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Sunday, April 02, 2006

Is Global Warming Getting Colder?

Is Global Warming Getting Colder?
Written by Alan Caruba
Sunday, April 02, 2006

The first thing we have to do is fire all the reporters, editors, and headline writers who do not have a clue about “global warming,” except that it scares the hell out of readers and sells newspapers.

In late March, my local daily newspaper carried an Associated Press article by Randolph E. Schmid with a headline, “Global Warming Warns Earth of a Sea Change.” It ran the story across six columns and threw in a photo of the Greenland ice sheet.

Such stories are best distinguished by how many times the words “probably,” “may,” and “could” occur in the body of the text. These are very slippery words used by so-called scientists trying to justify their latest “findings.” If you look for something hard enough, you are bound to find some signs, some indicators, or some intimations that something is happening or about to happen. Every day people find a reason to buy stocks whose value disappears for unforeseen reasons.

Schmid began his article with his opinion that “The Earth is already shaking beneath melting ice as rising temperatures threaten to shrink polar glaciers and raise sea levels around the world.” You had to read to the end of the second paragraph to learn that he was proclaiming all this would occur thanks to “new research appearing in today’s issue of the journal Science.” The only problem is that this pathetic excuse for a scientific publication has been banging the global warming drum for so long, that its editors are desperate to publish anything to support the theory.

At this point, all of us have been deluged with “research” that is cited as proof of global warming, ranging from the migration of a few thousand feet by some furry creatures in a national park to the momentary melting of snow on some African mountaintop. At no time is the activity of the sun ever mentioned, nor is the increased volcanic activity in the earth’s oceans, nor the fact that no one knows why clouds do what they do.

More @ chronwatch

New information 'suggests'. New 'models' predict. Revisited information now 'reveals'. And so on in nauseating repetitious monotony.

Might I suggest that the entire subject of 'Global Warming is over .' 'Government and private grants' go to the squeaky wheels, so tis best you squeak as loud as possible.
