidbits from the carcass of Iraq. Then we'll be left with a rump Iraq run by I'm guessing more fanatics. The Mid-East seems to produce such fanatics at an alarming rate with no end in sight.

Outside of staying in Iraq forever I see no way for the carcass of Iraq to be brought back to life and that could take many years if it happens at all!

Journalists on Sunday Shows Hail Leaker

Journalists on Sunday Shows Hail Leaker
for Exposing Prisons

Far from condemning a CIA officials damaging leak of classified information about ongoing efforts to prevent terrorism, on the Sunday morning interview shows, three panelists -- a former network White House correspondent, a newspaper and radio veteran and a current network anchor -- hailed Mary McCarthy, the CIA staffer fired last week for telling the Washington Post's Dana Priest about secret prisons in Eastern Europe. ABC's Sam Donaldson heralded the revelations as "a victory for the American people" and compared her actions to those sitting at lunch counters in the 1960s, NPR's Juan Williams trumpeted her "right to speak" and her "act of conscience" and CBS's Bob Schieffer characterized the prisons as what "scares" him and claimed the "CIA fired an agent" just "for hanging out" with a reporter.

On ABC's This Week, Donaldson asserted: "Remember the great American saying, 'disobedience to tyranny is disobedience to God.' In this case it was something that clearly I think most Americans would agree is not what we want to do, secret prisons, the right of detention not being open to public scrutiny. I mean, I think exposing something like that does not hurt us. It helps us." Former Washington Post reporter Juan Williams, now with NPR, contended on Fox News Sunday that since "she's an American citizen, she has a right to speak out." Confronted by host Chris Wallace, "You don't really believe that there's any justification for what she did. You don't really?", Williams proclaimed: "Yes, I do....If she felt that this was a violation of our principles as a country and was untenable in terms of her conscience working for the U.S. government, why shouldn't she act?" Schieffer maintained in his end of the show commentary on Face the Nation that "it's not the leakers, it's what they're leaking that scares me. After all, why should a democracy be operating secret prisons? If the government hadn't told us they exist, can we ever be sure who might wind up inside them? Isn't finding out stuff like that what reporters are supposed to do?"

More @ mediaresearch

While I have many issues with Bush & Co over the border, spending, etc I have no issue with these 'so called' secret prisons. What ever the US is doing to terrorists is not a patch to what I would do to them.

People who work for the Fed's and 'leak' material to the media are 'unhelpful' to say the least. All this blather about democracy in a nation that has never been a democracy (The US is a representative republic and always has been. The word 'democracy' in not mentioned in the US Constitution and the Founding Fathers would have been horrified to hear this nation described as a democracy) is laughable, as is the part about who might be imprisoned next. If the Fed's don't even bother to lock up the 'leaker's' then how great can the danger be?

This story is of course all the rage because MSM is all het up about it. However a 'real danger lurks' just across the Rio Grande River and of course MSM isn't worried about that!

Dissident President

Dissident President George W. Bush has the courage to speak out for freedom. BY NATAN SHARANSKY Monday, April 24, 2006 12:01 a.m. EDT

There are two distinct marks of a dissident. First, dissidents are fired by ideas and stay true to them no matter the consequences. Second, they generally believe that betraying those ideas would constitute the greatest of moral failures. Give up, they say to themselves, and evil will triumph. Stand firm, and they can give hope to others and help change the world.
Political leaders make the rarest of dissidents. In a democracy, a leader's lifeline is the electorate's pulse. Failure to be in tune with public sentiment can cripple any administration and undermine any political agenda. Moreover, democratic leaders, for whom compromise is critical to effective governance, hardly ever see any issue in Manichaean terms. In their world, nearly everything is colored in shades of gray.

That is why President George W. Bush is such an exception. He is a man fired by a deep belief in the universal appeal of freedom, its transformative power, and its critical connection to international peace and stability. Even the fiercest critics of these ideas would surely admit that Mr. Bush has championed them both before and after his re-election, both when he was riding high in the polls and now that his popularity has plummeted, when criticism has come from longstanding opponents and from erstwhile supporters.

With a dogged determination that any dissident can appreciate, Mr. Bush, faced with overwhelming opposition, stands his ideological ground, motivated in large measure by what appears to be a refusal to countenance moral failure.

More @ opinionjournal

IMO Bush's stance on anything has nothing to do with morals. It has however all to do with not admitting you're wrong and cutting your losses and regrouping with a better plan of attack. It's all about a stubborn refusal to admit you're wrong and that is not a good thing. Outside of the abortion issue, the tax cuts, and two Supreme Court appointments (And we still don't know how they will turn out) Bush has exhibited no Conservative traits. Spending is out of control. the Mexican border is out of control, Iraq is still out of control, and Rummy is still laying on the b/s.

Bush seems to have it in his head that because this is his 2nd term and he's a lame-duck he can do as he damn well pleases. I say here and now that the American voters are going to show Mr. Bush in November who's really in control. We'll see how that last two years of the Bush administration goes when the Democrat's have control one one or both houses of Congress.

Turnout Is Destiny

Turnout Is Destiny
Karl Rove's new assignment is to get the faithful to the polls.
by Fred Barnes
05/01/2006, Volume 011, Issue 31

NOW THAT HE'S BACK IN the elections business, Karl Rove has a huge task on his hands: assuring strong Republican voter turnout. At the moment, Republicans are in a funk. And their dejected mood may presage a low turnout in the midterm election on November 7. Should a large number of Republican voters sit this one out, Republicans could lose control of one or both houses of Congress. It's when Republicans are either inspired or angry that they show up in large numbers and win elections. So Rove, along with Republican national chairman Ken Mehlman, has the job of shaping issues that will make Republicans angry or inspired, or both.

There's one big problem--two, actually. First, Rove's magic won't affect the biggest issues dogging the Bush presidency and causing Republicans to be disheartened: Iraq and rising gas prices. But the second problem--President Bush's sagging job approval among Republicans--is one that Rove can address by emphasizing policies that appeal to Republicans and by creating strong fears of a Democratic takeover.

Let's be clear about turnout. It matters enormously. The sweeping Republican defeat following Watergate in 1974 was only indirectly related to the scandal. The Democratic landslide was directly attributable to the diminished Republican turnout that resulted from Watergate-induced dejection among Republicans.

More recently, the turnout factor has been the single greatest influence on midterm elections. In 1990, 27.4 million Americans voted for Republican House candidates, and the party lost 8 seats. In 1994, however, the Republican turnout jumped to 36.3 million, and the party captured
52 House seats. It dipped in 1998 to 32 million, prompting a loss of 5 seats. But in 2002 it soared to 37 million, and Republicans won 8 House seats.

More @ weeklystandard

Rove may be able to get the Republican faithful to the polls, but that won't save the Republican's. When Republican turnout at the polls spikes that's the result of non-Republican Conservatives like myself voting Republican. The Republican's IMO have squandered their pull with non-Republican Conservatives. Many of these non-Republican Conservatives will either stay home come November or will vote for other than Republican's. The level of anger that I feel toward Republican's in general over what I feel is/was a betrayal of what they professed to believe can not be expressed in words. As I've say before, "Paybacks are hell when you're on the receiving end."

New Poll

New poll in my sidebar. In the last poll 60% of those who voted believe that the Republicans will lose control of Congress this coming November as opposed to 40% who do not believe that will happen.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

When you're in orbit, which way is Mecca?

When you're in orbit, which way is Mecca?
12:14 21 April 2006 news service
Kelly Young

Malaysia's National Space Agency is trying to determine how its astronaut candidates will practice Islam in space. Three of its four astronaut candidates are Muslim, and two will be selected for a future Russian space flight.

Once in their orbiting spacecraft, they will circle the Earth once every 90 minutes. Traditionally, Muslims pray five times per day, at times connected to the position of the Sun in the sky. This will make prayer observance a challenge if they accept a "day" as being just 90 minutes long.

A similar problem occurs for Muslims who live close to Earth's polar regions where there are long periods of daylight or darkness. Islamic legal scholars traditionally say that in such situations, a Muslim should pray as they would at a particular, relatively high latitude, even if they venture nearer the poles.

"Any legal scholar advising these astronauts would have to simply pick various times that would roughly correspond to their morning, noon, afternoon, sunset and night prayers," says Alan Godlas, a professor of religion at the University of Georgia, US.

More @ newscientist

Yeah this is a real pressing problem that deserves the most urgent attention! Can't have the 'Moonie Loonies' confused on which way the big black rock is!

Islamists’ message to Israel at New York City rally: "The mushroom cloud is on its way!"

Islamists’ message to Israel at New York City rally: "The mushroom cloud is on its way!"
By Steven Emerson

Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT) Newswire - April 21, 2006 : The Queens-based Islamic Thinkers Society (ITS) held a rally yesterday outside of the Israeli Consulate in Manhattan. Members of the Islamic Thinkers Society are easily identified by their Khilafah flags and provocative signs as well as rhetoric against homosexuals, Jews, Christians, Danes and others, depending on the hot button issue at the moment. Yesterday's rally was held in response to Monday’s Tel Aviv bombing that killed 9 and injured scores. While carrying signs including “Islam will Dominate” with a picture of an Islamic flag over the White House, the small but loud group of men chanted threatening slogans (video of the rally will be posted on the Counterterrorism Blog soon):

Leader (in Arabic): With our blood and our lives we will liberate al Aqsa!
[The rest also respond in Arabic:] With our blood and our lives we will liberate al Aqsa!
Israeli Zionists What do you say? The real Holocaust is on its way
Response: Allahu Akbar!
Response: Allahu Akbar!

Israeli Zionists, What do you say?
How many women have you raped today?
Israeli Zionists, What do you say?
How many children have you killed today?

Zionists, Zionists You will pay! The Wrath of Allah is on its way!
Israeli Zionists You shall pay! The Wrath of Allah is on its way!
The mushroom cloud is on its way! The real Holocaust is on its way!

We are not your average Muslims, We are the Muslims of Was al Sunnah

We will not accept the United Nations, they are the criminals themselves
They get paid by the Israeli and the US government to do their job.
We don’t recognize United Nations as a body
We only recognize Allah

Israel won’t last long… Indeed, Allah will repeat the Holocaust right on the soil of Israel
Response: Allahu Akbar!

Hat tip and more @ Counterterrorism

So what makes anyone think we're no going to have to destroy these moon-bat Troglodytes right down to the last man. woman, and babe in swaddling clothes? You can't deal with the deluded and Muslims are all deluded by that filthy cult called Islam and there non-existent god called Allah.

New Bin Laden Audio Tape

New Bin Laden Audio Tape
Update 3: Welcome readers of Michelle Malkin. Reuters has this to add. We wouldn’t be crusading against militant Islam if militant Islam wasn’t crusading against humanity.

“This is a crusader-Zionist war,” said the speaker who sounded like the Saudi-born militant in the tape aired on Al Jazeera television.
“And they (Western leaders) do not want a truce unless it is from our side only … they insist on continuing their crusader campaign against our nation and to loot our wealth,” bin Laden said.

Update 2: Join the conversation on Free Republic.

Update: New AP Article says the following:
“The blockade which the West is imposing on the government of Hamas proves that there is a Zionist crusader war on Islam,” the speaker on the tape said.

Al-Jazeera has now aired a portion of an audio tape of Osama Bin Laden. This tape is the first communication from Bin Laden since January, and he goes into several more current issues. Of course, the cartoon controversy comes into play, Hamas is talked about, and he even talks the crisis in Darfur. The Islamofascists are massacring people in Sudan, but Bin Laden blames the Christians.

Hat tip and more @ Right on the Right

Tapes and video are easy to fake given today's technology. I want the S.O.B. to appear on live television or address a crowd some place in the sand-box before I believe he's alive. I think he's dead and his moldering bones are in some cave in the Toro Boro mountains. Don't tell me what Intel has to say about this because the Intel boys and girls can't find their own feet in their own shoes!

Immigration Foes Racist, Some Say

Immigration Foes Racist, Some Say
Skip directly to the full story.
The Associated Press

Published: Apr 22, 2006
MEXICO CITY - U.S. citizens want to stop illegal migrants from entering their country because they are racist, according to 43 percent of Mexicans interviewed for a poll published Thursday.

An additional 70 percent said they think Mexicans emigrate to the United States because of a lack of jobs in Mexico, and 79 percent said they would be in favor of legalizing millions of undocumented migrants in the United States.

The poll was sponsored by the Mexican newspaper El Universal and The Dallas Morning News. It was conducted through interviews with 1,491 adults April 5-8 and had a margin of error of plus or minus 2.5 percentage points.

Also, 76 percent of the poll's respondents said it should not be a crime to remain in the United States without documents, and 89 percent did not think a wall would help stop migration.

The Associated Press

Actually I agree with one point in this slanted poll. A wall won't keep all the 'illegal invaders' out. however its a start until we can get 'shoot on sight orders issued' and the border guarded by regular military units.

I fail to see how its racist to want to protect your country from 'illegal invaders'. Even if you apply the racist tag how does that change the fact that 'illegal invaders' are just that 'illegal' and hence have committed crime. And if the stats are anything to go by the 'illegal act' of entering this nation is just the first in a long line of 'other illegal acts' that these invaders commit.

I'll be blunt so there is no room for error. I don't want any 'illegals' in this nation from any where. I don't like them, they're criminals, and they're problems aren't Americas or Americans fault. Let them clean up their own house rather then destroy my house.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Rats Trained To Sniff Out Bombs, Mines

Rats Trained To Sniff Out Bombs, Mines
POSTED: 8:39 am EDT April 21, 2006
UPDATED: 8:47 am EDT April 21, 2006
BOGOTA, Colombia. -- Police in Colombia are training Lola and Espejo, two whiskered, red-eyed rats, to sniff out bombs and land mines.

The rodents are part of an experimental six-rat squadron that police are preparing for dangerous missions to defuse the more than 100,000 land mines that litter Colombia's countryside after four decades of war between the government and leftist rebels.
IMAGES: More strange stories, images

Unlike dogs, rats weighing less than half a pound each and "don't trigger any explosions when they walk on a mine," said Col. Javier Cifuentes, director of the Sibate police academy, where basic training is taking place.

More @

Eureka! Someone had finally found a use for retired politicians or even those politicians currently in prison.

Jail toilets face away from Mecca

Jail toilets face away from Mecca

Facilities in a prison are being built so Muslim inmates do not have to face Mecca while sitting on the toilet.

The Home Office said two new toilet blocks are being installed as part of a refurbishment at Brixton jail in south London.

Faith leaders had told prison bosses it was unacceptable for Muslim inmates to face Mecca while using the toilet.

"The refurbishment has been carried out with due consideration for all faiths", a Home Office spokeswoman said.

More @ BBC

Yeah you wouldn't want to sit on the throne and gaze South Eastward to that huge cat box called Saudi Arabia.

Is it just me or have some people gone so far around the bend they can see up their own asses?

The Cartoon Wars Are Over 'We Lost'

The Cartoon Wars Are Over
We lost.
by Duncan Currie
05/01/2006, Volume 011, Issue 31

"EVER SINCE THOSE CARTOONS in Denmark, the rules have changed. Nobody shows an image of Muhammad anymore." When a character on the animated TV show South Park made that avowal a few weeks ago, he could easily have been speaking for media outlets across Europe and North America. This past winter's Cartoon Jihad occasioned far fewer robust defenses of press freedom than it did craven surrenders to the threats of radicals. Now, even South Park, Comedy Central's irreverent powerhouse, has felt the backlash.

Sometime in March, South Park creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker approached network executives with their idea for an episode satirizing the Danish cartoon spat. Could they depict the Muslim prophet Muhammad on screen? No way, came the immediate reply. True, Comedy Central had allowed South Park to broadcast a Muhammad character five years earlier, in the episode "Super Best Friends." But that episode debuted on July 4, 2001--just before the 9/11 terrorist attacks. "A lot changed two months later," one source close to the show told me, explaining the network's decision. "It's a vastly different world that we live in right now." Yes: a world where terrorists apparently have veto power over American television.

Stone and Parker did not take Comedy Central's censorship lightly. They made the two "Cartoon Wars" episodes an acerbic rebuke to the network. At the moment Muhammad is poised to appear, the screen goes black, and a brief message announces that Comedy Central "has refused to broadcast" the prophet's image. When the censored episodes aired--on

April 5 and April 12--the blogosphere erupted with scathing indictments of the network's pusillanimity. Many conservatives also found a new reason to appreciate Stone and Parker's talents. "I'm not a fan of South Park," wrote Michelle Malkin after the April 5 show. "But the emails I've been getting all day from South Park viewers about last night's episode just might change my mind."

More @ weeklystandard

Well some of y'all may have lost, but I didn't. See below.

UK: Easter poster banned, might "offend people"

UK: Easter poster banned, might "offend people"
Three guesses as to which people such a poster might offend -- especially since the Christians in question are Iranian. "Ban on Easter poster criticised," from The Church of England Newspaper, with thanks to Teri:
Religious leaders, including an aide to the Archbishop of York, have slammed a council’s ban on the advertising of an Easter passion play — because of fears that it would offend other religious groups. Christian ministers labelled as “over sensitive” and “discrimination against Christians” Rotherham Council’s ban of a poster advertising the event from its main town library.

Iranian members of a local Methodist church wanted to advertise their open-air play staged in Rotherham town centre on Good Friday, Easter Eve and Easter Day. But council officials vetoed the idea on the grounds that it could be “prejudicial”. The 100-strong group at Doncaster’s Hexthorpe Methodist Church has separate Bible studies in Iranian but all members attend English language church services on Sundays. English-born Elizabeth Collins, 44, a Bible teacher with the group, who was formerly married to an Iranian, said: “One of our members wanted to put up a poster in the library but officials said it might cause offence to other people. We can only imagine they mean other religions.
“The poster just has a cross on it, with the dates, times and place of the performance and says: ‘Iranian Christian Drama’. What offence can that cause to anyone? This is supposed to be a Christian country. We go to other countries to promote democracy, yet on our own doorstep we can’t even put up a poster about an Easter passion play.” The Rev John Barton, acting press officer to the Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu, said: “This is clearly a case of over-sensitivity. Everyone I know who practises a faith other than Christianity is opposed to the repression of the Christian faith in this country. Who was behind this decision? It sounds to me like a tired old agnostic. But I wish them a happy Easter all the same.” A Lord’s Day Observance Society spokesman said the move was “discrimination against Christians.”

A council spokesman said: “We have had a policy in place for over 20 years that religious groups are not allowed to display posters. It is nothing against any particular church or group. It is a blanket ban which applies to all religious, political and commercial groups.”
Yeah, surrrre.Posted by Robert at April 20, 2006

Hat tip to Dhimmi Watch for this

Never ends does it? Always afraid of offending someone in the UK and we're no better in this country. Rabbits figures had to be removed from offices in MN because someone might be offended. Illegals don't want to be called what they are, illegal. Don't fly the 'Stars & Bars' the blacks might be offended. Don't say the words 'spaz', 'cripple', 'short', 'retarded', 'ugly', 'rag-head' 'blind', or any gender specif word. And here is another link detailing more politically correct bullshit, .

I say offend them all and give them something to whine about. I say what I mean, use the correct word and if that offends some people, gee that's sooooo sad! We'll have a pity party the 2nd Monday in next week!

Friday, April 21, 2006

Religion of Peace Purity Test

I've been remiss in my 'Islam bashing' of late with all this attention on the 'Illegal Mexican Invaders', so here is a small offering in the spirit of 'Islam Bashing.'

New Evidence (Remember Fridays Are For Fun)

This is satire and no birds were hurt in fooling with this cartoon!

Perspective: The Real ID rebellion

Perspective: The Real ID rebellion
By Declan McCullagh -->
Published: April 17, 2006, 4:00 AM PDT

See all Perspectives
In 1775, New Hampshire was the first colony to declare its independence from oppressive laws and taxes levied by the British crown.
Now it may become the first state to declare its independence from an oppressive digital ID law concocted in Washington, D.C.

New Hampshire's House of Representatives has overwhelmingly approved a remarkable bill, HB 1582, that would prohibit the state from participating in the national ID card system that will be created in 2008. A state Senate vote is expected as early as next week.

The federal law in question is the Real ID Act (here's our FAQ on the topic) that was glued on to a military spending and tsunami relief bill last year. Because few politicians are courageous enough to be seen as opposing tsunami aid, the measure sailed through the U.S. Senate by a 100-0 vote and navigated its way through the House 368 votes to 58.
Unless states issue new, electronically readable ID cards that adhere to federal standards, the law says, Americans will need a passport to do everyday things like travel on an airplane, open a bank account, sign up for Social Security or enter a federal building.

Video: New Hampshire says no to IDs Rep. Neal Kurk talks about the state's likely declaration of independence from Washington.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security is currently devising regulations for these federalized ID cards. One possibility is that the "electronically readable" requirement will be satisfied by embedding a radio frequency identification (RFID) chip. (They'll already be appearing in U.S. passports starting in starting in October.)

More @

To misquote the phrase from the long lost War On Drugs, "JUST SAY NO TO FEDERAL I.D. CARDS!"

Los Angeles Times Yanks Columnist's Blog

Los Angeles Times Yanks Columnist's Blog
Hiltzik Accused of Using Pseudonyms

By Howard Kurtz
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, April 21, 2006; Page C07

The Los Angeles Times suspended the blog of one of its top columnists last night, saying he violated the paper's policy by posting derogatory comments under an assumed name.

The paper said in an online editor's note that Michael Hiltzik, a Pulitzer Prize winner who writes the Golden State column, had admitted posting remarks on both his Times blog and on other Web sites under names other than his own. The Times said it is investigating the matter. Editor Dean Baquet declined comment, and Hiltzik said he could not comment.

The deceptive postings grew out of a running feud between Hiltzik and conservative bloggers in Southern California. One is Hugh Hewitt, a radio talk show host and blogger. The other is an assistant Los Angeles district attorney named Patrick Frey, who maintains a blog under the name Patterico's Pontifications.

More @ www.washingtonpost

And this man is a Pulitzer Prize winner! This is what you would expect of some forums that will remain nameless or a blog called, "Original Liberal Ideas." However most amateur bloggers like myself would not stoop to this childish behavior. This is another in a growing list of 'MSM reporters' who do not have any professional mores and should be blackballed from any media positions PDQ.

Sock puppets indeed!

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