Students Kick Military Recruiters Off UC Santa Cruz
Students Kick Military Recruiters Off UC Santa Cruz
Submitted by studentsagainstwar on Tue, 04/11/2006 - 1:37pm.
CONTACT: Students Against War’s ad-hoc press team:
Students Kick Military Recruiters Off UC Santa Cruz Military Prevented from Recruiting for Third Straight Job Fair SANTA CRUZ, CA – It’s been over a year and a half since the military has been able to effectively recruit on this UC campus as all their attempts have been met by mass student actions. Today, in spite of the pouring rain and administrative attempts to stifle students’ free speech, Students Against War (SAW) organized over 150 students to march from the center of campus to the job fair, where they nonviolently prevented access to military recruiters through sit-ins and other measures. After about an hour and a half of negotiations and students’ refusal to back down, military recruiters left the job fair.
The students’ first victory appeared early in the day, as administrators separated military recruiters from other employers, allowing the protesters to block access to the military, while the remainder of the job fair continued. This separation was the only one of SAW’s proposals for protecting free speech to be adopted by administrators, who still banned media from the event.
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Also see the Solomon Amendment
I'm posting this in response to the hoo haw created because of the following.
(In their press release, they included their contact information which Michelle Malkin, among other people, posted.
Well, these goofs at Students Against War are apparently as dumb as they are unpatriotic, because they seem to be shocked, shocked I tell you, that they've received angry and threatening emails and phone calls after what they did.
Moreover, these morons and various liberal blogs, irrationally picked Michelle out of the hat and blamed her for the death threats SAW received despite the fact that SAW's email and phone numbers are still posted all over the web. Hat tip to RWN for the excerpt in parentheses.)
These unpatriotic twits are in violation of US law as well as being dumber than a post. Anyone who treats the military the way these people at SAW do are, 'Beyond The Pale'. I would have posted names, addresses, phone numbers, and pictures if I had them. These people deserve no sympathy and I have nothing but contempt for them. The shoe is on the other foot now and it seems that is doesn't fit so well.
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