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Sunday, May 21, 2006


It's time for the gloves to be taken off and the steel fist shown and used. I submit that a state of war exists between the United States of America and the Republic of Mexico and has for some time.

Fact: Mexico refuses to make any effort to halt the invasion of the US by their nationals.

Fact: Mexican police and military units have been seen and reported as being seen on the US side of the border.

Fact: The Mexican government has provided maps and other assistance to invaders moving into the US.

Fact: The invasion of the US by Mexican foreign nationals is an instrument of the Mexican governments foreign policy and a blatant attempt to win back territory lost in the Mexican American war.

Fact: Mexico has taken hostile action against American soil and the American people. This is something that Iraq never did and yet we attacked Iraq not once, but twice.

I demand that the President Bush call for a declaration of war against Mexico and that Congress approve that declaration . We have been in a de facto state of war with Mexico for quite sometime now, lets make it official!
