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Thursday, March 09, 2006

Basti Says

Basti Says

confess to being one confused conservative. 'Where's the beef?"


I always thought of Bush as a good, decent man who acted on his principles. In that respect he was just what the doctor ordered after the “whatever it takes,” unprincipled, approach of the Clintons. I never saw Bush as a master political strategist. In fact, he was flawed by naively thinking that his decency could win over hopeless derelicts like Teddy Kennedy. You don’t have to be a political wizard to realize the hopelessness of that task. However, since things went so well for so long, I assumed that development of political strategies was being handled masterfully by Cheney and Karl Rove. Here lately, I am not so sure that is the case. I do not see any sort of recognizable strategy emerging from the administration. The administration is even being pummeled by other conservatives over the lack of an immigration policy, the proliferation of big government spending, and abandonment of conservative principles in general. Harriet Miers was an in-house disaster, corrected only after it became an embarrassment. The Dubai/ports deal looks like an unforunate encore. The “never give an inch” Democrat leadership has been successful in dumping the blame on Bush for Katrina, ridiculous though that may be. They made more of the “Bush lied, people died” line than it deserved and that most thought possible. They managed to make Scooter Libby and Cheney sound like traitors over the Plame non-story. With the help of the MSM, Cheney’s handling of the shooting accident was used to again ding the reputation of the administration. The latest is that Bush personally killed any meaningful investigation into the death of Pat Tillman. I told you they were sick with hate. The Republican leadership in the House and the Senate are totally ineffective in countering the continual, aggressive, insulting attacks by the Democrat leadership. Are they afraid of Harry and Nancy? Some Republicans members are an embarrassment, like Specter, for example. What do we see Bush doing about all this? He visits India and Pakistan. Now, I’m sure in normal times that would be a good idea, but not while the barn is on fire. To a political novice like me, it seems the Republican ship is afloat without a rudder. I’m not smart enough to tell if all this leads to a Democrat victory in the next election. However, the lack of Republican leadership inevitably makes that more likely. Most worrying of all, I don’t understand why it is happening. One assumes that each party always has a leadership plan in play, for better or worse, that produces a strategy and an action plan. In the case of the Republicans, I don’t see it happening. Luckily, the Democrats don’t have a strategy either, but that is not a comforting answer to the lack of leadership on our side. ********************************

For my part I don't think real Conservatives are confused or have come adrift. We know what we want; less spending, close the Mex border, either fight the WOT or give up, and far less cronyism in the USG. Most Repub's I feel are not true Conservatives just as Bush & Co aren't. Rebub's are Dem Lite at best and in some cases worse than that. I've had more than enough of Repub's & Dem's pissing down the back of my neck and telling me its raining. The truth is not in either party and maybe it never was.

I know one thing very well. This nation has major problems and not one damn person in power is doing a damn thing to fix them. The 'spin machines' keep spinning and things get worse by the hour. It's not to late to fix things, however the time draw'th nigh that it will be far to late to fix things. And then what? A military junta I'm guessing.
