The majority is wrong about Bush
The majority is wrong about Bush
President Bush’s approval rating is pretty low. He is behind car salesmen, but still ahead of journalists and Congress. A recent Gallup Poll found that only 37 percent of the public approves of the job he is doing as president.
Picky, picky, picky.
Now George W. Bush is too nice to say this, but maybe the problem is with the American people. We are a nation of ingrates.
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Let me give you an example. The New York Times painstakingly examined the investment tax break and came up with a list of the counties that benefited most from this change in policy.
Among the chief beneficiaries was Marin County, Calif., outside of San Francisco.
How did Marin County voters show their appreciation? In 2004, 73 percent voted for John Kerry and 25 percent voted for Bush.
Come to think of it, the five most affluent states — Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Maryland and New York — all voted for Kerry.
At the other end of the scale, all 10 of the poorest states went with Bush in 2004.
Increasing the child tax credit to $1,000 and ending the marriage penalty helped drop taxes by an average of $1,083 in 2003 for the nation’s 92 million taxpayers.
And people saw the results in other ways. The unemployment rate shrank from 6.3 percent in 2003 to 5.1 percent in 2005 to 4.7 percent last month.
Continue 1 2 3 @ Gazettemail Charleston,West Virginia
Yeah right you're at 37% approval rating and the other 63% of the people have their heads up their collective asses. This is whistling while walking past the cemetery late at night at its finest. While Bush seemed to be a better than average president during his first term the 'real Bush' has come forth in his second term. Like his father before him GW has proved to me he's an 'empty suit' and nothing more than a figurehead for the international 'money men'. GW's handlers played it to a fine point during GW's first term and now that GW is a 'lame duck' the gloves have come off and its, "The hell with the voters! Who they hell are voters to demand anything, we don't need no stinking voters!" And it will be that way until the 'money men' run out another empty suit in the near future and again begin to pander for votes.
Fie on all politicians and the 'money men' who always pull the strings!
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